Race to win with Fanatec's Podium Steering Wheel Monte Carlo Rally. WRC-grade precision for ultimate simulation mastery. Drive like Sébastien Loeb!
This season we will be doing 2 different splits for 2 different servers which will all be in GT3 cars. Server 1 will be the Pro and Gold classes. Server 2 will be Silver and Bronze classes. The grid will be divided equally to provide really close racing across both servers, the grid size will depend on the number of sign-ups.
To get qualified for this season drivers must enter the server listed below and set 3 valid laps in a row. These 3 laps will get your average and will be updated on the website listed below.
Qualifying servers will open July 24, 2023 and will end on August 7th,2023 at 23:59 (GMT) 14 Days total to qualify
The tracks for the hot stint sessions are Indianapolis and Kyalmai
You must set 3 consecutive valid laps in these servers to be qualified for the upcoming season. Both tracks will be at 21C ambient temperature with 30% cloud cover. You can try to improve on your session, there is no limit. (i.e. you want to improve from p22 to 21) Try your hardest and push the limit! We love to see some great competition!
Indy hot lap link Here
Kyalami hot lap link Here
See discord for more information
You must be in our Discord server found Here. We will have server information available to enter qualifying servers.
Pro/Gold start time (Real world time) is 3PM EASTERN Silver/Bronze start time (Real World time) is 2 PM EASTERN Pit stop will be required Fuel and tires will be mandatory.
Pro/Gold: 10 Min Free practice/20 Min Qualifying/60 min Race
Silver/Bronze: 10 Min Free practice/20 Min Qualifying/ 45 min Race
Pro/Gold: 10 Min Free practice/20 Min Qualifying 90 min Race
Silver/Bronze: 10 Min Free practice/20 Min Qualifying 60 min Race Weather will be variable every week, practice servers will also be set up to as close as race conditions as possible
Season 7 will begin on August 13th, 2023.