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International GT Challenge Cup

Hosted by Balkan SimHub GT7 on PlayStation

Below are the rules and regulations for our championship. While we encourage you to read them thoroughly, here's a summary:

  1. 1. Play Fair: We expect all participants to abide by the principles of fair play throughout the championship.

  2. 2. Use Common Sense: Please exercise good judgment and common sense in your actions and interactions during the races.

  3. 3. Don't Insult Anyone: Respect your fellow drivers and refrain from engaging in any form of disrespectful behavior or language towards others.

By following these three simple rules, we can ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for all participants. Thank you for your cooperation!




Article 1.

(1) Balkan SimHub announces league Regulations in GranTurismo 7 for the year according to the provisions of the HAKS MotorsportRegulations, the International Sporting Code of the FIA (ISC), and its relevantadditions, the HAKS Digital Motorsport Regulations (hereinafter referred to asthe "Regulations") and this Addendum to the Digital MotorsportRegulations.

(2) The official communication channel is the Discord Serverof Balkan SimHub - https://discord.com/invite/balkansimhub, through which the official start of the competition will be announced andrelevant information related to the competition will be published.

(3) The official email of the championship is [email protected].

(4) The Regulations, its addenda, and the calendar will bepublished on the Balkan SimHub Discord channel. Article 2.

Explanation of terms and concepts:

2.1 Gran Turismo 7 - is a simulation of motorsport racing inwhich the Gran Turismo 7 Championships will take place.

2.2 Lobby - a virtual space where competition participantsare located, and without access to it, it is technically impossible toparticipate in races. The Lobby is enabled by the simulation itself and is acommon means of connecting participants online.

2.3 Tuning - refers to the virtual adjustment of vehiclesettings in a way that changes its performance.

2.4 BOP (Balance of Performance) - is a setting in which thesettings and performance of each individual vehicle are automatically balanceddepending on the track, in order to achieve greater parity on the track.

2.5 Damage - the damage that occurs on vehicles due toimpacts from other vehicles or obstacles on the track.

2.6. Livery - refers to the external graphical design of thecar that can be changed via menus within the simulation, and is used forpersonalizing the appearance of the vehicle.

2.7. Driver - is a term referring to the participants of thechampionship, who control virtual vehicles, and it applies to individuals ofall genders.

2.8. PSN - stands for PlayStation Network, the officialnetwork through which participants communicate and connect with each other.

2.9. Party - is a setting within the PlayStation platformthrough which drivers can communicate via audio communication.

Article 3.

(1) The gaming platforms on which BSH Gran Turismo 7Championships will be held are Sony PlayStation 4 and 5 (PS4 and PS5).

(2) The internet connection for participating in the racemust be NAT type 2.

(3) Drivers are required to provide their own necessaryequipment to participate in the competitions.

(4) Drivers are not obliged to use specialized racingsimulation equipment, such as a steering wheel.

(5) Drivers do not necessarily have to be citizens of theRepublic of Croatia.

(6) Drivers must compete in vehicles specified by theseregulations. A driver who does not compete in the appropriate vehicle will bedisqualified.




Article 4.

(1) Qualifications are conducted in a manner where driversset their times using the Circuit Experience option on the Grand Valley Highway1 track.

(2) Drivers intending to compete in the Championship mustadd the PSN account specified by the Competition Calendar as a friend (BALKAN_Felix).

(3) Depending on the number of registrations, the fastestdrivers from the qualifications will be selected for the Championship, whosetotal number can be divided into an even number of drivers, so that the numberof drivers in each lobby is equal, which can be a maximum of 60 drivers + 6reserves divided into a maximum of 4 lobbies or groups.

(4) Depending on the number of formed lobbies, hosts and reservehosts will be determined for each lobby.

(5) Drivers will be distributed into groups according to theclassification table: 1-15 = Platinum Lobby; 16-30= Pro Lobby; 31-45= AmateurLobby; 46-60= Rookie Lobby.

(6) Depending on the number of registrations, and especiallyif there are not enough registered candidates, a different method ofdistributing drivers among lobbies will be arranged by adding to thisregulation.

Article 5.

(1) Only GT3 (Gr3.) vehicles are allowed.

