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Next Proving Grounds by Delta :: Silverstone PC 20min 12 Grid Open


Hosted by BRC Racing Team ACC on PlayStation
Please note that the current standings are provisional based on the finalisation of LAGUNA SECA | REGULAR RACE results
P Standings Vehicle Pen R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 PTS
🇮🇹 Matteo De Stefano 3,303
GT3 52 Honda NSX GT3 Evo
3,303 · intermediate GT3 52 Honda NSX GT3 Evo 7·1 28·40 2 38 1 40 1·1 42·42 1 42 1 40 1 40 1 42 356
🇨🇿 Michal Štefaňák 3,433
GT3 8 Bentley Continent...
3,433 · intermediate GT3 8 Bentley Continental GT3 2018 4·2 34·38 1 42 5 32 4·5 34·32 3 36 11 20 6 30 3 36 314
🇮🇹 Mauro Bergantin 1,823
GT3 77 Lexus RC F GT3
1,823 · rookie GT3 77 Lexus RC F GT3 1·20 42·13 4 34 3 36 25·2 6·38 2 38 DNS DNS 22 11 6 30 248
🇭🇺 Zoltán Artzt 2,754
GT3 24 Ferrari 488 GT3
2,754 · intermediate GT3 24 Ferrari 488 GT3 13·4 18·34 3 36 2 38 8·17 26·14 4 34 9 24 19 12 DNS DNS 236
🇬🇧 Adam Anderson 2,261
GT3 888 Porsche 991II GT3 R
2,261 · intermediate GT3 888 Porsche 991II GT3 R DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 14 17 4 36 5·6 32·30 5 32 8 26 3 36 DNS DNS 209
🇮🇹 Luca Antinori 2,672
GT3 3 Bentley Continent...
2,672 · intermediate GT3 3 Bentley Continental GT3 2018 8·5 26·32 12 19 6 30 27·10 4·22 10 22 14 17 12 19 21 10 191
🇮🇹 Alessandro Piredda 2,099
GT3 33 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,099 · rookie GT3 33 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 27·28 4·3 6 30 10 22 10·24 22·7 6 30 10 22 5 32 9 24 189
🇮🇹 Fabrizio Stecca 1,627
GT3 777 Honda NSX GT3 Evo
1,627 · rookie GT3 777 Honda NSX GT3 Evo 19·9 12·24 5 32 DNS DNS 6·4 30·34 12 19 DNS DNS 16 15 12 19 185
9 1,762 · rookie GT3 4 BMW M4 GT3 3·25 36·6 10 22 22 9 3·7 36·28 DNS DNS 20 11 4 34 DNS DNS 182
🇮🇹 GERO URSO | OM 2,039
GT3 72 McLaren 720S GT3
2,039 · rookie GT3 72 McLaren 720S GT3 16·13 15·18 18 13 14 17 11·14 20·17 9 24 15 16 9 24 8 26 177
11 2,132 · rookie GT3 10 BMW M6 GT3 12·14 19·17 13 18 DNS DNS 23·8 8·26 8 26 DNS DNS DNS DNS 2 38 152
12 3,093 · intermediate GT3 38 BMW M4 GT3 DSQ 6·6 30·30 7 28 7 28 22·11 9·20 145
13 1,939 · rookie GT3 26 BMW M4 GT3 23·26 8·5 DNS DNS 13 18 21·9 10·24 15 16 21 10 14 17 11 20 128
14 2,182 · rookie GT3 55 BMW M4 GT3 5·27 32·4 DNS DNS 18 13 9·15 24·16 DNS DNS 3 38 DNS DNS DNS DNS 127
15 2,430 · intermediate GT3 75 Lexus RC F GT3 DSQ DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 9 24 DNS DNS 2·12 38·19 16 15 6 30 DNS DNS 126
16 1,978 · rookie GT3 67 BMW M4 GT3 15·18 16·13 21 10 11 20 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 7 28 DNS DNS 13 18 13 18 123
17 1,772 · rookie GT3 28 BMW M4 GT3 25·19 6·12 11 20 25 6 26·19 5·12 14 17 16 15 11 20 20 11 118
18 1,911 · rookie GT3 189 BMW M4 GT3 18·16 13·15 20 11 7 28 DNS DNS 4 34 101
19 1,911 · rookie GT3 86 BMW M4 GT3 10·3 22·36 23 8 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 13 18 19 12 DNS DNS DNS DNS 96
🇮🇹 Nicolas Cinquini 2,000
GT3 92 Mercedes-AMG GT3 ...
