We will prioritize entries by teams of 2 (optionally, preferably with a engineer) over people who sign up solo, as this will massively benefit the events and the league in general. The DSRT discord is available to find yourself a teammate for this series. As a addition to this, every team can bring a 'engineer/pit wall' to their team that will get access to a spectator slot, this person will be able to communicate with Race Control and make strategy calls that might be important with a 'safety car period'.
Entry fee is set at $5,- (Per Driver!) and is used to fill prize pool, cover expenses for broadcasting and servers. Make sure to pay the fee through PayPal as 'transfer to friends' and not as 'goods and services', so we won't need to cover 6% fees.
During the race a manual safety car will be on stand-by for incidents where a car is unable to (safely) continue it's way on track towards the pitbox. These situations will be communicated by race control through a webbrowser-based radio broadcast which can be running on the background of any sim. As a back-up the second race controller will also send a text message within the game. We will make sure the use of the SC remains within reasonal limits.
Both individual and team scoring will be kept, while mainly focussing on the 'manufacturers' championship (see payout).
All teams are required to run a team livery which will clearly distinct the teams from each other. More info on how to upload the livery will be communicated in the DSRT Discord.
The livery pack will be uploaded 't-3 days' for you to enjoy.