Delta's Automatic Insights will instantly point out what you should be focused on to unlock more lap time.
This league is on PS5 only because we have no-one to run the PS4 split. If anyone wants to volunteer to run a future league on PS4 please contact TC_WhiteRider.
Start times, race lengths, and weather conditions will vary for each round, as listed below. There are alternate double 'sprint' rounds and single rounds with longer races.
Practise server open 24/7, set to the times and conditions for the upcoming race. Join TSRC discord to gain access to our practise server and for updates to the league. The password for the league session will be different to the rest of the week, and only applies to the league session. This can be found on the Races page for each track once you are signed up.
Weather information shows a general forecast along with the exact server settings, in this format: (cloud%.rain%.randomness - average temp). For example "30.10.4 - 25C" would be 30% cloud, 10% rain, 4 randomness, with an average ambient temperature of 25 Celsius.
Note: For all "dry" rounds except for round 1 (Hungaroring) and round 7 (Laguna Seca) there is a very small chance of a rain shower.
Evaluation Round - Misano (Jan 12)
Round 1 - Hungaroring (Jan 19)
Round 2 - Watkins Glen (Jan 26)
Round 3 - Indianapolis (Feb 2)
Round 4 - Nurburgring (Feb 9)
Round 5 - Snetterton (Feb 16)
Round 6 - Donington Park (Feb 23)
Round 7 - Laguna Seca (Mar 2)
Round 8 - COTA (Mar 9)
All drivers must read and accept the TSRC Racing Rules.
To take part you must join TSRC discord so that you can see any league updates, and anyone who has not raced with us before must take part in the evaluation round. Anyone not following these directions will be removed from the league.
If you are not able to register please check that you have added your PSN name in your SimGrid Profile, and that you are following 'The Sim Racing Collective'.
Because full race replays are not available to the host you are responsible for providing video evidence of any incidents that you are involved in. All drivers are asked to save the video of their race using the Share Button at the end of the race. Other drivers' videos may be used to see different angles of incidents, so please try to save if anything happened in front of you, even if you weren't involved.
(To increase video clip size, go to System Settings on PS Homepage > Sharing and Broadcasts > Video Clip Settings > Length of Video Clip > Select 60 Mins.)
Ideally you should also map a button to save a replay in game, and use this after any incidents. This will save the last few minutes of action and allow you to provide a video of different camera angles if required.
To report an incident send a private message to the league admin on discord within 24 hours, and share your video clip (e.g. on youtube) with a note of the timestamp of the incident. If sharing a short clip please include at least 10 seconds before and after the incident.
It is important to notify us if you cannot attend a race. If you cannot attend a race you can simply click the "WITHDRAW" button in the Races page of the championship on The Sim Grid website under the admin tab of the specific round. If you fail to attend a race without withdrawing you will receive penalty points that carry over into other championships, and can potentially get you disqualified from the championship.