Matchmaking championships available for crossplay on Xbox X/S and PlayStation 5.
While we wait for multiplayer, let's compare lap times with our SimGrid AC Evo laptime leaderboard.
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First 10 minutes for GT3, last 10 for GT4.
If a GT3 fails to set a lap time in their 10 minute slot, they may set one after AS LONG AS THEY DON'T INTERFERE WITH THE GT4 CARS IN ANY WAY. The lap only needs to be faster than the fastest GT4.
If your lap starts after 10:00 has passed you must drop to the back of the GT3s at race start.This is to avoid any GT3s starting behind the GT4s, which is bad news for everybody.
GT4 cars are NOT obliged to let GT3 cars through, but they should do their best not to impede the GT3 car by sticking to one side of the track when possible.
There are two separate races being run, neither is more important than the other regardless of the speed of the cars. When a GT3 catches a GT4 on track, BOTH CARS WILL LOSE TIME. It's a fact of Multi-Class racing. The goal is to minimise the time lost for both drivers. The best way to do this is to be PREDICTABLE and RESPECTFUL. Also being on the voice chat 🎙️ helps immensely.
Final points will be taken from your best 8 finishes from the 10 races. That way if anyone has to miss a week or two for real life reasons it won't ruin their championship.
Please try to keep it clean (especially on lap 1), and please see your race through to the end 🏁
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