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Haven GT Sprint Cup

Hosted by SimHaven ACC • PC on PC Followers Only
P Standings Vehicle Pen R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 PTS
🇬🇧 Alex Kingston 3,044
GT3 778 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
3,044 · intermediate GT3 778 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 17 18 20 12 2 60 2 60 3 55 1 69 2 60 3 55 377
🇿🇦 Taariq Adam 4,857
GT3 99 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
4,857 · semi-pro GT3 99 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 1 69 1 69 DNS DNS 1 69 DNS DNS 1 69 1 69 345
🇩🇪 J. Wolf 3,136
GT3 21 AMR V8 Vantage
3,136 · intermediate GT3 21 AMR V8 Vantage DNS DNS 17 18 4 51 4 51 5 48 3 55 5 48 271
🇮🇪 Ryan Kelly 2,756
GT3 417 BMW M4 GT3
2,756 · intermediate GT3 417 BMW M4 GT3 3 55 2 60 DNS DNS 1 66 14 24 2 60 DNS DNS DNS DNS 265
🇺🇦 Sergey Vish 2,399
GT3 29 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,399 · intermediate GT3 29 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 13 26 DNF DNF DNS DNS 3 58 2 60 7 42 DNS DNS 2 60 246
🇫🇮 Niklas Wefvar 2,404
GT3 777 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
2,404 · intermediate GT3 777 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 4 51 13 26 9 36 9 36 5 48 6 45 242
🇺🇦 Andrew NeoN 1,981
GT3 109 McLaren 720S GT3
1,981 · rookie GT3 109 McLaren 720S GT3 6 45 15 22 7 42 8 39 6 45 7 42 DNS DNS 235
🇳🇱 Olaf Wapsenkamp 2,624
GT3 424 McLaren 720S GT3
2,624 · intermediate GT3 424 McLaren 720S GT3 8 39 12 28 6 45 14 24 6 45 4 51 232
🇮🇩 Rafif Prahastya 1,606
GT3 420 Bentley Continent...
1,606 · rookie GT3 420 Bentley Continental GT3 2018 28 3 14 24 DNS DNS 9 36 DNS DNS 3 55 13 26 7 42 186
🇬🇧 David Gowrie 2,230
GT3 8 McLaren 720S GT3
2,230 · rookie GT3 8 McLaren 720S GT3 19 14 11 30 13 26 DNS DNS DNS DNS 16 20 8 39 8 39 168
🇮🇩 Muhammad Bintang 1,866
GT3 151 McLaren 720S GT3
1,866 · rookie GT3 151 McLaren 720S GT3 8 39 13 26 8 39 11 30 10 33 167
🇳🇱 Mikel Fernandes 3,712
GT3 123 McLaren 720S GT3
3,712 · semi-pro GT3 123 McLaren 720S GT3 DSQ 2 63 3 55 5 48 166
🇩🇴 Jeremy Ricardo 3,032
GT3 111 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
3,032 · intermediate GT3 111 Audi R8 LMS Evo II DSQ 1 66 4 51 6 45 DNS DNS 162
🇺🇸 Andrew Oakes 2,069
GT3 103 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,069 · rookie GT3 103 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 21 10 8 39 16 20 12 28 5 48 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 145
15 2,061 · rookie GT3 159 BMW M4 GT3 6 45 7 42 19 14 5 48 135
🇮🇪 Rod Kimble 1,720
GT3 95 BMW M4 GT3
1,720 · rookie GT3 95 BMW M4 GT3 16 20 19 14 20 12 DNS DNS 19 14 10 33 9 36 DNS DNS 129
17 2,177 · rookie GT3 44 BMW M4 GT3 5 48 9 36 7 42 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 126
🇺🇦 Vladyslav Petrikin 1,721
GT3 27 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
1,721 · rookie GT3 27 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 23 8 12 28 18 16 11 30 20 12 11 30 DNS DNS DNS DNS 124
🇪🇪 Oliver Jundas 2,165
GT3 13 Bentley Continent...
