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Time for the Sauce 2H solo at Misano

Hosted by Big Brain Racing ACC on PC Followers Only

The respect of the Code of Conduct is fundamental to every Esports organisation and competition. Every user who does not respect the Code of Conduct will be ineligible to race in any of the races hosted on the SimGrid platform.

  1. All users of the SimGrid platform must agree to the following;
    1. Drivers must not use language that is deemed by the event Host to be obscene, vulgar, insulting, threatening, abusive, libellous, defamatory or otherwise offensive or objectionable, or promote or incite hatred or discriminatory conduct, at any time, off or on broadcast or social media;
    2. Any kind of harassment is strictly prohibited;
    3. Any kind of discriminatory words, phrases or gestures offending the dignity or integrity of a private person, a group of people, a team, a brand, a sponsor, a country through contemptuous or discriminatory words or actions on account of race, skin colour, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, financial status, birth or any other status, sexual orientation or any other reason, are strictly prohibited; 
    4. Posting inflammatory messages in an online community such as a forum, text channel, blog, or any social media, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response is strictly prohibited;
    5. Drivers must be respectful to all members of staff of the Host and their sponsors and/or partners at all times. 
  2. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban on the SimGrid platform. The following actions are considered cheating;
    1. Exploiting any known in-game bug to seek an advantage;
    2. Failure to report a bug, glitch or game issue that gives you an unfair advantage;
    3. Any modification to the game software or third party software that allows them to function in a way the developers did not intend;
    4. Impersonating another player by racing under their name on their account;
    5. Colluding with other users to affect the outcome of a race or competition.
    1. Drivers must do all that they can to have a stable internet connection; 
      1. In SimGrid events, drivers with ping above 250ms and/or rubber banding will be monitored and may be asked to leave the server (or perform a driver swap if applicable);
        1. Other Hosts on the SimGrid platform may enforce this differently.
    2. Wi-FI or 3G/4G connections are common causes of unstable connection. Please avoid using these types of connections wherever possible.
    3. You must enter your real first and last name in your SimGrid account.
    4. Team names must not contain any obscene or suggestive language;
      1. In SimGrid events, the Events Director must be informed if the team name changes mid-season.
    5. To participate in Driver Swap events in Assetto Corsa Competizione, all drivers must understand how to perform driver swaps;
      1. Please refer to the Kunos Team Racing & Driver Swap Guide;
      2. Failure to follow the correct procedure will result in “Driver Offline” issues, evidence of a broken entry. The only fix is to carry out a full server restart;
      3. In SimGrid events, a full server restart will only be carried out if the issue is caused directly by SimGrid e.g. error in server configuration or server stability/performance issues;
        1. Other Hosts on the SimGrid platform may enforce this differently.
        2. Drivers must have a SA Rating of 60 and above and have 3 track medals on the track before they are allowed too race. 
    1. All drivers must join the events Host Discord server in order to receive notifications and communications from the host.
    2. Failure to join the Discord server of the host may result in being removed from the event.
    1. Any regulations on custom liveries will be detailed in the text information on the events page.
      1. SimGrid series will have logo requirements that all drivers/teams must adhere to and these will be detailed in the Terms & Conditions document relevant to the series.


DISCLAIMER: The SimGrid Sporting Code only applies to events and championships held by SimGrid and not by other hosts on the SimGrid platform (unless otherwise stated).

