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Porsche Super Cup

Hosted by Virtual Racing League CZ/SK ACC on Crossplay Followers Only
P Standings Vehicle Pen R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 PTS
🇮🇹 Fabry D Zamperlini 4,129
Porsche Cup 16 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
4,129 · semi-pro Porsche Cup 16 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 1·1 66·67 1·1 67·67 1·1 66·66 1·11 67·31 1·1 67·67 631
🇺🇸 Karl Sween 3,994
Porsche Cup 21 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
3,994 · semi-pro Porsche Cup 21 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 5·4 48·51 4·4 51·51 4·8 51·39 4·1 51·66 2·2 60·60 528
🇨🇿 Václav Pospíšil 3,197
Porsche Cup 34 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
3,197 · intermediate Porsche Cup 34 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 8·3 39·55 8·5 39·48 12·4 28·51 3·8 55·39 6·3 45·55 454
🇨🇿 Tomas Vondracek 3,500
Porsche Cup 77 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
3,500 · semi-pro Porsche Cup 77 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 2·11 60·30 2·2 60·60 3·15 56·23 5·DNF 48·DNF 10·6 33·45 415
🇧🇷 Tomcats_ Nasion 1,979
Porsche Cup 67 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
1,979 · rookie Porsche Cup 67 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 9·9 36·36 9·9 36·36 11·7 30·42 10·3 33·55 4·8 51·39 394
🇨🇿 Martin Košut 2,280
Porsche Cup 14 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,280 · intermediate Porsche Cup 14 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 17·12 18·28 6·6 45·45 8·5 39·48 8·5 39·48 DNF·5 DNF·48 358
🇨🇿 Michal Štefaňák 3,766
Porsche Cup 84 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
3,766 · semi-pro Porsche Cup 84 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 15·5 22·48 6·9 45·36 7·4 42·51 3·4 55·51 350
🇮🇹 Yuri Cavini 2,814
Porsche Cup 17 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,814 · intermediate Porsche Cup 17 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 3·6 55·45 5·3 48·55 2·DNF 60·DNF 2·DNF 60·DNF DNF·DNF DNF·DNF 323
🇵🇱 Jakub Wojtkowiak 2,510
Porsche Cup 12 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,510 · intermediate Porsche Cup 12 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 12·10 28·33 DNF·8 DNF·39 10·10 33·33 11·7 30·42 7·7 42·42 322
🇩🇪 Hendrik Wiza 1,765
Porsche Cup 156 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
1,765 · rookie Porsche Cup 156 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 13·15 26·22 12·10 28·33 15·13 22·26 12·9 28·36 8·9 39·36 296
🇨🇿 Tomáš Rác 2,139
Porsche Cup 13 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,139 · rookie Porsche Cup 13 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 10·7 33·42 7·12 42·28 9·2 36·60 9·12 36·28 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 285
🇨🇿 Martin Brabec 2,585
Porsche Cup 11 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,585 · intermediate Porsche Cup 11 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 20·17 12·18 13·13 26·26 16·11 20·30 14·10 24·33 9·11 36·30 255
🇨🇿 Roman Myška 3,987
Porsche Cup 81 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
3,987 · semi-pro Porsche Cup 81 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 6·2 45·60 3·DNS 55·DNS 5·6 48·45 253
🇨🇿 Valter Kremer 2,165
Porsche Cup 101 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,165 · rookie Porsche Cup 101 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 7·3 42·55 13·6 26·45 5·10 48·33 249
🇮🇹 Andrea Demi 2,216
Porsche Cup 68 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,216 · rookie Porsche Cup 68 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 14·DNS 24·DNS 11·11 30·30 13·14 26·24 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 114
🇨🇿 Jan Hubis 2,985
Porsche Cup 36 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,985 · intermediate Porsche Cup 36 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup 6·2 45·60 105
🇨🇿 Georg Sailent 1,945
Porsche Cup 240 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
1,945 · rookie Porsche Cup 240 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 19·14 14·24 14·14 24·24 86
🇿🇦 Tori Miller 2,307
Porsche Cup 992 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,307 · intermediate Porsche Cup 992 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 7·8 42·39 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 61
🇨🇿 David Arendas 2,026
Porsche Cup 10 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,026 · rookie Porsche Cup 10 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 10·15 33·22 55
🇨🇿 Zdeněk Vortel 3,525
Porsche Cup 99 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
3,525 · semi-pro Porsche Cup 99 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 DNS DNS 15·7 22·42 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 44
🇨🇿 Vojtěch Tržil 2,159
Porsche Cup 23 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,159 · rookie Porsche Cup 23 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 18·13 16·26 42
🇮🇹 Gabriel Lombardo 2,030
Porsche Cup 8 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,030 · rookie Porsche Cup 8 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 16·16 20·20 40
🇩🇪 Tommy Kirschner 2,080
Porsche Cup 191 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,080 · rookie Porsche Cup 191 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 14·12 24·28 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 32
🇺🇸 John Rosario 2,726
Porsche Cup 919 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,726 · intermediate Porsche Cup 919 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 4·DNS 51·DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 31
Dmitriy Laptiyov 1,965
Porsche Cup 37 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
1,965 · rookie Porsche Cup 37 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 21·DNS 10·DNS 10
Bob Chine 1,698
Porsche Cup 44 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
1,698 · rookie Porsche Cup 44 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 11·DNF 30·DNF DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 10
🇺🇸 Cisco Rodriguez 2,395
Porsche Cup 25 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,395 · intermediate Porsche Cup 25 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ DNS·DNF DNS·DNF 0
🇪🇸 Borja Lillo 3,473
Porsche Cup 116 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
3,473 · intermediate Porsche Cup 116 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 22·DNS 9·DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -11
🇬🇧 Levi Warner 2,935
Porsche Cup 666 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,935 · intermediate Porsche Cup 666 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -20
🇭🇺 Adam Lang 2,512
Porsche Cup 511 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,512 · intermediate Porsche Cup 511 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -20
🇵🇱 Krzysztof Kozlowski | ATR 2,629
Porsche Cup 777 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,629 · intermediate Porsche Cup 777 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -20
🇩🇪 Daniel Borchert 2,658
Porsche Cup 277 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,658 · intermediate Porsche Cup 277 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -20
🇨🇿 Filip Schanze 1,469
Porsche Cup 453 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
1,469 · rookie Porsche Cup 453 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -20
Mario Fiamingo 2,000
Porsche Cup 83 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup
2,000 · rookie Porsche Cup 83 Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DSQ 20 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -20
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