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Es ist soweit! Die zweite Saison von Monday Night Raw(iioli) steht in den Startlöchern! Freut euch auf packende Sim-Racing-Action auf dem PC in Assetto Corsa Competizione, präsentiert von Cryonics und Turn1.
Ab dem 25. September 2023 erwartet euch geballte Action, unvorhersehbare Wendungen und jede Menge virtuelles Racing-Drama. Werde Zeuge erbitterter Kämpfe, spektakulärer Crashs und atemberaubender Überholmanöver.
Wir laden alle Sim-Racing-Enthusiasten ein, sich diesem einzigartigen Event anzuschließen. Schnappt euch euer Lenkrad, setzt eure VR-Brille auf und erlebt mit uns die ultimative Racing-Herausforderung! Markiert den 25. September 2023 in eurem Kalender und seid dabei, wenn sich virtuelle Pixel in Racing-Legenden verwandeln. Lasst die Motoren aufheulen und zeigt uns, wer der beste Fahrer ist! Seid bereit für Monday Night Raw(iioli) Season II - eine virtuelle Rennserie, die euch sprachlos machen wird!
🏁 Monday Night Raw(iioli) Season II: Das Rennen beginnt! 🏁
Alle Informationen findet ihr auf unserem Discord.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time to polish your steering wheels and toss those controllers aside because we are gearing up for the launch of the second season of Monday Night Raw(iioli)! Get ready for thrilling Sim Racing action on PC in Assetto Corsa Competizione!
Clears virtual throat
We present to you a spectacle like no other, where virtual pixels become racing legends and digital tires screech in perfect harmony. Cryonics and Turn1 are joining forces once again to bring you a gaming extravaganza that will make your PC tremble with excitement!
As the curtain rises on September 25th, 2023, get ready for a dose of breathtaking action, unexpected twists, and more virtual racing drama than your PC can handle. Our virtual racetracks will bear witness to fierce battles, as drivers master pixel-perfect corners and unleash their inner speed demons.
But hold on tight, because that's not all! In Season II, we've dialed up the irony and sprinkled it with a healthy dose of wit. Get ready for the most stylish crashes (don't worry, no real drivers will be harmed), strategic pit stop blunders, and more post-race celebrations than a driver with an endless supply of champagne!
We invite all aspiring sim racers, gaming enthusiasts, and even your technologically-challenged aunt who thinks a "LAN party" involves biscuits, to join us on this exhilarating journey. So grab your favorite racing seat, slip into your virtual driving gloves, and prepare for the ultimate test of skill, tactics, and steel thumbs.
Monday Night Raw(iioli) Season II is here to entertain, captivate, and maybe even make you spill your drink in excitement. Mark your calendars, set those reminders, and get ready for a season that will leave you yearning for more!
See you at the starting line, where dreams are born and pixels come to life! Let the digital engines roar, and may the best driver prevail!
Monday Night Raw(iioli) Season II: Buckle up, it's going to be one heck of a virtual ride!
All information can be found on our Discord.