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Next Quick Race Powered by G-Portal :: Silverstone 12min 2 Grid Open
P manufacturer Standings R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 PTS
Porsche 5 / 5
70 95 65 119 135 165 584
Abe Santema 60 61 45 28 60 66
Camil Taha 30 30 36 45
Pocholo Dimaano 24 30 39 28
Erik Gesell -10 -10 0 55 36 26
Lars Breitenstein -10 -10 -10
Aston Martin 3 / 3
173 143 106 60 67 30 549
Ben Langford 52 66 26 0 67 30
Mikko Rahkola 55 51 60 60 0
Valentin Rusu 66 26 20
BMW 6 / 6
90 75 183 125 35 64 537
Anthony Camacho 26 33 36 26 45 36
Ferdy Gerry Ramadhan 20 42 33 -10 48
Wilson Fernandes 22 67 24 -10
Patryk Slowik 36 42 -10
Izzet Samil Döne 28 22 0
Andrey Fedotov 16
Ferrari 3 / 3
39 0 46 39 106 115 345
Tom Bartelds 18 39 51 55
Matas Sidekerskis 0 28 55 60
Peter Creemers 39
Honda 7 / 7
83 67 96 47 -20 42 335
Muhammad Irfan 48 45 55 22 -10 52
Josh Buckwalter 45 42 33
Johnny Murasaki -10 45
Ilya Ratiani 24
Vladislav Spirin 14 -10 -10 -10
Kimmo Leppänen -10 -10 -10
Gilles Allemann -10 -10 -10
Nissan 1 / 1
33 39 48 51 42 42 222
Patrick Star 33 39 48 51 42 42
McLaren 1 / 1
42 36 39 30 48 39 204
Felix Paillant 42 36 39 30 48 39
Mercedes-AMG 3 / 3
14 93 31 28 -10 33 199
Luke Mason 24 55 51 48 -10 33
Leon Stapelfeldt -10 48 -10 -10
Linus Dellenbach -10 -10 -10
Audi 1 / 1
67 -10 -10 47
Osama Bin-Lyden 67 -10 -10
Lexus 1 / 1
28 -10 -10 -10 -2
Oliver Brett-Smith 28 -10 -10 -10
Points based on dropping the worse result
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