    1. Drivers must comply with the Code of Conduct and Participation Requirements.
    2. Drivers must follow direct orders from Race Control at all times.
    3. All participating drivers are expected to be familiar with the regulations in addition to relevant features and rules of the game platform in use.
    4. Behaviour classified as Unsportsmanlike by the Stewards and/or Events Director is subject to penalties;
      1. These penalties could be in-game (e.g. a time penalty) or outside the game (e.g. points deduction);
      2. The penalty applied is solely at the discretion of the Stewards and/or Events Director;
      3. Severe cases may result in event disqualification and/or SimGrid ban.
    1. If an event has a Drivers Briefing, this will be detailed in the events timetable in the text description.
    2. Drivers Briefings are mandatory and must be attended by participating drivers;
      1. In Team events, only one team representative must be present.
    3. Drivers must have their car parked in the garage throughout the duration of the Drivers Briefing;
      1. Drivers will be disqualified from the qualifying session if they are not parked in the garage;
        1. If there is no qualifying session to follow the Drivers Briefing, then a SG30 will be imposed instead;
      2. Reminders about the Drivers Briefing will be communicated via in-game chat in the minutes leading up to the start of the briefing.
    4. Any rule changes or rule exceptions mentioned in the Drivers Briefing will override the ruling detailed in this document;
      1. These changes or exceptions will only be applicable to that specific event.
    1. Drivers must achieve their fastest lap without exploitation of external factors such as bump drafting an opponent.
    2. Priority is always given to drivers currently on flying laps. This means that drivers on outlaps, inlaps or invalidated laps are expected to give way and not impede;
      1. Ignoring blue flags and impeding may be penalised by the Stewards;
      2. Grid penalties will be used when possible, otherwise a time penalty will be applied.
    3. It is the driver’s responsibility to find a suitable window to set their flying lap as overtaking another driver on a flying lap may be penalised; 
      1. Approaching a slower driver on their own flying lap does not give the faster driver priority. Whilst the slower driver may choose to give way, they are not obliged to do so.
    4. Use of the Return to Garage (RTG) function is only allowed if you are stopped safely off-track.
    5. Use of the Return to Garage (RTG) function is only allowed if you are stopped in the pit lane;
      1. Art 3.5 is only in use if it is specifically mentioned in the Drivers Briefing.
  1. RACE
    1. Formation lap and race start procedures can differ depending on the game platform in use;
      1. In ACC events, the game controls speed and positioning of drivers through the use of a widget that drivers must follow;
      2. ACC may apply DT (Drive-Through) penalties due to incorrect positioning or speeding;
        1. If Stewards are present, these will be cleared and investigated and then reapplied if necessary.
    2. Unless told otherwise by Race Control, all drivers should complete a cooldown lap and drive back to the pit lane after finishing the race.
    3. Drivers should wait for the race to fully complete before disconnecting from the server.
    1. Track limits are determined and controlled by the game but the punishment for repeated track limit violations can differ from game to game;
      1. In ACC, each car is given 3 track limit warnings and the fourth violation awards a DT penalty;
      2. In ACC, a severe track limit violation can award a penalty without any warning;
    2. No matter the game platform in use, gaining a position or a lasting advantage by leaving the track is against the rules and may result in a penalty at the discretion of the Stewards, regardless of any warning or penalty issued by the game;
      1. Drivers must slow down and/or return position (if they overtook) immediately (or when safe to do so) to avoid any penalty from the Stewards.
    3. Drivers must keep all four wheels within the solid white lines on pit entry and pit exit;
      1. Riding on the white line is acceptable;
      2. Crossing over the line may result in a penalty at the discretion of the Stewards;
        1. Some game platforms may penalise pit lane infringements automatically.
      3. Cars on track must stay out of the pit lane exit if another vehicle is exiting the pit, even if the pit exit is on the racing line.
    1. Blue flags are advisory that the car behind is going to lap them;
      1. The distance that the blue flags are waved may vary depending on the platform in use, but commonly they are waved when the lapping car is within a 1s gap;
      2. Drivers receiving the blue flag are not required to move off the racing line to allow the lapping driver to pass;
      3. The driver must stay alert for an overtaking attempt by the lapping car;
        1. Blue flag drivers must not defend an attempted overtaking manoeuvre from the lapping car under any circumstances and will be penalised by the Stewards for doing so.
      4. If the driver receiving the blue flag is not faster than the approaching lapping car, then it is recommended that the driver being lapped makes every reasonable effort to allow the lapping driver to pass;
      5. The lapping driver is responsible for attempting a safe overtaking manoeuvre on the blue flag driver, just as they would if they were overtaking a driver for position;
        1. It is recommended that the lapping driver should flash their headlights to signal their intent to pass the lapped driver.
      6. Lapped drivers are only allowed to unlap themselves if the car in front of them facilitates an overtaking manoeuvre. Once past, they must be able to pull a gap of at least 1 second (to get out of the blue flag window) within a maximum of 2 full laps or they must allow the lapping car back through.
    2. In Yellow Flag situations, drivers must respect the “No overtaking under yellow flag” rule;
      1. Overtaking is only permitted on cars that are stationary or moving very slowly;
      2. Drivers must be cautious under yellow flags and be prepared to slow down or even come to a stop;
