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Delta Racing League is a PC-based ACC community that is open to beginners and more advanced racers alike, with an emphasis on developing consistency and sound race craft over mere outright pace. We welcome those with a friendly attitude, who like to talk racing with a bit of banter mixed in, those who want to race together, improve together, and most importantly, have fun with a hobby we all share!
You need to be verified on our Discord to be able to participate in this league, so please join the DRL Discord server and make sure you follow instructions in #readme-and-rules to get the correct role.
If the grid is full, we will remove unverified drivers to make space for those on the waitlist who have been verified.
Server: [drleu] Delta Racing League EU | Season 12
Password: See Discord #race-day-info for the server password on the day of the race. You need to have the driver role to see this channel in discord, see above.
The server will restart an hour before the (first) Quali session. During the week prior to the race, the server will be used as a practice server with Optimum track settings that should still give you an idea of possible weather for the race session. We will also publish a forecast of sorts that will give you a good idea of what the Race Weekend weather should look like.
The EU server is located in Amsterdam. Anyone is welcome to participate but we do require your ping to be sub-300 to avoid dangerous latency.
This season's championship consists of FIVE races across some that we think should provide exciting and engaging racing. Qualifying starts at 8PM CET. The server will be restarted one hour before qualifying with a 1 hour practice session. The server is available throughout the week as a practice, with weather and time settings that are used on the race weekend. There will not be a drop round for this short season.
The races well be held according to the following format:
Split PRO/AM Qualifying will be determined on a per race attendance basis. If split qualifying takes place AM drivers will have the first 10 minutes of the session to set their lap and after that PRO drivers will have the remaining 10.
Standard DRL qualifying rules apply - You are responsible for leaving enough space between you and the car in front of you. Do not hinder or otherwise impede the car in front of you, and absolutely no cutting the track to skip ahead of the car(s) in front of you.
If you want to support Delta Racing League, we have a Patreon page. The proceeds are used to cover server costs.