There will only be post-race stewarding at league events.
Stewards willreview incidents and a minimum of 2 stewards notinvolved in the incident MUST look at an incident before making a verdict. Stewardsmay change the verdict if a majority agrees.
Remember that ADMINS & STEWARDS are volunteer!
Drivers MUST signout in Discord if they are unable to participate in a race. If they fail tosign out for the races they will beremoved from the championship
Flags:.......................................................................................................................................... 1
Definitions:................................................................................................................................ 2
Article 1 (Causing a collision)................................................................................................... 3
Article 2 (Dive-bombing without collision)............................................................................... 4
Article 3 (Ignoring yellow flag)................................................................................................. 4
Article 4 (Losing control and not holding brakes)................................................................. 4
Article S (Illegal direction changes)......................................................................................... 5
Article 6 (Ignoring blue flags)................................................................................................... 5
Article 7 (Game given penalties).............................................................................................. 6
Article 8 (On track behavior).................................................................................................... 6
Article 9 (Racing incident)........................................................................................................ 6
Behavior Warning Points (BWP).............................................................................................. 7
BWP Points Tally:...................................................................................................................... 7
• Yellow flag: There is a hazard near or on track, be prepared to slow down and/or take evasive actions.Failure to do so will be penalized. (See article 3)
• Blue flag: Faster vehicle approaching, must allow car to pass. (see definitions)
• White flag: Slow car ahead and be cautious or it is the final lap of the race.
• Black and orange flag: Mechanical problem, must pit for repairs or be penalized. (See article 7)
1. Alongside: Being alongside another car is countedwhen the cars' wheels are in line with eachother. This includes: front wheel to rearwheel, rear to front and front to front.
2. Track limits are definedas the white line at the edge of the track.
3. Right to racing room: A car has a right toracing room when the car is alongsideat the turn in point tothe corner.
4. Crossing pit entry/pit exit line: The car entering/leaving the pitlane has to have at least 2 tireswithin the marked pit lines. Touching the line is consider leaving the pit lane.
5. Dive bomb: Attempting an overtakeinto a braking zone from 3 car lengths or morebehind the car ahead.
6. Unsafe rejoin: Rejoining the trackfrom outside the racing surface in a manner that is deemed dangerous orthat causes a collision.
1. A car causing a collision with another car will be penalized with a maximum time-penalty of 20 seconds
2. If the collision is caused as aresult of a dive-bomb, the divebombing car will be penalized with a maximum time-penaltyof 35 seconds.
3. If the collision is caused while ignoring yellow flagconditions, the car causing the collision will be penalized with a maximumtime-penalty of 35 seconds.
4. If the conductin article 4 section 1 results in a collision with another car, the carnot holding brakes will be penalized with a maximum
time-penalty of 20 seconds.
a. If the conduct in article 4 section1 results in a collision with multiple cars, the car not holding brakes will be penalized with a maximumtime-penalty of 25 seconds.
5. If the collision is caused onlap 1, the car causingthe collision will be penalized with a maximum time-penalty of25 seconds.
6. If the car causinga collision is under blue flag conditions,the car causing the collision will be penalized with a maximumtime-penalty of 35 seconds.
7. If the collision is caused as a result of an unsafe re-join, the car causing the collision will be penalized with amaximum time-penalty of 25 seconds.
8. If the car causingthe collision gaines a place itwill be penalized with a maximum penalty of 20 seconds
9. A car causing a collisionwith another car on purposewill be disqualified from the competition.
1. A car dive bombing where another car has to take avoiding action will be penalized with a maximumtime-penalty of 15 seconds.
2. Ifthe conduct in article 2 section 1 results in the dive bombing car gaining a position, the dive bombing car will be penalized with a maximum time-penalty of 20seconds
Article 3 (Ignoring yellow flag)
1. A car failing to slow down sufficientlytoavoid an incident will be penalized with a maximumtime penalty of 20 seconds.
2. If another car hastotake avoiding action, the car ignoringyellow flag conditions will be penalized with a maximumtime-penalty of 25 seconds.
3. Ifa car overtakes another car not involvedin the cause for the yellowflag, it will be penalized with amaximum time-penalty of 25 seconds.
