⚠️This is a beta test series! As this is a brand new format never tested on SimGrid yet, there may be significant changes behind the scene to keep the format entertaining. By registering, you're agree of changes that may occur during the season like being put in a different class, etc. Please note that changes during the season will not affect your Grid Rating.⚠️
24 days, 24 tracks, 72 races!
Welcome to the FRL Daily Run!
You have enough to race in public servers?
You want to race some of the same format as LFM does on PC?
So you can park here and read the following!
Here you can race 3 times per day, 24 days in a row! You can try to increase your Grid Rating doing consistent and solid results!
🔵 Overview 🔵
- GT3 cars only
- LFM BoP (when available)
- 3 Servers max (Currently 1)
- 3 races / day
- 24 days of racing
- 38 slots in each server, 1st come 1st served
- Custom racing number based on your ACC Crossplay Grid Rating
- Main goal here is not to win the season, but to try to increase your Crossplay Grid Rating. The win is just a small plus.
- If you register after the season started, your registration will be active only from the day after. To sum up, you can't register and race straight on the same day.
- YOU DONT NEED TO RACE EVERYTIME. As it's a daily basis, you can race at anytime you want.
- When the servers will reset, it's 1st come 1st served to join the server.
- Servers are considered full when 38 drivers are in each server.
- There is no penalty point if you don't show up. However, if you forget to withdraw from the events you don't want to race, then your attendance ratio may suffer. But this is at your own discretion.
- If you plan to race only 1 Run out of 3 for a particular day, you don't need to withdraw from that day.
- If you plan to not race at all for a particular day, best is to withdraw from that day.
- TRICK: Best is to withdraw from 23/24 events and don't touch anymore, even if you eventually plan to join a certain day. If you're present even if you withdrawed, the system will count you as present anyway and your results will count. But the use of this trick is at your own discretion.
🗓️ Format 🗓️
- On odd days, there will be 3x25mn sprint races.
- On even days, there will be 3x45mn races with mandatory pit for fuel (25sec fixed time).
- You can find timetables example in your own time zone checking the race tab>schedule for Day 1 and Day 2.

Event settings (Weather, in-game times, temperature, sessions, etc...)
Click here
- Race lenght: 25mn.
- Formation lap: Short.
- Pit stop: Optional.
- Race lenght: 45mn.
- Formation lap: Short.
- Pit stop: Mandatory.
- Pit window: 43mn.
- Tyre change: Optional.
- Refuel: Mandatory - Fixed time for refuel (25secs).
- Ideal line: Allowed.
- Auto Steer: Not allowed.
- Max Stability Control: 0.
- Auto Pit Limiter: Allowed.
- Auto Gears: Allowed.
- Auto Clutch: Allowed.
- Auto Engine Start: Allowed.
- Auto Wipers: Allowed.
- Auto Lights: Allowed.
- There are 3 server auto reset per day (1 server reset per Run).
- Maximum connections allowed per server: 38.
- You can choose ANY GT3 car.
- Car is not forced in the entrylist so you can change your car at absolutely ANYTIME, without the need to update your registration on SimGrid.
#️⃣ Racing Number #️⃣
- Your racing number will NOT be what you choose for the registration.
- Your racing number will depend of your Crossplay Grid Rating and may vary everyday.
- Highest ranked driver will have number 1, 2nd ranked driver will have number 2, etc.
- There is no stewarding after each event.
- Results will be uploaded without any given penalty point.
- Extreme bad driving behavior (intentional crashes, driving backwards, retaliation on track, etc) will result in an instant ban from FRL Discord and FRL SimGrid community. If admins judge that you definitly broken the standard racing etiquette, you may be completely banned from the whole SimGrid platform.
- Any driver can report these kind of behavior if they feel the reported driver did too much.
- Minor incidents etc won't be treated.
❓ FAQ ❓
- I'm a regular FRL driver. Will this series affect my FRL Driver Ranking?
No, this series is not connected to our FRL database. If you do good/bad results, it won't count for your FRL Driver Ranking. This will only change your SimGrid Crossplay Ranking.
- How can I find The Daily Run servers?
- Which server should I choose to join?
Preferably Server 1, but you can go in Server 2 if the first one is full and so on.
- I can see only 1 server when I search for "The Daily Run". Is that normal?
Yes. Number of available servers will gradually increase depending of signs up and average attendance throughought the season.
A second server will be live if there's enough drivers to fill it and so on for the third server.