      3. Ignoring yellow flags is a severe offence – especially if it results in further incidents – and may be penalised at the discretion of the Stewards.
    3. Red flags will be used in rare emergencies only and immediately stop the entire race;
      1. If red flags are called, drivers are to follow the instructions of Race Control which will be provided through in-game chat;
      2. Drivers may be called to the Drivers Briefing voice channel to receive vocal instructions from the Events Director.
    4. Red flagged races are only eligible for a restart if less than 75% of the race duration has been completed;
      1. The grid order for the restart is determined by the positions at the end of the last full lap completed by the leader;
      2. Cars that are retired will not be allowed to return to the race;
      3. Restarts of the race after a red flag are entirely at the discretion of the Events Director and numerous factors have to be considered for a restart to proceed (e.g. real world time, remaining race duration).
      4. If the Events Director determines that a race restart is not to occur, then 50% points will be awarded, based on the positions at the end of the last full lap completed by the leader;
    5. Red flagged races will not be restarted if 75% or more of the race duration has been completed;
      1. The standings at the end of the last full lap completed by the leader will be used to determine the results of the race;
      2. Points will be awarded in full.
    1. On a straight, before entering the approach of a corner, the driver in front may use the full width of the track and drive whatever line they wish. However;
      1. The driver in front loses this right when the driver behind establishes any portion of overlap between the two cars. At this point, both drivers have to give each other space.
    2. Drivers may only make one change of direction to defend a position;
      1. This singular change of direction must be made before the driver attempting an overtaking manoeuvre makes their move;
        1. Moving in reaction to the car behind is considered blocking and may be penalised at the discretion of the Stewards;
      2. Weaving (continuously altering your driving line on a straight) may be considered blocking in some scenarios and may be penalised at the discretion of the Stewards;
      3. Moving back toward the racing line having made their one defensive manoeuvre off-line is permitted but the driver must leave at least one car width between their car and the track edge;
        1. Failure to leave a car width in this scenario may be penalised at the discretion of the Stewards.
    3. Manoeuvres likely to hamper other drivers, such as abnormal changes of direction may be penalised at the discretion of the Stewards;
      1. Doing this in or just before the braking zone for a corner is extremely dangerous and drivers could receive a more severe punishment from the Stewards for “Dangerous Driving”;
      2. For the avoidance of doubt, trail-braking (turning into the corner with some brake applied) is expected and generally not considered abnormal.
    4. In most situations, the right to the preferred racing line through a corner is decided between the braking zone and the apex of the corner;
      1. If the attacking driver is more than half-way alongside the inside of defending driver by the apex, then the attacker on the inside has the right to the apex;
      2. If the attacking driver is half-way alongside (front axle of attacker is ahead of rear axle of defender) the inside of the defending driver by the apex, then both drivers have a reasonable claim to the apex;
      3. If the attacking driver is less than half-way alongside the inside of the defending driver by the apex, then the defender on the outside has the right to the apex;
      4. Drivers do not have a right to the racing line by dive-bombing;
        1. A driver is deemed to have dive-bombed if they can only get at least half-way alongside of the defending driver by carrying excess speed to make the corner – this means that they were too fast to turn the car toward the apex and/or they were too fast to keep the car within the track limits;
        2. For the avoidance of doubt, track limits in this instance are defined as the white lines.
    5. The right to the preferred racing line on the exit of a corner is dependent on who is ahead at the exit;
      1. If the driver on the outside is level with the driver on the inside (front axle in line with front axle) then both drivers have a reasonable claim to the racing line;
      2. If the driver on the outside is ahead of the driver on the inside then the driver on the inside must leave at least one car width between their car and the track edge;
      3. If the driver on the outside is behind the driver on the inside (front axle behind front axle) then the driver on the inside has the right to the racing line and the driver on the outside must back out to avoid a collision.
    6. If a driver loses control of their car then they must do everything in their power to avoid causing further incident;
      1. Causing further incidents due to an inappropriate response (e.g. applying throttle and moving into the racing line rather than holding the brakes to try and stop the car rolling) may result in a penalty at the discretion of the Stewards.
    7. If a driver fully exits the track (all 4 wheels are outside of the white line and/or kerb at that section of track) then it is their responsibility to rejoin the track in a safe manner;
      1. If a driver rejoining the track makes contact with another driver then they will be deemed fully at fault in all cases and should expect a penalty at the discretion of the stewards;
      2. Rejoins are solely based on all 4 tyres being outside of the white line and/or kerb, regardless if the games automatic track limit system allows for more than this without a track limit infringement.
    8. It is not permitted to drive unnecessarily slowly, erratically or in a manner deemed by the Stewards as potentially dangerous to others.
    9. If for any reason a car becomes permanently disabled, either in pitlane, on track, or in a run-off area, the driver should use the RTG function as soon as possible;
      1. Race Control may issue a warning to the driver that they must RTG and failure to comply promptly will result in being disqualified and/or kicked from the session.

