Max of 4 penalty points per incident, every 8 accumulated penalty points means a 1 race ban (resets every season). Once an incident report has been created, the person who has been reported against will be added to the ticket.
Potential Penalties
- If you are obviously griefing/ruining someone’s race or making an attempt to, you will receive a race ban on the first offense, with the potential for further implications.
- No further action.
- 5 second time penalty, 1 penalty point.
- 5 second time penalty, 2 penalty points.
- 10 second time penalty, 2 penalty points.
- 10 second time penalty, 3 penalty points.
- Start the next race from the back (qualifying ban). 1-4 penalty points depending on the severity of the incident.
- Reset to track is a 10 second time penalty, a qualifying ban for the next race, & 2 penalty points. There are specific exclusions to this, so we will handle accordingly.
- If someone retires mid track instead of in the pit lane, a qualifying ban will be enforced for the next race along with 2 penalty points.
- Failure to submit your POV in an incident report (both if you've been reported or you're doing the reporting) will result in 1 penalty point. Make sure to download the race replay after a race has concluded.
- If your track map isn’t on and/or you don’t have the rear view mirror setting on, 1 penalty point will be imposed.
- If you cause an incident and get reported for it because of being in AI mode, both during a race and qualifying, an aggressive penalty will be issued. We understand during a safety car some people might want to "take a break" and go in AI mode. That is perfectly okay, but don't abuse this by being in AI mode during the course of the whole safety car.
- If a person is given a penalty from an incident report, but they did not finish the race, they will be given an extra 1 penalty point on top of any other penalty points
- If you ready up before the designated start race time (given by the host of the lobby), there will be a penalty imposed. The severity will depend on how many times it has happened.