Struggling to find lap time in Le Mans Ultimate? Try Coach Dave setups, developed by professional drivers.
Per entrare nella lobby è necessario un RATING SA 70
Prove Libere 30' ⏱
Qualifiche 15' ⏱
Gara 180' ⏱
PIT STOP obbligatorio
Meteo soleggiato/nuvoloso variabile
Moltiplicatore Temporale 1x
FP sabato 12.00
Q sabato 14.00
R domenica 14.00
Temperature medie ambientali 19° e pista 24°
An SA RATING of 70 is required to enter the lobby
SESSION 3.00pm
Free Practice 30' ⏱
Qualifying 15' ⏱
Race180' ⏱
Mandatory PIT STOP
Variable sunny/cloudy weather
1x Time Multiplier
FP Saturday 12.00
Q Saturday 2.00pm
R Sunday 2.00pm
Average ambient temperature 19° and track 24°