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Next Proving Grounds by Delta :: Misano PC 20min 0 Grid Open

Porsche Cup (PS5 & Xbox Crossplay) World Championship

Hosted by TJC GAMING ACC on Crossplay Followers Only

how to join

Must follow this SimGrid host to enter, must be in our Discord to take part and receive server password, and must pay for your entry before race day. Payment link here (£5 GBPClick here to pay for your entry Payment is NON REFUNDABLE, sorry. So make sure you want to take part

when we race

6 rounds, 1 round per Sunday. Search TJC GAMING to find the SimGrid server.

Livestream broadcast stream starts at 6PM BST UK. Please watch along on the stream to ask any questions live Practice and server will be refreshed at 5:25PM BST UKQuali starts at 6:30 PM BST UK, Race Starts at 6:45PM BST UK time

Maximum of 3 races missed from 6. If you miss more than 3 races you will be auto DSQ'd from the rest of the season

80 Safety and 1 track medal required for the chosen circuits that are involved

30 championship spaces available

racing Rules

  1. Be clean on track at ALL times. Overtakes are to be NO CONTACT. If you make contact with a car upon overtaking, it means the overtake was never on in the first place
  2. Always leave space, no divebombing, push to pass, weaving, blocking or purposeful take outs. You will be BANNED PERMANENTLY if this is how you drive here. If you're a cars length back and not alongside, you have NO CHANCE of overtaking the driver in front as they are braking right on the limit. They are not your corner brake. Back off. Get back in the tow, and plan a safe overtake side by side
  3. Obey flags, especially the Blue Flag. If being lapped in race conditions, if you are blue flagged you MUST safely let the leaders through when it is safe to do so when the close in on you. A Blue Flagged driver MAY be able to un-lap themselves in certain conditions however. For example, if the blue flagged driver is on a fresh set of tyres and has a tyre advantage. This is situational, stewards will have the final say in all cases
  4. Keep game radar ON. Too many drivers never look around them, or behind them, thus leading to forcing others off the track. Be aware where other vehicles are around you. Knowing what is around you is crucial to sim racing. You have a mirror, radar and spotter. Utilise them to ensure clean racing around you
  5. Be respectful to all drivers at all times. Do not call out, argue or point fingers in the live YouTube chat or Discord. There is an official complaint procedure to follow, more on that next
  6. Report any on track incidents in PM in Discord to either myself TJC GAMING or Onkelalma Gaming. Stating cars involved, car numbers and lap. Failure to give this specific information will not lead to your steward query being investigated after the race

Porsche Supercup Championship scoring system

25-20-17-14-12-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for the top 15 finishers. There is NOT a point for fastest race lap

Only the Porsche 992 GT3 Cup is permitted to be used

Mandatory pitstop will be included, each race is 90 mins, (1.5 Hours), with 65 minutes practice, 15 minutes qualifying, and 90 minutes race lengths.

Mandatory Pit window - 4000 seconds. Pit opens 12 minutes into race, closes 12 minutes before end of race. You can box at any time in the pit window. Mandatory tyre change is included

Success Ballast - The winner from each race will receive 20 Kgs from winning a race to be carried on their car for the next round.

If a driver wins 2 races in a row, he/she will carry 40 Kgs for the next race

Ballast is removed fully upon ballasted driver failing to win a race whilst carrying ballast weight

Any on track incidents can be reported privately to myself TJC GAMING, or Kesoppe Racing Team via Discord PM for steward review

As there is a small money prize involved in winning, I expect high and clean driving standards throughout

All stewarding is impartial, there is no favouritism. If someone causes an avoidable accident, pushes to pass, or for example, disobeys blue flags, this will occur a penalty

Race rules are simple, drive clean, leave space, if you hit someone off track and you are aware that it was your mistake, then carefully let them overtake you somewhere safe on the circuit



71 Followers · 4 Events

Porsche Cup - Split 1 2,075
8 30
Entry Requirements

Event Communications

Keep up to date with all event related announcements and communications via TJC GAMING 's Discord Server.

Connect Discord for Event Communication

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Classes & Cars

  • Porsche 992 GT3 Cup DLC

No-Show Rules

Max Allowed Penalties
15 Points
No Show Penalty
5 Points
Withdrawals Allowed