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GT 74 Racing
Welcome everyone,
The Weekly Sprint Races are back in our community.
The Sixth race is at Watkins Glen, Saturday 8th June at 19:15 CEST / Amsterdam time.
This event is open to all skill levels!
You must have an SA rating of 65. This is a requirement of the server.
Practice: 15 min 19:15 CEST / Amsterdam time
Qualifying: 15 min 19:30 CEST / Amsterdam time
Race: 45 min 19:45 CEST / Amsterdam time
The race server starts at 19:15 CEST / Amsterdam time on race day.
(Password 5 min before the race in discord)
Name race server: Race | GT 74 Racing | Weekly Sprint Races
Note: When the race is finished, please stay in the server for a while so I can take a screenshot of the results and times. The race results can be viewed on SimGrid the day after the race. There will be a notification in discord when the results are available.
Practice: 1 min
Qualifying: 60 min
Race: 60 min
A practice server with same weather conditions as the race is available for one week before the event starts
The practice server will be online until 19:14 CEST / Amsterdam time on race day
Name practice server: Practice | GT 74 Racing | Weekly Sprint Races
In game
Ambient Temperature: 21c
Rain : 0
Cloud : 0.2
Randomness: 2
Time multiplier: 1x
There will be no mandatory pit stops.
Server name: search for "GT 74 Racing"
First-come-first-serve event. Register quickly to secure your space on the grid. The Maximum grid size is 30 cars.
There is no stewarding for this event, neither live or post-race.
If you are signed up but then unavailable to attend, please click "manage registration" and then click "leave event" so that your slot will be given to another driver.
All drivers must join our discord server. Our discord server is the main channel of communication between us as organizers and you the drivers.
If you want to stream or record the race, you can. If you want to share the stream or recording, you can do so on the #driver-streams channel on our discord.
Enjoy and have fun!