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Next Proving Grounds by Delta :: Paul Ricard PC 20min 0 Grid Open

2022 • S3 • Sprint Series • GT3

Hosted by Shakedown SimRacing ACC on PC Followers Only


  • During our Race Nights, being in the Discord PTT Voice Channel is Mandatory. This is due to many factors, such as; Server Restarts, Race Briefing, Password being Issued, and much more.
  • We also use an Attendance Form within Discord, under our #Weekly-Attendance Channel. Please make sure to mark your Attendance each week. Marking your Attendance via. Discord and The Sim Grid is Mandatory, if you wish to participate. (Discord Attendance will likely be removed later on, if we find The Sim Grid to be a better method.)
  • Please also make sure to input your Entry Details into our #Driver-Details Channel via. Discord. We use this to create our Entry List, and will be used if something goes wrong with The Sim Grid's Entry List.
  • You can also find more detailed Information regarding an Upcoming Event via. Discord. The #Upcoming-Events Channel is used along side the #Weekly-Attendance Channel. Here, you can find the Virutal Race Time, Event Rules, and more.


  • Blue Flags must move off the Racing Line once it is safe to do so. Holding up a faster car is not permitted and may result in a post-race penalty.
  • If at anytime you find yourself Off Track please use common sense when rejoining. This means making sure it is safe to re-enter the Track, and not directly involving yourself in another drivers movements. Faliure to do so may result in a post-race penalty.
  • Our Voice Chat is an encouraging place, not a space to get angry at another Driver. If we hear offensive language being used, you may find yourself being removed from Shakedown. If you have an Incident you would like to be reviewed, please read below.


There is no Live Stewarding for this Series, however, after the race you can report an incident via Google Forms - and it will be reviewed by our team of stewards. Only Incidents reported on the Google Form will be reviewed! This can also be found in the #Driver-Feedback Channel within Discord.


The use of custom liveries made outside of the game is permitted in this Series, but they are not officially supported by the game developers and their use can cause significant lag for the user. If any are found to be offensive or of bad intent. This could lead to you being removed from Shakedown.


We're currently using a 50% Sprint Race Points Scoring System. Points are issued as followed for P1 through to P20 (50, 42, 36, 31, 27, 24, 21, 19, 17, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

We are also using a system to enforce Attendance as much as possible. In the 8 Weeks, you're allowed to 'Sign-Out' from 2 Weeks of Racing. If you fail to sign-out from a Race,  you will incure 2 Penalty Points; with a cap of 6 Points (3 Weeks), until you will be receive a DSQ from the Series. You're allowed 2 Sign-Outs per Series. This is to encourage Drivers to participate. We do however understand circumstances that may see you unavailable to Race, if this is the case, make sure to let an Admin know prior to an Event. 


If you are unavailable to attend a round in the Championship, then please use the withdraw function. This is found by clicking on the "Races" tab, and then "Admin" on the round you need to withdraw from. There you will find the withdraw button. You are permitted two withdrawal's in this Series. If you have withdrawn from a race but wish to attend the race after all, please contact a member of the Event Admin team as the slot may have already been filled by a Reserve Driver. If you are a reserve driver, you can see if drivers have withdrawn from a round on the same "Admin" tab on each round. If you see a driver has withdrawn and you wish to take their place, please contact a member of the Event Admin team.


The Admin Team consists of a few people who help me run things in Shakedown. From Hosting the Server, Managing the Championship Boards, Management of Incident Reports, the Entry List, along with liasing with me to make sure things run smoothly. Let me introduce everyone, so you will know who to contact:

  • CAMERON NORRIS, I run Shakedown on the PC. If you have anything to bring up, please do contact me on Discord. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. I am also the point of contact for all things involving The Sim Grid, and all things involving the Discord Server.
  • JUSTIN MARSHALL, manages the Championship Boards that get distributed to the Discord; along with the Driver Details Bot that gathers your information to create the Entry List. This has been a vital aspect to Shakedown, and things being quick and accessable each week. If you have any questions regarding these aspects, please do contact Justin.
  • ABDUL AZIZE, hosts the Server and has been the key player when it comes to allowing us to race each and every week. Without Abdul, there would possibly be no Shakedown.
  • ROB NOBLE, helps with various movements behind the scenes.

Afterall, nothing would be possible without the assistance I receive from these key people within Shakedown. As always, please do reach out to either myself, or a fellow Admin, and we will make sure everything is taken into account.


Shakedown SimRacing

225 Followers · 11 Events

GT3 - Split 1 2,027
34 32

Event Communications

Keep up to date with all event related announcements and communications via Shakedown SimRacing's Discord Server.

Connect Discord for Event Communication

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Classes & Cars

  • AMR V8 Vantage
  • AMR Vantage V12 GT3
  • Audi R8 LMS
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo
  • Bentley Continental GT3 2015
  • Bentley Continental GT3 2018
  • BMW M6 GT3
  • Ferrari 488 GT3
  • Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo DLC
  • Honda NSX GT3 Evo
  • Honda NSX GT3
  • Jaguar GT3
  • Lamborghini Gallardo R-EX
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo
  • Lexus RC F GT3
  • McLaren 650s GT3
  • McLaren 720S GT3
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 DLC
  • Nissan GTR Nismo GT3 2015
  • Nissan GTR Nismo GT3 2018
  • Porsche 991II GT3 R
  • Porsche 991 GT3
  • BMW M4 GT3
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo II DLC

No-Show Rules

Max Allowed Penalties
6 Points
No Show Penalty
2 Points
Withdrawals Allowed
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