(2) Drivers who do not comply with clause 1 of this Articlewill be disqualified and denied access to the race.

(3) Drivers are responsible for ensuring timely access tosuch vehicles.

(4) Tuning is prohibited, and access to the race with such avehicle will not be possible.

(5) BOP is applied. Brake balance is allowed (despite tuningbeing prohibited).

(6) Tire and fuel consumption are x1.

(7) Damage setting is adjusted to weak.

(8) The penalty system settings within the simulation are asfollows:

Cut penalty: WEAK

Wall contact penalty: OFF

Side Contact Penalty: OFF

Flag Rules: ON

(9) Lobby settings are as follows:

Ghost lapped cars: OFF

Ghosting: WEAK

Grip reduction: REAL

Initial Fuel: 60L

Boost: OFF

Slipstream: REAL


(10) Driving aids settings are as follows:



Autodrive: prohibited

Countersteer assistance: ALLOWED


Brake assist: prohibited

(11) The driver must drive alone without anyone'sassistance.


Article 6.

(1) Drivers are allowed to use following tires:  - soft – only during qualifying, prohibited in race  - medium – during race

Article 7.

(1) The length of each race is 30 minutes.



Article 8.

(1) Drivers are permitted to use their own car design(livery) completely freely, but they must use our sponsor decals – Borealis,Martimex and Tokić racing (all available and findable under „balkan“ tag)

(2) Drivers are required to place sponsor decals on theirvehicle.

(3) It is strictly prohibited to place decals containing orpromoting violence, pornography, gambling and games of chance, alcohol, drugsincluding marijuana products, tobacco products, and firearms.

(4) Drivers must not offend other individuals, drivers,spread national, racial, or religious intolerance, as well as intolerance basedon gender and sexual orientation with their design.

(5) Drivers must not violate intellectual property rights.

(6) In cases from paragraphs 2 to 5 of this article, thedriver who violated them is responsible.

(7) The Digital Motorsport Commission, organizers, and allother individuals involved in the championship and races cannot be heldresponsible for violations of the provisions of this article.

(8) The stewards will prevent a driver from participatingwho violates the provisions of this article.


Article 9.

(1) While in the lobby or on the track, drivers are requiredto respect other drivers and refrain from any insults or attacks on thepersonal integrity of other drivers.

(2) Drivers are particularly obliged at all times to refrainfrom insulting members of the Commission, stewards, and other participatingmembers involved in the organization.

(3) It is strictly prohibited to modify software in a waythat aims to achieve better results compared to other drivers, as well as theuse of such software.

(4) By their communication via official communicationchannels, as well as through mutual communication channels, drivers must notinsult, spread national, religious, racial, gender, or sexual orientationintolerance.


Article 10.

(1) Intentional collision and pushing off the track arestrictly prohibited and will result in immediate ban from all further races,and ban from official Discord server.

(2) Drivers must respect the signals on the track as well asthe rules embedded in the simulation itself, which are not covered by thisRegulation.


Article 11.

(1) Drivers are required to organize a stable and fastinternet connection.

(2) PSN subscription is mandatory for participation incompetitions.

(3) Pre-determined servers provided by the simulation areused for organizing the championship and races, and the Commission andindividuals involved in the organization cannot influence their quality.

(4) The Commission, stewards, and individuals involved inthe organization are not responsible for any difficulties and deficiencies ofthird-party servers, nor for difficulties and impossibilities of participationdue to them.

(5) If a larger number of drivers cannot start their vehiclefrom the grid or cannot control their vehicle due to technical difficulties, stewardsmay decide to repeat the race.

(6) If a steward determines that a certain driver's poorquality connection affects the overall conduct of the competition andcontributes to the instability of the lobby, they may prevent them fromcompeting.


Article 12.

(1) Access to the race is only possible if driverspreviously access the lobby opened by the steward specified in the competitioncalendar 20 minutes before the race.

(2) Drivers must access the lobby at least 15 minutes beforethe official start of the race, and it is recommended to join immediately afterthe lobby is opened to address any potential issues.

(3) Stewards may prevent access to the race for a driver whohas not complied with clause 2 of this Article.

(4) The lobby is set to "friends only," anddrivers are required to add the assigned steward or host as a PSN friend.