Racing is a chaotic sport and collisions between drivers are a part of racing. When incidents occur on track, the Stewards will review those incidents with the intention of finding the driver at fault. In the majority of incidents between two drivers, both drivers will share some of the blame. When blame can be attributed more to one driver than the other, then that is where warnings or penalties may be applied, at the discretion of the Stewards.

  1. Stewards will refer to Article 7 when reviewing an incident and use these points to try and allocate fault. However, no two incidents are ever the same and any decision made is entirely at the discretion of the Stewards.
  2. When warnings/penalties are awarded, they are for the transgression committed, not the outcome of the incident itself;
    1. A penalty may be increased in severity if there are multiple transgressions in a single incident – e.g. an unsafe rejoin and a resulting collision with another driver.
  3. An incident that results in damage to another vehicle and/or a loss of positions is taken into consideration when deciding if a penalty is required, however;
    1. The significance of that damage to their vehicle and/or number of positions lost are irrelevant.

It is important to note that when deciding whether a penalty for a transgression is required or not, the Stewards are under specific instructions to use common sense. In some scenarios, a rule may have been broken but it does not require a penalty to be applied.

The Stewards also expect the drivers to use common sense and apply preservation of their own car above everything. If another driver has broken a rule then they can be reported for that transgression and the Stewards may penalise that driver at their discretion, but drivers not applying common sense to a situation and instigating a collision, as a result, will be looked upon negatively by the Stewards and may affect the outcome.


Whenever live stewarding is present in a SimGrid event in ACC they will use a tool that automatically logs all contact between cars. The Stewards will then view each of these logs to determine what needs investigating. Drivers will have a Report Form (Art. 11) that can be used to report transgressions of another driver which does not involve contact between two or more cars.

  1. It is entirely at the discretion of the Stewards to decide whether an investigation is required for any incident.
  2. It is entirely at the discretion of the Stewards to decide if any driver involved in an incident should be penalised;
    1. Unless it is evident to the Stewards that a driver was wholly or predominantly to blame for an incident, no penalty will be issued (Art. 8);

Following their investigation, the Stewards may determine that a penalty is required and then Stewards may impose any of the following penalties;

  1. Warning;
    1. Warnings come in two forms – Warning and Final Warning;
    2. Stewards can award a Final Warning to a driver without issuing any Warning first;
    3. After receiving a Final Warning, the minimum penalty the driver can receive is a 5s Time Penalty;
    4. A driver is eligible to receive a Warning for any incident, regardless of any prior penalty, as long as they have not been issued their Final Warning.
  2. Time Penalty;
    1. 5 second time penalty, 10 second time penalty, 15 second time penalty;
    2. Time penalties are served at the drivers next pit stop;
    3. If the driver does not make a pit stop after the penalty is applied, the time is added to the drivers total race time.
  3. Drive Through (DT);
    1. Driver must drive through the pit lane without stopping;
    2. DT penalties must be served within 3 laps of being applied to the driver – Failure to do so will result in Disqualification;
    3. A DT penalty as a result of a collision between two or more drivers is usually awarded when the Stewards determine that the driver was driving recklessly;
    4. If the DT cannot be served due to insufficient time/laps remaining in the race, then the DT will converted to a 30 second time penalty which will be added to the drivers total race time;
      1. With exception to Spa-Francorchamps in ACC which will become an 80 second time penalty.
  4. Stop & Go (SG);
    1. A driver must enter the pits and stop their car in the box for the duration of the SG penalty; 10, 20 or 30 seconds;
    2. SG penalties must be served within 3 laps of being applied to the driver – Failure to do so will result in Disqualification;
    3. A SG penalty of any degree is reserved for the most serious offences or where a driver has fallen foul of multiple transgressions in one incident;
    4. If the SG cannot be served due to insufficient time/laps remaining in the race, the SG penalty will then be converted to a time penalty which will be applied to the drivers total race time.

Following their investigation, the Stewards may determine that a penalty is not required and then rule “No Further Action” or classify the incident as a “Racing Incident”;

  1. No Further Action (NFA);
    1. A transgression reported to the Stewards through the Report form results in NFA if the Stewards determine that no Warning or Penalty is required.
  2. Racing Incident (RI);
    1. Stewards may determine that a collision is a Racing Incident for several reasons, including but not limited to;
      1. Incidents where no single driver can be deemed wholly or predominantly at fault;
      2. Incidents where the drivers are seen to be doing everything that was reasonably in their power to avoid a collision;
      3. Incidents where drivers are racing each other within the regulations;
      4. Incidents caused by minor misjudgements and mitigating circumstances.

Whenever drivers receive a penalty they will also receive licence points for that championship. The number of licence points that a driver receives can differ depending on the penalty that they receive. Licence points are only awarded to drivers for their own actions, not those of the team or the drivers’ teammates.

