If you're having trouble getting lap times in iRacing, Coach Dave setups can be of great assistance. These setups were meticulously designed by professional drivers to improve your performance on the track.
The races will be on Monday’s, starting on July 3rd, races will be a mix of 60 or 90 minutes in GT3 Class, and will all start at 19:30 BST(UK) | 20:30 CET(UTC +2).
Everyone who registers must join our community discord server! https://discord.gg/Zfhg5aAQU2
We ask all drivers to be respectful to each other as close racing is expected, and please be mindful there are drivers with different abilities and experience so take caution when overtaking, whether that be for position or lapping, the respect should also continue post race while discussing the race,
There will be one drop round.
This season will be split between PRO(Gold) and AM (Silver).
PRO is for the faster drivers with more experienced drivers.
AM is for the less experienced or slower drivers, you should generally know where you fit in,
NOTE: during/after the first race we may swap your class if it is clear that your in the wrong class.
This event is free to enter, to register you will need to be in our community discord you will get the GT3 Season 2023 role if you don't get the role you can add at server-rules-roles, Once that is complete you are guaranteed a spot for the event.
There will be a practice server available the week before the event. with practice times logged on our website, the server info will be in our Discord in the server information.
The event server will open at 19:30 BST / 20:30 CET (UTC +2)
There will be post-race stewarding. Please submit all incident reports through our discord channel and the stewards will review the footage/information provided, and after the race, they will assess position/time penalties if necessary. Please be respectful in discord if there is a collision, either discuss over DM’s or Submit to Stewards. There is a 24hr period post race for you to submit incidents. (so incidents need to be submitted by midnight on Tuesday)
Designer: here you can create custom dashboards to tailor you dashboard to your personal needs, with a multitude of configurable objects,
Dashboard: with the dashboard you can run up to 6 instances so you can have multiple sets of info and can be on transparent background so can be used as an overlay or on a separate HDMI or USB Monitor/Screen, Also in the dashboard a brand new feature where in real time you will get the driving instructor talking to you explaining where you can pick up time, as your corner entry/exit are compared in realtime to that from faster drivers, this can be turned on and off as you require.
Z1 Driving Instructor: using AI technology our on-board driving instructor will perform an analysis of your lap and then provides a target lap time, and advice on how to reach that lap time.
Please don't use Base64 Images
The 3rd program is the Analyzer, if data logging is enabled in the dashboard app, every lap is recorded and then is available in the Analyzer, with the track license you can open up to 20 laps and analyse them, including the track walk and satellite map overlay so you can see your laps overlayed onto a satellite map image, you can also view laps from other z1 drivers to compare yourself.
Please don't use Base64 Images
You can download a demo version or have a look around at https://z1dashboard.com
Custom Liveries made outside of the game are permitted in this event.
We use our own Livery Upload and sync app you can find it on our webpage. https://tsracing.club/liveryupload
The Sync app you can also find on our website too get the liveries.
If you have any problems or questions about the liveries upload or download go too our discord or check https://tsracing.club/page/livery-help
The game’s developers do not officially support them and their use can induce significant latency issues for some users.
To avoid the considerable lag that custom liveries can cause, please bear this in mind when joining and try and always join during practice and not qualifying.
Do not run custom liveries from other teams without permission from them.
If you are unable to attend the event for whatever reason, please remove yourself from the event so another driver may enter.