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DRL North America GT3/M2 Multiclass Championship Season 9

Hosted by Delta Racing League ACC on PC
P Standings Vehicle Pen R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 PTS
🇫🇮 Pete Ruotsalainen 3,830
GT3 1 Porsche 991II GT3 R
3,830 · semi-pro GT3 1 Porsche 991II GT3 R 1 50 2 36 1·2 25·18 4 24 1·2 25·18 172
🇨🇴 Javier Marquez 3,311
GT3 49 McLaren 720S GT3
3,311 · intermediate GT3 49 McLaren 720S GT3 1 50 DNF·14 DNF·0 1 50 7·5 6·10 116
🇨🇱 Juan Peredo 1,903
GT3 6 McLaren 720S GT3
1,903 · rookie GT3 6 McLaren 720S GT3 4 24 9 4 2·5 18·10 5 20 5·3 10·15 97
🇺🇸 Matt Bern 3,936
GT3 332 McLaren 720S GT3
3,936 · semi-pro GT3 332 McLaren 720S GT3 2 36 3·1 15·25 76
🇺🇸 Tony Giordano 2,510
GT3 57 AMR V8 Vantage
2,510 · intermediate GT3 57 AMR V8 Vantage DSQ 2 36 15 0 4·1 12·25 73
🇺🇸 Andrew Cyr 2,276
GT3 410 Porsche 991II GT3 R
2,276 · intermediate GT3 410 Porsche 991II GT3 R 3 30 3 30 12·6 0·8 10 2 68
🇺🇸 Steve Poe 2,196
GT3 29 Porsche 991II GT3 R
2,196 · rookie GT3 29 Porsche 991II GT3 R 6 16 5 20 8·3 4·15 8 8 12·9 0·2 63
8 2,225 · rookie GT3 22 BMW M4 GT3 1 15 0 DNS DNS 7·10 6·1 6 16 4·4 12·12 47
🇨🇱 Matias Martinez 2,112
GT3 47 McLaren 720S GT3
2,112 · rookie GT3 47 McLaren 720S GT3 DSQ 1 DNS DNS 11 0 3·17 15·0 3 30 45
🇵🇹 André Alex. Afonso 2,410
GT3 999 Bentley Continent...
2,410 · intermediate GT3 999 Bentley Continental GT3 2018 7 12 8 8 5·11 10·0 7 12 13·10 0·1 42
🇨🇱 Edgardo Donoso 2,432
GT3 4 McLaren 720S GT3
2,432 · intermediate GT3 4 McLaren 720S GT3 1 DNS DNS 4 24 17·4 0·12 16 0 36
🇺🇸 Nathaniel Stuart 2,274
GT3 19 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
2,274 · intermediate GT3 19 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 10 2 6 16 9·7 2·6 15 0 8·12 4·0 30
🇺🇸 Alex Ishee 2,013
GT3 233 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
2,013 · rookie GT3 233 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 5 20 16·13 0·0 13 0 15·6 0·8 28
14 4,952 · semi-pro GT3 911 Porsche 991II GT3 R 2·8 18·4 22
🇬🇾 Timothy Jadubal 3,197
GT3 531 McLaren 720S GT3
3,197 · intermediate GT3 531 McLaren 720S GT3 18 0 16 0 14·8 0·4 9 4 10·7 1·6 15
🇨🇦 Orrin Fleischhacker 2,011
GT3 300 Audi R8 LMS Evo
2,011 · rookie GT3 300 Audi R8 LMS Evo 2 13 0 7 12 11·12 0·0 14 0 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 12
🇺🇸 Dustin Fletcher 2,377
GT3 21 Lamborghini Hurac...
2,377 · intermediate GT3 21 Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 2 12 0 6·9 8·2 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 8
🇺🇸 Bootsy Calico 1,711
GT3 325 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
1,711 · rookie GT3 325 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 1 11 0 6·DNS 8·DNS 7
🇺🇾 Sebastian Larghero 2,024
GT3 13 Lamborghini Hurac...
2,024 · rookie GT3 13 Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 6 8 8 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 4
🇺🇸 Landon Dinkel 1,979
GT3 311 Porsche 991II GT3 R
1,979 · rookie GT3 311 Porsche 991II GT3 R 11 0 12 0 9·13 2·0 2
21 2,150 · rookie GT3 93 BMW M4 GT3 9 4 10 2 11·11 0·0 0
🇨🇦 Glen Pineo 1,638
GT3 58 McLaren 720S GT3
1,638 · rookie GT3 58 McLaren 720S GT3 14 0 13 0 15·15 0·0 12 0 14·14 0·0 0
23 1,770 · rookie GT3 828 BMW M4 GT3 DSQ 1 16 0 DNS DNS 0
🇨🇦 Lenny Dyjkstra 1,968
GT3 42 McLaren 720S GT3
1,968 · rookie GT3 42 McLaren 720S GT3 1 17 0 14 0 18·18 0·0 DNS DNS 0
🇨🇦 Austin Ivall
GT3 67 Porsche 991II GT3 R
GT3 67 Porsche 991II GT3 R DSQ 0
🇨🇦 Andrew Worden 2,960
GT3 616 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,960 · intermediate GT3 616 Audi R8 LMS Evo II DSQ 0
🇨🇦 Josiah Clarke 2,033
GT3 26 McLaren 720S GT3
2,033 · rookie GT3 26 McLaren 720S GT3 DSQ 2 DNS DNS DNS DNS -1
🇨🇦 Calvin Chan 2,000
GT3 333 Honda NSX GT3 Evo
2,000 · rookie GT3 333 Honda NSX GT3 Evo DSQ 2 DNS DNS DNS DNS -1
🇺🇸 Dominic Zeoli 1,943
GT3 69 Porsche 991II GT3 R
1,943 · rookie GT3 69 Porsche 991II GT3 R 4 19 0 10·DNS 1·DNS DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -3
🇺🇸 Evan Toth 2,420
GT3 18 Honda NSX GT3 Evo
2,420 · intermediate GT3 18 Honda NSX GT3 Evo 3 20 0 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -3
🇨🇴 Motts 888 1,879
GT3 16 McLaren 720S GT3
1,879 · rookie GT3 16 McLaren 720S GT3 DSQ 3 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS -3
🇨🇱 Jonathan Salinas 1,926
GT3 81 McLaren 720S GT3
1,926 · rookie GT3 81 McLaren 720S GT3 3 13·16 0·0 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -3
33 1,671 · rookie GT3 113 BMW M4 GT3 5 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -5
Points based on dropping the worse result
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