We are back with another series but this time something different. From now a practice hot lap server at ZOLDER is open for each driver to start doing some hotlaps. Weather conditions will remain the same through the hotlap period and the server will restart every 3 hours!
- Each driver must do a minimum of 5 VALID hotlaps for entry into the championship.
- Drivers must also be registered on our TOGA website (https://togamotorsport.co.uk/) with there steam account linked.
- Once the laps have been set you will be placed in the correct class on SimGrid ready for the new championship starting on the 26th March 2025
- You do not need to open a ticket, we will automaticly know what driver has completed his / her laps through our website.
- You have till Tuesday 25th March 21:00 UK to complete your valid laps after then we will lock the championship ready for it it start on the Wednesday!