  1. Licence points are awarded by the following scale;
    1. Time Penalty (Regardless of duration) = 1 licence point;
    2. Drive Through (DT) = 1.5 licence points;
    3. Stop & Go (SG) = 2 licence points.
  2. Licence points are only awarded for transgressions that are penalised by the Stewards. Licence points are not given for any automatic penalties given by the game platform in use, such as automatic Drive Through for track limit violations.

Over the course of the championship, drivers must take note of their licence points as further penalties may be imposed on them – or the team they are driving for – as their licence points increase. The purpose of this is to further punish repeat offenders racing in SimGrid championships.

  1. Further penalties are imposed by the following scale; 
    1. A driver with 3 licence points will receive a 15s time penalty for the car in which they are driving at the next race;
    2. A driver with 4 licence points will receive a Qualifying ban penalty for the car in which they are driving at the next race;
    3. A driver with 5 or more licence points will receive a Drive Through (DT) for the car in which they are driving at the next race;
  2. After these penalties have been imposed and served, 3 licence points will be removed from the drivers licence points total and the remainder is carried over to the next round.
  3. If the penalties laid out in 10.3 cannot be imposed as there are no more championship rounds remaining, those penalties will be replaced by post-race penalties on the final round result as follows;
    1. A driver with 3 licence points will receive a 15s time penalty for the car in which they were driving;
    2. A driver with 4 licence points will receive a 20s time penalty for the car in which they were driving;
    3. A driver with 5 licence points or more will receive a 30s time penalty for the car in which they were driving.

When drivers are racing in team-based events at SimGrid, they must also be aware that the team will also receive licence points when drivers receive penalties. However, the team licence points differ from driver licence points as they operate on a race-by-race basis.

  1. Further penalties are imposed by the following scale;
    1. A team with 3 licence points in a single round will receive a Drive Through (DT) penalty in addition to any other penalties they have been awarded;
    2. A team with 4 licence points in a single round will receive a Stop & Go 30 (SG30) penalty in addition to any other penalties they have been awarded;
    3. A team with more than 4 licence points in a single round will receive the black flag and be Disqualified (DSQ).
    1. The protest system covers reports and penalty appeals. These are handled through different forms; Report form and Penalty Appeal form.
    2. The forms will be made available in a discord text channel for the respective championship named “Protest Forms”;
      1. The forms will be available from the start of the event until 15 minutes after the race finish; 
      2. A message will be posted to confirm the closure of the 15 minute post-race window;
    3. Report forms are used to report a transgression by another driver which does not involve contact between two or more cars.
    4. Appeal forms are used to appeal a penalty that was applied during the race;
      1. The appeal form applies to championship races only;
      2. Drivers/Teams are limited to 3 appeal tickets during a championship;
      3. Appeals can only be made against a penalty;
        1. Appeals made against No Further Action, Racing Incident, First Warning or Final Warning will be rejected without review;
      4. An unsuccessful or rejected appeal will consume one ticket;
      5. Appeals are successful if the penalty is removed or reduced; 
      6. A successful appeal will not consume a ticket.
    5. Participants must supply accurate and detailed information when filling in either Report or Appeal form;
      1. Submitted forms that have incomplete or inaccurate information will be discarded by the Stewards;
      2. To successfully appeal against a penalty, evidence must be provided to the Stewards to show why the given penalty was incorrect.
  1. CHAT
    1. Each driver must have the in-game chat option enabled so they can receive any in-game messages from the Stewards and/or Event Director.
    2. Drivers are allowed to use in-game chat during practice sessions.
    3. Drivers are not allowed to use in-game text chat during Qualifying or Race sessions for any reason.


Big Brain Racing

1636 Followers · 33 Events

GT3 - Split 1 1,952
12 40

Event Communications

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Classes & Cars

  • AMR V8 Vantage
  • AMR Vantage V12 GT3
  • Audi R8 LMS
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo
  • Bentley Continental GT3 2015
  • Bentley Continental GT3 2018
  • BMW M6 GT3
  • Ferrari 488 GT3
  • Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo DLC
  • Honda NSX GT3 Evo
  • Honda NSX GT3
  • Jaguar GT3
  • Lamborghini Gallardo R-EX
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo
  • Lexus RC F GT3
  • McLaren 650s GT3
  • McLaren 720S GT3
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 DLC
  • Nissan GTR Nismo GT3 2015
  • Nissan GTR Nismo GT3 2018
  • Porsche 991II GT3 R
  • Porsche 991 GT3
  • BMW M4 GT3
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo II DLC

No-Show Rules

Max Allowed Penalties
10 Points
No Show Penalty
5 Points
Withdrawals Allowed