1. A car losing control in traffic and not holding brakes in order to regain controlwill be penalizedwith a maximum time-penalty of 10 seconds.
2. If the conduct in article 4 section 1 results in another car having to take avoiding action, the car not holding brakes will be penalized with a maximum time-penalty of 15 seconds.
3. A car that rejoins in an unsafe manner will be penalizedwith a maximumtime- penalty of 15 seconds.
1. If a car drivingon a straightchanges direction more than once in order to try and breaka slip-stream, the car changing directionwillbe penalized with a maximumtime-penalty of 15 seconds.
2. If a car changes direction in the braking-zone in order to defend from another car, the car changing direction will be penalized with a maximum time-penalty of 20 seconds.
3. A car illegally blocking and/or swerving will be penalized with a maximum 20 secondsstop-and-go penalty.
1. Acar under blue flag conditions that is holdingup a faster car for more than areasonable amount will be penalized with a maximum time-penalty of 15 seconds.
2. If the blue flagged car holds up a faster car for the entirety of a full lap, the blue flagged car will be penalized with a drive-throughpenalty.
3. If the blue flagged car holds up a faster car for more than a full lap, the blue flagged car will be penalized with a 15 second stop-and-gopenalty.
4. A blue flagged car is allowed to un-lap itself if doing so does not hinder the leading car for more than a reasonable amount.
5. A blue flagged car is not required to let a faster car go if doing so would create a dangeroussituation.
6. A faster car is not allowedtoovertake a blue flagged car if doingso would create a dangerous situation.
7. Blue flagged cars are not allowed to overtakewhendoing so would hinder a faster car more than a reasonable amount.
1. A car that abusestrack limits will be penalizedwith a drive-through penalty.
2. A car that is in an incorrectposition at the race start or is speeding at race start,will be penalized with a drive-through penalty.
3. A car that speeds in the pitlane will be penalized with a 30 seconds stop- and-go penalty.
4. A car failing to pit for blackand orange flag within 3laps will be penalizedwith a drive through penalty.
5. A car that fails to serve a penaltyduring the race will be disqualified from the race.
6. A car failing to servea drive through penalty within 3 laps will be given astop and go 30 secondspenalty
7. A car failing to servea stop and go 30 secondpenalty within 3 laps will bedisqualified.
1. Starting out of positionin away that impedes another driver. Will be penalizedwith a maximum time penalty of 10 seconds
2. Driving in a manner that is deemed dangerous.Will be penalized with a time penaltyof 15 seconds.
3. Intentionally taking out trackmarkers such as, but not limited to: Brake markers, pit entry and exit marks. This will be penalized with a maximum penalty of a stop and go 30 seconds.
4. A car that forces another car to go off track will be penalized with a maximum time-penalty of 15 seconds.
5. A car that leaves the track and gains a lasting advantage will be penalizedwith a maximum time-penalty of 15seconds.
6. A car has to follow the pit entry and pit exit lines.Crossing these lines will bepunished with a maximum time penalty of 10 seconds. (5 secondsfor entry, 5 seconds for exit.)
7. The rain light has to be turned on within3 laps of the game saying that wet tires areoptimum. If the rain light is notturned on within the time limit it will be penalized with a 5 second timepenalty.
Incidents where there is no clear fault or incidentsthat couldn't have beenavoided will be regarded as a racing incident and therefore will not be penalized.
Before the beginning of a race week-end, admins can askany driver to turn on telemetry recording and provide a MOTEC file of a session
BWPs are handed out accordingly:
• 1 BWP for discouraged actions
• 1 BWP for an action resulting in a 5 or 10 second penalty
• 1 BWP for not turning up to a race without signing out
• 1 BWP for joining an event during qualifying
• 1 BWPs for rage quitting from a race
• 2 BWPs for an action resulting in 15, 20, 30 and DT penalty (not applicable to game givenDT)
• 3 BWPs for an action resulting in 10sec Stop&Go penalty or more (not Applicableto game given SG30)
• 3 BWPs for getting a DSQ from a race
• 12 points = DSQ from league