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A fun Xtreme GT race so dust off you older GT3 cars for 2 x 30 minute sprints around the bumpy twisty Oulton Park,
Everyone who registers must join our community discord server!
Although this is for fun we ask all drivers to be respectful to each other as close racing is expected, and please be mindful there are drivers with different abilities and experience so take caution when overtaking, whether that be for position or lapping, the respect should also continue post race while discussing the race,
There will be a practice server available up to the event. with practice times logged on our website, the server info will be in our Discord in ACC Announcements.
The event server will open at 19:30 BST / 20:30 CET (UTC +2)
We are not aiming for any Stewarding on this as it is just for fun but if you feel some one is really out of order then you can raise an incident report in the discord,
If you are unable to attend the event for whatever reason, please remove yourself from the event so another driver may enter.