Race to win with Fanatec's Podium Steering Wheel Monte Carlo Rally. WRC-grade precision for ultimate simulation mastery. Drive like Sébastien Loeb!
Join us for the 2023 world tour. We will be visiting 7 different countries and 5 different continents from the rolling hills and flats of Europe to the blistering heat of South Africa. As part of this we will be running a classification system between Pro and AM for drivers powered by Rapid Drivers Club (more Info on this below) with the hope of giving everyone something to fight for throughout the championship.
To stay updated, please join our Discord. The event role should be given to you automatically once you've joined the event.
Server goes live at 19.00 BST
Full formation lap
The practice server will be up from the Monday before with the same settings as the event.
Server info can be found in the #info channel on discord
The qualification server will open on 05/05 00:00 BST. You'll need to complete 5 consecutive valid laps on the qualifying server. Once the qualifying server is open, you can do as many laps as you like before close on 20/05 23.59 BST. The average time of your best 5 consecutive laps will determine your classification for this series.
Drivers who register after the qualification server has closed will need to contact an Admin on our Discord who will arrange the classification for you.
PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to move anyone up or down classifications as we see fit in order to maintain fairness in competition. We may also add in a Silver classification dependant on the amount of driver signups and field spread
Mandatory Pitstop: YES
Refuelling Allowed: YES
Mandatory Refuelling: NO
Fixed Refuelling Time: NO
Mandatory Tyre Change: YES
Pit Window: N\A
This championship will not have live stewarding. Any reports will need to be reported through our #report-incident channel in our discord after the race. Results and penalties given can be found in the #incident-decisions channel.
Info on submitting custom liveries for other drivers to use can be found in our discord in the #custom-liveries channel for the event.
If you for some reason can't attend the race, please make sure to withdraw from the event.