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Note: these details have not been finalized, please check back for updates
Welcome to the DRL European championship! We are a relaxed sim racing community that emphasizes discussion and friendly attitude, where beginners and veterans alike can race together, improve, banter, and - most importantly - have fun with a hobby we all share!
You need to be verified on our Discord to be able to participate in this league, so please join the DRL Discord server and make sure you follow instructions in #readme-and-rules
to get the correct role. This requires an SA of at least 50.
If the grid is full, we will remove unverified drivers to make space for those on the waitlist who have been verified.
Server: [drleu] Delta Racing League EU | Season 8
Password: See Discord #eu-na-race-day-info
for the server password on the day of the race.
The server will restart an hour before the (first) quali session. During the week prior to the race, the server will be used as a practice server with settings comparable to those during the race.
The server is located in the Netherlands. Anyone is welcome to participate but we do require your ping to be sufficiently good to not lead to dangerous lagging for other drivers.
Please check the #readme-and-rules
channel in the discord a link to the rulebook.
In particular, note that we will use both time penalties as well as a license point system to encourage safe driving. All incidents are recorded and are reviewed after the race.
It is possible to join the league mid-season, but to participate in a race you need to be signed up 24 hours in advance of quali start time.
The championship consists of 6 races across ACC tracks. Qualifying starts at 18:00 UTC. The server will be restarted one hour before qualifying with a 1 hour practice session. Throughout the week prior to each race, a practice server is available with weather and time settings that are used on the race weekend.
The races well be held according to the following formats
We welcome drivers with different pace levels to the grid, all we require is a SA of 50 and 3 track medals. To create an environment where all drivers can have competitive fun, we split the grid in a PRO category for faster drivers, and an AM category for less fast drivers. Points will be given for finishing position across all drivers, but AMs can additionally compete for the AM championship title.
Ultimately, selection into splits is decided by the staff based on past performance and, if you are new, pace in the first few races. But we encourage you to sign up for the class you expect matches your skill level.
As a rough guide, we expect PROs to be roughly within 2 seconds of the best pace. For example, if on race fuel (100L) you are able to run below 1:56.00 on the Nurburgring on standard dry conditions, you are likely a pro driver, and if you struggle to get below 1:57.00 then you are likely an AM driver (subtract a second for hotlap based times). If you fall in between, you are borderline and we will figure it out in the first few races.
Due to lack of support for joint scoring across splits on the Simgrid platform, we will track standings via an Excel sheet shared on the Discord.
Note: we will scale the scoring based on race time, that is, half points will be awarded for each super sprint race compared to the sprint race, and 1.5x points awarded for the season finale.