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Next Proving Grounds by Delta :: Barcelona PC 20min 0 Grid Open
P Standings Vehicle Pen R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 PTS
Timur Olhovic 2,179
Formula 4 5 Formula iR-04
2,179 · rookie Formula 4 5 Formula iR-04 5 39 4 40 1 49 1 49 8 36 18 26 5 39 12 32 1 49 2 45 404
Vladyslav Mikhno 2,175
Formula 4 131 Formula iR-04
2,175 · rookie Formula 4 131 Formula iR-04 11 33 6 38 10 34 6 38 5 39 5 39 6 38 7 37 2 45 12 32 373
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Serhii Butsev 2,140
Formula 4 73 Formula iR-04
2,140 · rookie Formula 4 73 Formula iR-04 5 3 42 5 39 20 24 20 24 3 42 4 40 DNS DNS 16 28 10 34 8 36 304
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Maksym Bunich 1,898
Formula 4 1 Formula iR-04
1,898 · rookie Formula 4 1 Formula iR-04 15 6 38 19 25 14 30 8 36 DNS DNS 6 38 8 36 22 22 DNS DNS DNS DNS 210
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Yurii Dederchuk 1,901
Formula 4 63 Formula iR-04
1,901 · rookie Formula 4 63 Formula iR-04 15 19 25 16 28 DNS DNS 22 22 21 23 11 33 11 33 18 26 DNS DNS DNS DNS 175
Daniel Fernandez 1,899
Formula 4 26 Formula iR-04
1,899 · rookie Formula 4 26 Formula iR-04 20 21 23 8 36 9 35 17 27 4 40 15 29 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 170
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Danylo Donets 1,902
Formula 4 161 Formula iR-04
1,902 · rookie Formula 4 161 Formula iR-04 20 15 29 11 33 DNS DNS DNS DNS 18 26 19 25 22 22 15 29 DNS DNS DNS DNS 144
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Artem Panchenko 1,982
Formula 4 45 Formula iR-04
1,982 · rookie Formula 4 45 Formula iR-04 30 DNS DNS DNS DNS 15 29 12 32 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS β€” β€” β€” β€” 31
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