- Each driver can use a different car per round.
- Custom liveries are not required but if you wish to use them livery sharing will be set to on in the server.
- All BVSR Rules and Regulations still apply even though this is a relaxed event.
Race Start
- There will be 60 seconds to grid up (if you miss this you must wait at the end of the pit lane do not pass the pit line or you will get a penalty. There will be a formation lap then grid up
- The grid for race 1 is decided by 10 min qualifying.
- The grid for race 2 is full reverse grid.
Race End
- All drivers MUST complete the cooldown lap at the end of the race. (Do not ESC back to the pits)
- Please note the pit lane will be closed after the end of race one you can not leave the pits until the next race
Track Limits
- 1.9.1 - Stay within the track boundaries. These boundaries are usually defined by white lines and/or Krebs. Two wheels should remain on the track at all times. Krebs are generally defined as the track where no white line is present. Cutting will be detected and penalized by the simulation, but we reserve the right to mandate stricter rules if needed.
- 1.9.2 - The inner edge of any tyre of the vehicle must not go beyond the outer edge of the white line or kerb denoting the track limit. The challenge with this rule is that it is very difficult to visually identify when the inner edge of the outer tyre has gone beyond the line; and more fundamentally the driver is naturally tempted to continue to exceed the limit as the line or kerb is underneath the car and difficult to judge. In practice this is what happens all too often, leading to the safety issues and damage to cars on and off the track.
- 1.9.3 - If you are off track you must wait for a gap to re-enter the track safely, giving way to traffic already on track. Get up to speed alongside the racing line and check for traffic before moving to the racing line. If you see a car off track ahead, we would encourage you to allow room for the car to rejoin to avoid a potential incident if safe to do so – they may not have full control of their car on the grass or gravel. Whilst off track you must throttle off and not keep your foot in despite the circumstances, always think of others around you and not yourself.
- 2.0.1 - Blue Flags: If you get a blue flag you should let the faster car behind when safe to do so, (BE PREDICTABLE WHEN ALLOWING A CAR PASSED) failing this may result in a penalty.
- 2.0.2 - Yellow Flags: Yellow flags must be respected at all times. If there is a crash or slow car ahead, and there is not an absolute clear path, you must slow down to avoid a further collision, up to and including completely stopped if required. Cars behind are not allowed to benefit from the situation by overtaking if you are slowing for a yellow. These are reportable incidents and can be penalised.
- 2.0.3 - Black/White: If you get a black/white flag it will be due to track limits, after 3 warnings you will result in either a time penalty or a drive through penalty.
- 2.0.4 - Red Flag (unexpected server shutdown) If a red flag occurs drivers are to remain in voice comms and a time frame will be given to as and when the server will be back available, when available the race will be restarted from the formation lap and the race will begin again. If the race has gone over 75% then the results will be from what positions you were in when racing.
Driver Discipline
All drivers are answerable to the Clerk of The Course and the BVSR administrator with regards to their behavior during a race meeting, both on and off the track.
Motor racing is officially a non-contact series, the close racing and competitive nature often lead to on-track contact. However, the championship organizers have strict rules against unnecessary collisions, with penalties enforced by a panel of stewards.
Can include but not exclusively.
- Swearing in chat (1st, WARNING 2nd, WEEKS BAN ON DISCORD 3rd, EJECTED FROM BVSR).
- Abuse to a member of staff or any member of the BVSR (EJECTED FROM BVSR).
- Sharing BVSR documentation with 3rd parties (EJECTED FROM BVSR).
- Slanderous comments towards BVSR (EJECTED FROM BVSR).
- Deliberately targeting another driver on track (this includes race end) 1st, round ban 2nd,event ban 3rd, ejected from BVTCC.
- Causing a collision under race conditions.
- Causing a collision under yellow flags/SC.
- Causing a collision when being lapped or lapping.
- Causing a collision with an unsafe rejoin.
- Forcing another driver off track.
- defending/racing when in the qualifying session.
- Failing to return to pits in the correct manor (complete lap DO NOT USE ESC).
- Using the wrong tires.