2,165 · rookie GT3 13 Bentley Continental GT3 2018 DNS DNS 5 48 8 39 DNS DNS 9 36 DNS DNS DNS DNS 123
🇺🇸 Jack Spencer 1,823
GT3 2 McLaren 720S GT3
1,823 · rookie GT3 2 McLaren 720S GT3 22 9 15 22 DNS DNS 10 33 12 28 DNS DNS DNS DNS 11 30 122
🇩🇪 Alex Black 2,079
GT3 46 AMR V8 Vantage
2,079 · rookie GT3 46 AMR V8 Vantage 14 24 10 33 11 30 DNS DNS 14 24 111
🇬🇧 Jack Byrne 1,700
GT3 56 McLaren 720S GT3
1,700 · rookie GT3 56 McLaren 720S GT3 16 20 14 24 14 24 18 16 DNS DNS 13 26 110
🇩🇪 Joschka Müller 2,629
GT3 37 McLaren 720S GT3
2,629 · intermediate GT3 37 McLaren 720S GT3 DSQ 9 36 3 55 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 91
🇩🇪 Baron van Bunker 2,183
GT3 52 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
2,183 · rookie GT3 52 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo DSQ 10 33 13 26 12 28 87
🇬🇧 Alex Moore 1,765
GT3 5 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
1,765 · rookie GT3 5 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo DNS DNS 12 28 15 22 12 28 78
🇷🇸 Nikola Mučibabić 1,944
GT3 25 McLaren 720S GT3
1,944 · rookie GT3 25 McLaren 720S GT3 DNS DNS DNS DNS 17 18 4 51 DNS DNS 69
🇵🇹 André Alex. Afonso 2,565
GT3 999 Mercedes-AMG GT3 ...
2,565 · intermediate GT3 999 Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 20 12 4 51 63
🇳🇱 Dylan Krol 2,002
GT3 90 BMW M4 GT3
2,002 · rookie GT3 90 BMW M4 GT3 11 30 11 30 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 60
🇩🇪 Marco Antonio 1,591
GT3 17 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
1,591 · rookie GT3 17 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 15 22 18 16 DNS DNS 15 22 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 60
🇱🇺 Janson Bintz 2,512
GT3 86 Porsche 991II GT3 R
2,512 · intermediate GT3 86 Porsche 991II GT3 R DSQ 4 51 26 5 DNS DNS 56
🇳🇱 Matthijs van Amelrooij 2,095
GT3 33 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,095 · rookie GT3 33 Audi R8 LMS Evo II DSQ 6 45 45
🇺🇸 Harrison Moore 1,994
GT3 22 Honda NSX GT3 Evo
1,994 · rookie GT3 22 Honda NSX GT3 Evo DSQ 7 42 DNS DNS 42
33 2,034 · rookie GT3 10 BMW M4 GT3 7 42 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 42
🇬🇧 Ethan Dymond 1,752
GT3 77 AMR Vantage V12 GT3
1,752 · rookie GT3 77 AMR Vantage V12 GT3 24 7 22 9 DNS DNS 16 20 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 36
🇮🇩 Fikri Azka 1,922
GT3 74 BMW M4 GT3
1,922 · rookie GT3 74 BMW M4 GT3 DNS DNS 9 36 36
🇺🇸 Christian Tennariello 2,025
GT3 7 Mercedes-AMG GT3 ...
2,025 · rookie GT3 7 Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 10 33 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 33
Alexander Borodin 2,080
GT3 841 BMW M4 GT3
2,080 · rookie GT3 841 BMW M4 GT3 DSQ 10 33 DNS DNS 33
🇬🇧 Hach Kiddo 1,632
GT3 41 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
1,632 · rookie GT3 41 Audi R8 LMS Evo II 10 33 DNS DNS 33
🇩🇪 Lars Breitenstein 2,247
GT3 125 Audi R8 LMS Evo II
2,247 · rookie GT3 125 Audi R8 LMS Evo II DSQ 12 28 28
40 2,264 · intermediate GT3 3 BMW M4 GT3 13 26 DNS DNS DNS DNS 26
Points based on dropping the worse result
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