Auto Insights make lap time improvement insanely easy with AI powered corner by corner analysis done the moment you cross the finish line.
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Открытие гоночного сервера: 5 Февраля, 17:40 МСК
GTMasters @ Kyalami 90 Min - Race Day
Пароль: prost34
IRL: 17:40 МСК
Ingame: Воскресенье, 15:00 - 60 минут
IRL: 18:40 МСК
Ingame: Воскресенье, 16:00 - 20 минут
IRL: 19:00 МСК
Ingame: Воскресенье, 17:00 - 90 минут
Таймер ожидания перед гонкой: 5 минут
Облачность: 0.3
Дождь: 0
Случайность погоды: 2
Дозаправка: Разрешена
Фиксированное время дозаправки: Нет
Обязательный пит-стоп: Нет
Обязательная смена резины: Нет
Race Day Server JSON:
{ "configVersion": 0, "track": "kyalami", "preRaceWaitingTimeSeconds": 300, "sessionOverTimeSeconds": 180, "ambientTemp": 20, "cloudLevel": 0.3, "rain": 0, "weatherRandomness": 2, "sessions": [ { "hourOfDay": 15, "dayOfWeekend": 3, "timeMultiplier": 1, "sessionType": "P", "sessionDurationMinutes": 60 }, { "hourOfDay": 16, "dayOfWeekend": 3, "timeMultiplier": 1, "sessionType": "Q", "sessionDurationMinutes": 20 }, { "hourOfDay": 17, "dayOfWeekend": 3, "timeMultiplier": 1, "sessionType": "R", "sessionDurationMinutes": 90 } ], "postQualySeconds": 3, "postRaceSeconds": 900, "simracerWeatherConditions": 0, "isFixedConditionQualification": 1 } { "configVersion": 0, "qualifyStandingType": 1, "pitWindowLengthSec": -1, "driverStintTimeSec": -1, "mandatoryPitstopCount": 0, "maxTotalDrivingTime": -1, "maxDriversCount": 1, "isRefuellingAllowedInRace": true, "isRefuellingTimeFixed": false, "isMandatoryPitstopRefuellingRequired": false, "isMandatoryPitstopTyreChangeRequired": false, "isMandatoryPitstopSwapDriverRequired": false, "tyreSetCount": 60 }
Solo Practice Server JSON:
{ "configVersion": 0, "track": "kyalami", "preRaceWaitingTimeSeconds": 300, "sessionOverTimeSeconds": 180, "ambientTemp": 20, "cloudLevel": 0.3, "rain": 0, "weatherRandomness": 2, "sessions": [ { "hourOfDay": 16, "dayOfWeekend": 3, "timeMultiplier": 1, "sessionType": "P", "sessionDurationMinutes": 180 } ], "postQualySeconds": 3, "postRaceSeconds": 900, "simracerWeatherConditions": 0, "isFixedConditionQualification": 0 } { "configVersion": 0, "qualifyStandingType": 1, "pitWindowLengthSec": -1, "driverStintTimeSec": -1, "mandatoryPitstopCount": 0, "maxTotalDrivingTime": -1, "maxDriversCount": 1, "isRefuellingAllowedInRace": true, "isRefuellingTimeFixed": false, "isMandatoryPitstopRefuellingRequired": false, "isMandatoryPitstopTyreChangeRequired": false, "isMandatoryPitstopSwapDriverRequired": false, "tyreSetCount": 60 }