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DFU GT3 Sprint Championship - Season 1

Hosted by DownForce Unlimited ACC on Crossplay Followers Only

General Guidelines can be found on our discord on the welcome page after you have verified your user

Penalty Guide for League Races

There is a standard of racecraft that is expected out of every driver in this Discord. We have those that are patient, we have those that are aggressive, and we have some that can be a little bit of both. While we understand that no driver is perfect, we also understand that any imperfection can be righted.

This thread is a detailed description of how stewards will be assessing penalties and what types of penalties are given:

-All drivers have until 48 hours after race end to submit a clip. After those 48 hours, you will not be able to post any more clips to the incident report.

The stewards will have until that Friday to express their opinion on the incidents, and an outcome will be written on Saturday or the day after on Sunday.

-Penalties are determined by the number of cars involved, severity of the impact, how far the driver was adjudged to be from the lead car (for standard punts), and if it was avoidable.

-For your simple run-of-the-mill incidents such as "hip checks", turning into another car, or just your regular shunt, a time penalty will be given.

-The minimal time penalty given will be 10 seconds from your final finishing time, increasing in increments of 5 seconds depending on severity.

-In addition to time penalties, a point deduction at the stewards discretion will be given for the most serious offences.

-A serious offence will include, but not stop short of incidents involving multiple cars (usually more than 2 or 3), bad rejoins, or any incident that causes severe damage to a car.

-Behavioral points will be given for EVERY incident where a driver is found to be at fault.

-Incidents where a driver has been forcibly moved into another car by going over a raised kerb, having a tire in the grass under braking, or losing traction due to a wet kerb in the rain will be deemed as a "racing incident" unless clear and obvious fault can be determined.

Our behavioral point system is based off the regulations of GTWC Europe, however, it is formulated by what CMs and stewards have deemed as the best policy. Here is a rundown of each threshold:

Three points - first warning, start from the pits in next race + qualifying ban

Six points - second warning, mandatory point deduction + race ban

Note: if a driver reaches the six point threshold in a season, the next incident they are involved in will result in a dismissal from that league, and an eligibility requirement to rejoin.

Behavioral points will also be given for the following:

-Abusive conduct in the chats post race. You will be given a warning, and then a 24 hour mute from chatting should it persist.

-Abusive conduct towards a driver via DM. This will result in a 30 point deduction in the league table, AND a 24 hour mute. 

-Leaving a race before the checkered flag. You will receive a warning for the first two offences, and then a behavioral point for the third. If you are DC'd, please provide proof or attempt to rejoin the server as none of the servers are locked during a race.

If a driver causes multiple incidents in one race, that driver will be subject to a potential pit start in their next race, or a race ban depending on severity of each.

If a driver has been deemed to have continuous poor racecraft across multiple seasons, they WILL BE BANNED from the Discord.

Please refer to the ⁠📗racing-etiquette📗 channel for further insight on everything.

Remember, none of us are Ayrton Senna, so the ideology of "the moment you don't go for a hole, you are no longer a driver" will not be accepted here as that opening can and will close as quick as it opened. If you take issue with me writing this, then maybe this is not the place for you.

To add on to the above message, please remember that EVERY DRIVER is entitled to defend their position against you, even if their pace is slower than yours, or if they're in another driver class. The only exception is for multiclass racing (GT3/GT4). Unless they are under a blue flag condition, if you are of the belief that a slower driver should bow down to you and let you by easily, as it was said in the aforementioned message, then maybe this is NOT the place for you...


DownForce Unlimited

5 Followers · 1 Event

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No-Show Rules

Max Allowed Penalties
0 Points
No Show Penalty
0 Points
Withdrawals Allowed
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