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Newbridge E-Sports GT3's At Watkins Glen

Hosted by CRN eSports ACC on PC
P Standings Vehicle Pen R1 PTS
1 4,288 · semi-pro GT3 89 BMW M4 GT3 1 32 32
🇬🇧 Alexa Gates 3,802
GT3 35 Mercedes-AMG GT3 ...
3,802 · semi-pro GT3 35 Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 2 31 31
3 3,456 · intermediate GT3 59 BMW M4 GT3 3 30 30
🇸🇪 Victor Nordqvist 2,751
GT3 137 AMR V8 Vantage
2,751 · intermediate GT3 137 AMR V8 Vantage 4 29 29
🇸🇪 Andreas Karlsson 3,987
GT3 34 AMR V8 Vantage
3,987 · semi-pro GT3 34 AMR V8 Vantage 5 28 28
🇸🇪 Mikael Sundström 4,944
GT3 899 AMR V8 Vantage
4,944 · semi-pro GT3 899 AMR V8 Vantage 6 27 27
7 2,957 · intermediate GT3 9 BMW M4 GT3 7 26 26
🇦🇹 Markus Fox 3,964
GT3 67 Porsche 991II GT3 R
3,964 · semi-pro GT3 67 Porsche 991II GT3 R 8 25 25
Konstantin Soldatov 6,190
GT3 911 BMW M4 GT3
6,190 · pro GT3 911 BMW M4 GT3 9 24 24
🇳🇱 Adam Silva 3,751
GT3 888 AMR V8 Vantage
3,751 · semi-pro GT3 888 AMR V8 Vantage 10 23 23
🇸🇪 Niclas Nordqvist 2,185
GT3 138 AMR V8 Vantage
2,185 · rookie GT3 138 AMR V8 Vantage 11 22 22
🇬🇧 Luke Francis 3,755
GT3 297 AMR V8 Vantage
3,755 · semi-pro GT3 297 AMR V8 Vantage 12 21 21
🇬🇧 Darren King 4,818
GT3 38 AMR V8 Vantage
4,818 · semi-pro GT3 38 AMR V8 Vantage 13 20 20
🇺🇸 Kyle Ragsdale 2,570
GT3 24 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
2,570 · intermediate GT3 24 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 14 19 19
🇺🇸 Colby Ragsdale 2,318
GT3 428 McLaren 720S GT3
2,318 · intermediate GT3 428 McLaren 720S GT3 15 18 18
🇬🇧 Matt Hunt 2,155
GT3 47 Bentley Continent...
2,155 · rookie GT3 47 Bentley Continental GT3 2018 16 17 17
🇬🇧 Andre Dixon-Chen 3,537
GT3 64 Porsche 991II GT3 R
3,537 · semi-pro GT3 64 Porsche 991II GT3 R 17 16 16
Andrey Chasnikov 1,696
GT3 27 Porsche 991II GT3 R
1,696 · rookie GT3 27 Porsche 991II GT3 R 18 15 15
19 1,957 · rookie GT3 79 BMW M4 GT3 19 14 14
20 2,459 · intermediate GT3 75 BMW M4 GT3 20 13 13
🇬🇧 Chris Wright 2,418
GT3 128 McLaren 720S GT3
2,418 · intermediate GT3 128 McLaren 720S GT3 21 12 12
🇬🇧 Simon Ekland 2,211
GT3 222 Mercedes-AMG GT3 ...
2,211 · rookie GT3 222 Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 22 11 11
🇬🇧 Kyle Kaiser 2,117
GT3 81 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,117 · rookie GT3 81 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 23 10 10
24 1,749 · rookie GT3 22 BMW M4 GT3 24 9 9
🇭🇰 Joe Share 3,120
GT3 549 BMW M4 GT3
3,120 · intermediate GT3 549 BMW M4 GT3 25 8 8
26 2,278 · intermediate GT3 288 BMW M4 GT3 26 7 7
🇬🇧 Rick Pink 1,998
GT3 15 McLaren 720S GT3
1,998 · rookie GT3 15 McLaren 720S GT3 27 6 6
🇩🇪 Thomas Ehrentraut 2,741
GT3 999 Honda NSX GT3 Evo
2,741 · intermediate GT3 999 Honda NSX GT3 Evo 28 5 5
🇹🇷 Ahmet Serdar Kargulu 2,958
GT3 25 Mercedes-AMG GT3 ...