2,000 · rookie GT3 92 Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 21 10 7·3 28·36 18 13 🦓 87
21 2,121 · rookie GT3 22 BMW M4 GT3 26 5 9 24 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 19 12 4 34 DNS DNS DNS DNS 75
🇮🇹 Michele Cristini 1,776
GT3 7 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
1,776 · rookie GT3 7 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo DSQ 17·23 14·8 15 16 16 15 17·25 14·6 73
Aurelio Anello 1,897
GT3 82 BMW M4 GT3
1,897 · rookie GT3 82 BMW M4 GT3 22·15 9·16 22 9 DNS DNS 13·13 18·18 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 70
Alessandro Piccioni 2,012
GT3 124 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
2,012 · rookie GT3 124 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 2·8 38·26 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 64
🇬🇷 Rafael Tsolakidis 1,941
GT3 555 Lamborghini Hurac...
1,941 · rookie GT3 555 Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 9·7 24·28 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 52
26 1,954 · rookie GT3 104 BMW M4 GT3 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 8 26 17 14 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS 22 9 DNS DNS DNS DNS 49
🇮🇹 Alessandro Unnia 1,962
GT3 64 Porsche 991II GT3 R
1,962 · rookie GT3 64 Porsche 991II GT3 R 18·22 13·9 20 11 19 12 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 45
Alejandro Naya 2,091
GT3 69 BMW M4 GT3
2,091 · rookie GT3 69 BMW M4 GT3 28·10 3·22 27 4 DNS DNS 28·28 3·3 DNS DNS DNS DNS 23 8 DNS DNS 43
29 1,892 · rookie GT3 99 BMW M4 GT3 20·11 11·20 24 7 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 38
30 2,049 · rookie GT3 113 BMW M4 GT3 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS 12 19 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 17 14 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 33
31 2,698 · intermediate GT3 217 BMW M4 GT3 DSQ 14·16 17·15 DNS DNS 32
🇮🇹 Fabio Bertini 1,849
GT3 84 Lamborghini Hurac...
1,849 · rookie GT3 84 Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo DNS DNS 16·22 15·9 DNS DNS 23 8 DNS DNS DNS DNS 32
33 1,868 · rookie GT3 17 BMW M4 GT3 24·21 7·10 17 14 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 31
34 1,843 · rookie GT3 12 BMW M4 GT3 26·12 5·19 25 6 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 30
🇵🇹 Rub Aduck 1,605
GT3 999 Porsche 991II GT3 R
1,605 · rookie GT3 999 Porsche 991II GT3 R DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 21 10 14 17 27
🇬🇧 Josh Smith 1,610
GT3 83 Audi R8 LMS Evo
1,610 · rookie GT3 83 Audi R8 LMS Evo DSQ 21·17 10·14 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 24
Pablo Vanzolini 1,831
GT3 111 Mercedes-AMG GT3
1,831 · rookie GT3 111 Mercedes-AMG GT3 19·20 12·11 🦓 23
🇬🇧 Gordon Brown 2,266
GT3 134 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,266 · intermediate GT3 134 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 13 18 🦓 18
🇳🇱 Melvin Boender 2,119
GT3 97 AMR V8 Vantage
2,119 · rookie GT3 97 AMR V8 Vantage 15 16 🦓 16
Points based on dropping the worse result
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