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again in cooperation with Misove Piatky alias Kermit we are organizing a multiclass race. This time we will meet in England in the Brands Hatch.
90min Race
20min Qualify 10min gt4 10min gt3
60min Free practice
All info and chat on DSC MISOVE PIATKY
Practice server Server: Brands Hatch Multiclass race
Pass: brandys
opět ve spolupráci s Misovo Piatky alias Kermit pořádáme multiclass závod. Tentokrát se sejdeme v Anglii v Brands Hatch.
90min Race
20min Qualify 10min gt4 10min gt3
60min Free practice
Veškeré info a chat na DSC MISOVE PIATKY
Treninkový server Server: Brands Hatch Multiclass race
pass: brandys