2,958 · intermediate GT3 25 Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 29 4 4
🇮🇪 Tom Curtin 2,780
GT3 8 AMR V8 Vantage
2,780 · intermediate GT3 8 AMR V8 Vantage 30 3 3
🇮🇹 Emanuele Raggi 2,417
GT3 777 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,417 · intermediate GT3 777 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 31 2 2
🇳🇱 Carl van Hoorn 2,498
GT3 16 AMR V8 Vantage
2,498 · intermediate GT3 16 AMR V8 Vantage 32 1 1
🇬🇧 Paul Burnett 2,340
GT3 239 Lexus RC F GT3
2,340 · intermediate GT3 239 Lexus RC F GT3 41 0 0
34 2,140 · rookie GT3 129 BMW M4 GT3 44 0 0
35 2,781 · intermediate GT3 31 BMW M4 GT3 36 0 0
🇺🇸 Eric Kuo 2,199
GT3 308 Bentley Continent...
2,199 · rookie GT3 308 Bentley Continental GT3 2018 43 0 0
🇺🇸 Bootsy Calico 1,711
GT3 325 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
1,711 · rookie GT3 325 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 38 0 0
🇬🇧 Ethan Faulkner 3,757
GT3 56 Honda NSX GT3 Evo
3,757 · semi-pro GT3 56 Honda NSX GT3 Evo 37 0 0
🇧🇪 Arthur Noë 1,796
GT3 84 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
1,796 · rookie GT3 84 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo DSQ 0
40 2,703 · intermediate GT3 7 BMW M4 GT3 35 0 0
41 2,214 · rookie GT3 28 BMW M4 GT3 40 0 0
🇹🇷 Safa Kelkit 1,974
GT3 4 Audi R8 LMS Evo
1,974 · rookie GT3 4 Audi R8 LMS Evo 33 0 0
43 1,867 · rookie GT3 544 BMW M4 GT3 39 0 0
🇬🇧 Tom Bryant 2,949
GT3 404 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,949 · intermediate GT3 404 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 34 0 0
🇺🇸 mekhi rigby 1,925
GT3 46 Porsche 991II GT3 R
1,925 · rookie GT3 46 Porsche 991II GT3 R 42 0 0
46 2,546 · intermediate GT3 54 BMW M4 GT3 45 0 0
🇮🇹 Michael Comazzetto 2,240
GT3 913 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,240 · rookie GT3 913 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 5 DNS DNS -5
🇮🇹 Enrico Parise 1,915
GT3 77 AMR V8 Vantage
1,915 · rookie GT3 77 AMR V8 Vantage 5 DNS DNS -5
49 2,110 · rookie GT3 42 McLaren 720S GT3 5 DNS DNS -5
50 2,253 · intermediate GT3 722 BMW M4 GT3 5 DNS DNS -5
51 2,336 · intermediate GT3 83 BMW M4 GT3 5 DNS DNS -5
🇱🇺 Romain Cirelli 2,039
GT3 99 McLaren 720S GT3
2,039 · rookie GT3 99 McLaren 720S GT3 5 DNS DNS -5
Maksim Romaniuk 2,007
GT3 168 Honda NSX GT3
2,007 · rookie GT3 168 Honda NSX GT3 5 DNS DNS -5
🇳🇱 Jordi Mai 2,276
GT3 666 McLaren 720S GT3
2,276 · intermediate GT3 666 McLaren 720S GT3 5 DNS DNS -5
🇬🇧 Kieran Prendergast 4,175
GT3 10 Honda NSX GT3 Evo
4,175 · semi-pro GT3 10 Honda NSX GT3 Evo 5 DNS DNS -5
56 2,134 · rookie GT3 1 BMW M4 GT3 5 DNS DNS -5
🇹🇷 Berke Aras 1,991
GT3 277 Lamborghini Hurac...
1,991 · rookie GT3 277 Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 5 DNS DNS -5
58 1,692 · rookie GT3 21 Ferrari 488 GT3 5 DNS DNS -5
🇰🇪 Krrish vadgama 1,916
GT3 6 McLaren 720S GT3
1,916 · rookie GT3 6 McLaren 720S GT3 5 DNS DNS -5
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