(5) Only competitors, stewards, and organization members areallowed to enter the lobby.

(6) If a steward deems it necessary, they will order teststarts for competitors before the actual start to determine which drivers haveissues with the start or the internet.

(7) Drivers who did not start in the test start due tointernet issues will be ordered to resolve the problems before the race starts.

(8) Drivers are required to be in the Party opened by thejudge/host of the race for easier communication and to follow the instructionswritten by the judge via lobby chat.


Article 13.

(1) Sports stewards are appointed by the Commission based onspecific regulations.

(2) The steward is also the host of the lobby, if otherwisenot specified for a particular race.

(3) The steward is responsible for conducting the race andensuring compliance with the rules by the participants of the competition.

(4) The distribution of stewards among lobbies will beannounced in the Competition Calendar.



Article 14.

(1) The steward will start the qualifications at the timespecified by the calendar to form the starting order.

(2) The starting order will follow the "fastestfirst" key.

(3) The race starts with all drivers positioned on thestarting line according to their positions achieved in the qualifications.

(4) The race ends after the last vehicle crosses the finishline of the final lap or after the time limit for drivers who have not finishedthe race on time.

(5) In exceptional cases, the race may end with aninterruption before one or the majority of vehicles have crossed the finishline.

(6) In case of the situation described in paragraph 5 ofthis article, stewards will decide depending on the circumstances whether therace will be repeated or the placements achieved by the drivers on the track atthe time of interruption will be taken into account.

(7) For a driver who exits the race or lobby before the end,it is considered as if they did not finish the race, and no points will beawarded regardless of the position they would have achieved if they had notexited.


Article 15.

(1) Penalties and sanctions provided by the simulation areapplied in races.

(2) Drivers are informed that penalties and sanctions fromparagraph 1 of this article cannot be influenced by the Commission, stewards,and other individuals involved in the organization and as such are final andcannot be revised.

(3) If stewards find that there has been a violation of therules that the simulation did not automatically sanction, they will penalizethe driver as determined by these regulations.

(4) If a driver is automatically penalized by thesimulation, stewards may additionally penalize the driver if they deem itnecessary.


Article 16.

(1) After the race, stewards may review the recording todetermine the circumstances and whether any provisions of this article havebeen violated.

(2) If stewards find that there has been a violation of therules that the simulation did not automatically sanction, they will penalizethe driver as determined by these regulations.

(3) If a driver is automatically penalized by thesimulation, judges may additionally penalize the driver if they deem itnecessary.

(4) Drivers who believe they have been affected by thebehavior of another driver must submit a complaint to the stewards, indicatingthe lap and corner where the incident occurred, no later than 24 hours afterthe race using #incident-report channel in Discord server.

(5) Stewards will decide on the complaint from paragraph 4of this article within one 5 days of receiving the complaint.


Article 17.

(1) The following penalties apply for violations of theregulations and unsportsmanlike behavior:

  - Time penalty

  - Disqualificationfrom the race

  - Disqualificationfrom the championship

(2) For minor and insignificant violations of the rules, stewardsmay issue a warning if no other drivers are affected.

(3) Time penalties are applied by adding additional penaltytime to the final race time, which may affect the final standings.

(4) Stewards will disqualify a driver from the race and/or banthe driver from Discord and future races who:

  - Intentionallycollides with an opponent to gain a position

  - Repeatedly repeatsthe same offenses during the race

  - Obstructs thecourse and conduct of the race in any way

(5) Drivers who are disqualified from the race will startfrom the last position in the next race and will have a qualificiation banpenalty.


Article 18.

(1) In cases of serious and repeated violations of thisregulation, especially for violations of Article 9 para. 2 and Article 10,drivers will be penalized - disqualified from the championship.

(2) A driver who has been disqualified from the championshipmay no longer participate in races during the season.

(3) The decision on disqualification from the championshipis made by the Commission, upon the proposal of stewards.

(4) The Commission will decide on the duration of thesanction period, which may also be permanent.


Article 19.

