Prior to entering Season 11, you must read and accept the TSRC Rules and Regulations which are available via our website and in the TSRC Discord. Any driver who fails to accept the rules and regulations are forbidden from entering the championship.
It is mandatory for drivers to complete an evaluation race prior to entering our championships. The week before round 1 commences, we will be hosting an Evaluation/Warm-Up event for new and existing drivers to compete in. The admins shall be assessing your race craft to see if you can race cleanly and to ensure you do not leave the event mid-race. If you are unable to attend the Evaluation/Warm-Up event please contact one of our console admins via the TSRC Discord as there may be other opportunities to complete an evaluation race via our social races before the season commences. If new drivers have not completed an evaluation race prior to round 1 you will not be able to compete in Season 11. Drivers who have previously competed in TSRC championships are not required to complete an additional evaluation race.
Race results from the Evaluation/Warm-Up event will not count towards the championship.
An attendance brief shall be announced in the TSRC Discord every Tuesday. This will detail the circuit, session details, track conditions etc. for the upcoming race. Each driver must check in or out of the race by marking the attendance brief with a tick or a cross. The attendance briefing must be completed by race day at 18:00 GMT. Failure to check in shall result in being removed from the entry list for the upcoming race.
If you cannot attend a race you are required to click the 'withdraw' button for the race on SimGrid. Failure to do so will result in a points deduction in the championship.
A driver briefing shall be released Sunday morning in the TSRC Discord. It is mandatory for all drivers to read the briefing prior to official practice commencing. Each driver must mark the briefing with a tick to confirm you have read and understood the rules and procedures for the upcoming race.
The server shall be reset every Tuesday to the correct circuit, temperature, and weather conditions for drivers to practice in their own time throughout the week. On race day, the server shall be reset at 19:00 GMT for an official practice session. Free practice is not mandatory for drivers to compete in, however it is advised drivers join the practice session as soon as possible to ensure there are no issues entering the server and are assigned the correct vehicle.
It is the drivers responsibility to provide themselves sufficient space on track. It is recommended that you should leave a 5-10 second gap between yourself and the car ahead to ensure you can complete your hot laps without being impeded.
If you are approaching a car ahead that is slower but is also on a hot lap you must abort your lap immediately and prepare for your next lap by creating a sufficient gap to the car ahead. If you are on an out lap, in lap, or have invalidated your hot lap it is your responsibility to move off of the racing line and allow approaching drivers to continue their hot laps without being impeded. Failure to do so will result in a penalty.
There will be a 3 minute period between qualifying and the race for you to make adjustment to set-ups, fuel allowances, tyres etc. followed by a full formation lap. Please ensure your fuel calculations include the formation lap as not all fuel calculators consider this.
The majority of incidents occur in the first few laps when the grid is compact, especially in the first lap. Please take extra care during the first few laps to avoid incidents by braking earlier and always monitoring your surroundings. Race incidents can spoil the race, especially if you have spent the week practicing, and can be frustrating for many drivers. Incidents that occur on the first lap, careless driving, and reckless driving will be awarded firmer penalties.
Each driver shall be required to complete a mandatory pitstop to change tyres, however refuelling is optional. There is no pit window so drivers can choose their own strategy throughout the race.
You must always leave a cars width to others who you are battling on track to avoid collisions occurring. When overtaking a driver, you must carry out the manoeuvre within the track limits. If you are aware that you have overtaken illegally it is recommended you allow the affected driver through on the next available straight to avoid a penalty. You will be awarded a penalty if you are deemed to have gained an advantage by overtaking off track.
Yellow flags shall be waved when an incident has occurred or when a vehicle has stopped on track. When approaching yellow flags, you must slow down and be prepared to stop. You are not permitted to overtake any vehicles that did not cause the yellow flag (this does not apply to cars that are under yellow flags conditions once returned to the pit lane). Penalties shall be awarded to any driver overtaking under yellow flag conditions.
White flags are waved when you are approaching a slow moving vehicle. Be prepared to slow down in case the affected vehicle is blocking the track. You are permitted to overtake under waved white flags as long as it is safe to do so.
Blue flags are waved when a faster car is approaching somebody who is not on the leading lap. The slower car must move off of the racing line when safe to do so at the earliest opportunity to allow the faster car through. This can vary depending on the nature of the circuit, however the general rule of thumb is within three corners. Any special instructions for blue flags in a race shall be mentioned in driver briefings.
When allowing a faster car through you must be predictable to prevent yourself from delaying their lap. This should be carried out by lifting off of the throttle along a straight. If you have indicators programmed to controls it is advised to activate them in the direction you are moving to.
If you are shown a blue flag but are faster than the car behind you are permitted to stay in front as long as you do not affect their pace. However, if you are one second ahead and cannot increase the gap to the car behind after 2 laps you must allow the car behind to pass.
You are permitted to un lap yourself during a race if you feel you are faster than the car ahead. The move must be carried out safely ensuring that the leading car does not lose time during the move. The leading car should not defend from the lapped car at any time. If you are of similar pace the last car must stay behind the leading car until there is a substantial pace difference between drivers.
Red flags shall take place when the server disconnects or at least 20% of drivers are disconnected from the race. An announcement shall be made in the TSRC Discord regarding the race following a red flag. The following steps shall be carried out where possible:
Incidents are a part of racing. If you are involved in an incident and lose control of the vehicle you must always hold your brakes until you come to a stop. Continue to hold the brakes to prevent yourself rolling onto the track or into other vehicles. Once the track is clear you can release the brakes and return to track. Failure to return to the track in a safe manner will result in a penalty.
If you are involved in an incident where you believe your competitor has gained an advantage you must complete an incident report for the stewards to review. The incident report form is available via the TSRC Discord by using the !report command. Incident reports must be sent to the stewards within 24 hours of the race finishing. Any reports sent after the timeframe may not be reviewed.
You are responsible for providing the correct information for the incident being reported, as well as sufficient video evidence. Sufficient video evidence would include the accusers point of view (POV), the perpetrators POV, and a helicopter cam video of the incident. More angles can be provided by the accuser if they deem necessary. It is recommended that a replay button is mapped onto your controller/wheel so that you can save replays following an incident.
We encourage you to send all incidents that you are involved in to the stewards so that we can maintain a high standard of racing throughout the grid. Incident reports are not there to punish people, it is there to learn from our mistakes to improve our standards when battling on track.
The stewards shall award licence points and timed penalties to drivers who are deemed at fault for an incident. The severity of your penalties will vary depending on the severity of the incident. If you receive a timed penalty, the race results shall be amended accordingly prior to being published. Licence points shall be recorded by the stewards. We have a threshold for licence points. If you accumulate too many you may receive a qualifying or race ban. If you would like to view the licence points and timed penalties please visit the TSRC website.