For the full FRL Rules and Regulations click here FRL RULES & REGULATIONS
Pre Race
- Familiarise yourself with the FRL Rules and Regulation
- Read the Drivers Briefing before each round
- Server Settings change each race, and will be posted in the Announcements page on Discord
- Server Password will be changed each race weekend and will posted a few hours before the event
- Weather settings will be announced 3 days prior to the event and won't change
- One Shot Qualifying
- One out lap, One hot lap. (In lap may be done if you wish but you could be penalised for blocking)
- Drivers who run 2 hot laps or 2 out laps face a pit lane start or DSQ if you fail to start from the pit lane as well. (keep an eye out on Discord Chat for this information during the session)
- No Overtaking during qualifying. Please make sure you do not overtake any car on the outlap, or during the session. If you are a faster car you need to back out of your lap and leave yourself a gap. Overtakes will be punishable with Race Time Penalties
- Do not impede drivers if your on an outlap or if you have invalidated you lap
- Race Length: 45 minutes.
- Overtake responsibly and safely. If you are following its your responsibility to driver in a safe manner to the road ahead
- Incidents will happen, so if you are involved in an incident we advise all drivers to keep calm, regain your focus and carry on if possible. Please make sure you hold your brakes if your car is out of control. Penalties will be applied Post Race.
- Yellow Flags mean incident ahead, so be ready to slow down or even stop. Anyone who ignores this can face penalty sanctions
- Blue Flags are a warning to driver who are about to be lapped by the leaders. Blue Flag drivers must allow the fasters cars through on the straights and not in corners. Faster cars are to be aware they may lose time here when lapping slower cars
- Pit Lane Lines are to be respected. Anyone who is pitting and causes an incident as they have either not followed the correct procedure will face penalties. Driver Briefing announcements will let you know which tracks are monitored
Post Race
- Saving gameplay footage and in game replays. We advise all driver to have some form of footage for any Post Race penalties.
- Penalty Tickets are to be raised Post Race. At the end of the session a ticking system will be open for you to supply your footage, and information
- Off track collisions are not allowed. Please do not crash into other cars at the end of the race. Some people have Direct Drive wheels which can cause injury.