(1) Time penalties are applied as follows:

  - Causing a minor avoidable collision 10 seconds

  - Causing a moderate avoidable collision 15 seconds

  - Causing a large avoidable collision 20 seconds

  - Failure to usemandated sets of tires 60 seconds

  - Changing theracing line while defending against overtaking more than once in a way thatobstructs a faster driver 5 seconds

  - Reckless trackexit that does not result in a collision or off-track excursion 15 seconds

  - Unsafe rejoin –depending on the severity and outcome – 5-20 seconds


Article 20.

(1) Competition participants from Article 4 of thisRegulation have the right to appeal against stewards decisions within 24 hoursof the end of the race in which, in the opinion of the participants, validprovisions have been violated.

(2) Complaints must be submitted on #incident-report Discordchannel

(3) The Commission decides on the complaint in accordancewith the provisions of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, and the finaldecision must be announced within 24 hours of receiving the complaint.

(4) An appeal can be lodged against the Commission'sdecision in accordance with the Digital Motorsport Regulations of the CroatianAuto and Karting Federation.




Article 21.

(1) Together with this Appendix, the Commission will compilea competition calendar found on SimGrid website and Discord Server.

(2) The calendar will specify:

  - Approved vehicles

  - Race time

  - Race track

  - Qualifying length

  - Race length

  - Virtual race time

  - Track conditionsand mandatory tires


Article 22.

(1) Drivers are informed and agree that their personal datarelated to their name, surname, PSN nickname may be used and processed inaccordance with the Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

(2) Drivers agree that their driving and their vehicle maybe broadcast without restrictions, and that resulting recordings may be usedfor the purpose of promoting the competition.



Article 23.

(1) Amendments and supplements to this Regulation areexclusively within the jurisdiction of the Commission.

(2) The right to interpret the provisions of this Regulationoutside of competitions is exclusively within the jurisdiction of the DigitalMotorsport Commission.

(3) The right to interpret this regulation in competitionsis exclusively within the jurisdiction of the judges for each discipline.

(4) All provisions that have not been included in theRegulation will be interpreted based on the provisions of the Regulations onMotorsports of HAKS, the Regulations on Digital Motorsport, and theInternational Sporting Regulations of the FIA.  







Balkan SimHub

723 Followers · 31 Events · Silver Partner

Gr.3 2,002
68 60

Event Communications

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Classes & Cars

  • Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3
  • Aston Martin V12 Vantage GT3 '12
  • BMW M6 GT3 Endurance Model '16
  • BMW M6 GT3 Sprint Model '16
  • BMW Z4 GT3 '11
  • Chevrolet Corvette C7 Gr.3
  • Dodge Viper SRT GT3-R '15
  • Ferrari 458 Italia GT3 '13
  • Ford Mustang Gr.3
  • GT by CitroĂ«n Race Car (Gr.3)
  • Honda NSX Gr.3
  • Hyundai Genesis Gr.3
  • Jaguar F-type Gr.3
  • Lamborghini Huracán GT3 '15
  • Lexus RC F GT3 '17
  • Lexus RC F GT3 prototype '16
  • Mazda Atenza Gr.3
  • McLaren 650S GT3 '15
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3 '16
  • Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT3 '11
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Final Edition Gr.3
  • Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 '13
  • PEUGEOT Vision Gran Turismo (Gr.3)
  • Peugeot RCZ Gr.3
  • Porsche 911 RSR (991) '17
  • Renault Sport R.S.01 GT3 '16
  • Subaru BRZ GT300 '21
  • Subaru WRX Gr.3
  • Toyota FT-1 Vision Gran Turismo (Gr.3)
  • Volkswagen Beetle Gr.3
  • Volkswagen GTI Vision Gran Turismo (Gr.3)
  • Aston Martin DBR9 GT1 '10
  • Audi R8 LMS '15
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo '19
  • Ford GT LM Race Car Spec II
  • Ford GT LM Spec II Test Car
  • Ford GT Race Car '18
  • Genesis X GR3
  • McLaren F1 GTR - BMW '95
  • Nissan GT-R GT500 '99
  • Toyota GR Supra Racing Concept '18
  • Toyota Supra GT500 '97
  • BMW M3 GT '11

No-Show Rules

Max Allowed Penalties
No Show Penalty
Withdrawals Allowed
Event sponsor
Borealis Agency

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