New Steering Wheels: Black or orange? You decide. 🛞 Dished Rim: Ultimate grip for Rally and Drift. ⚡ Stock is limited!
This event is a 6-hour race held at Paul Ricard, with GT3 and GT4 cars racing against each other at Le Castellet. There will be space for 40 GT3's and 20 GT4's on the grid.
We would like to encourage participants to donate to ManHealth by using our link, which is available here. 100% of the proceeds raised through this channel will be donated straight to ManHealth following the event.
The deadline for any sign-ups or changes is 20:00 on Saturday 23rd September.
This event is a first-come-first-served event. Register early to secure your space on the grid. Once the grid is full, you can register as a reserve driver and then take any available grid slots should a driver drop out of the event. If you are not able to compete in the event, please sign out as your slot may be offered to a reserve driver.
This event allows you to compete by yourself or as a team of two or three drivers. If you choose to compete as a team, please ensure you enter the server in the correct order as per your sign-up.
SimGrid will allow you to use a number that has already been selected in a different class. Please be aware that another driver/team may already be using your preferred number. Car numbers are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. The organisers will inform any teams with a duplicated car number to change their number in advance of the event.
If you have signed up to this event and joined the BUSR Discord server but don't see the ManHealth 6hrs section, please inform @AMG35 as soon as possible.
Practice - 14:00 BST
Quali - 15:15 BST - GT4 only for the first 15mins; GT3 only for the final 15mins
Race - Approx. 16:00 BST - 6 Hours
Maximum stint time: 65 minutes
Drivers per team: 1-3.
All drivers in a team will be required to participate in the race, otherwise you will be disqualified by the game. No maximum driver time will be implemented.
Any car from the chosen category can be used. Deadline for signups and any changes is at 20:00 BST on Saturday 23rd September 2023.
If you wish to change class after signing up, please inform @AMG35 on Discord so this can be changed as soon as possible.
The use of custom liveries is permitted in this event. An area for competitors to upload their liveries will be provided in the BUSR Discord server, along with the required logos for this event. The use of custom liveries is not officially supported by the game developers, and running custom liveries can induce significant client-side lag whe another user connects.
This event will be live stewarded through ACC Race Control, and there will also be a form to report other incidents. We will be enacting a Behaviour Warning Point (BWP) system as per Section 5 of the Rulebook. If any car receives at least 15 BWP during the event, they will be disqualified from the event and be unable to continue.
ACC has a unique method of joining when you have co-drivers. The driver listed at the top of your team is designated as 'Driver 1', and must be the first driver to connect to the server. If the driver of your car disconnects, you must all leave the server and rejoin, but 'Driver 1' must rejoin the server first. Failure to do such will make a second car, meaning you will not be able to continue.