Alpha Mini Direct Drive; 10Nm Entry level Direct Drive Wheelbase. With 10Nm maximum torque and 200MHz processor, feel the upgrade of force feedback, the precision and authenticity that have been absent from any non-direct drive.
ITALIAN VERSION: Questo campionato suddiviso in 5 tappe, ti permetterà di correre sulle più divertenti auto GT prodotte tra gli anni 80 e 90.
Unisciti al nostro canale Discord per rimanere aggiornato riguardo tutti gli eventi in programma
NOTA: sono disponibili solo 13 posti per partecipare al campionato in quanto erano state aperte le iscrizioni anche su altri canali.
ENGLISH VERSION: This championship divided into 5 stages will allow you to race on the most fun GT cars produced between the 80s and 90s.
Join our Discord channel to stay updated on all upcoming events.
NOTE: only 13 places are available to participate in the championship as registrations were also open on other channels.