Results will be posted within 24 hours of each race.Our main aim for everyone to enjoy themselves and to keep returning each week.
Few things before we race.
There will be incidents no matter what. But we can try and keep them to a minimum.
We have drivers of all skill levels ON TRACK Damage is on, open set up ALLOWED
Blue flags: if you can let them past but is up to them to pass you safely.
Watch 1st corner no dive bombing
Experienced and faster drivers no need to make up your positions on 1st lap it's a 45 min race so you have plenty of time to make your way up pack.
If you accidentally take someone out give back their position and apologise.
Watch coming out off pit lane.
Should you spin off track please rejoin when track is clear. dont use the reset buton (please report if you see this )
All drivers please have your spotter on .
Under no circumstances bad mouth another driver either in discord chat or chat channel
If streaming your POV please make sure you have discord chat turned off
Incidents should be reported though our Discord via "Incident Reporting," under the AMS2 Category.
Race well, Race clean and be RESPECTFUL.