Virtua Racing Community POLAND
has pleasure to inroduce: CONSLIOART GT4 MASTERS SEASON 3
This time we would like to simulate GT4 Series 2021 (mix of both series American and European)
- Maximum 34 drivers in two classes GOLD and SILVER - to register in proper class visit VRCP channel on discord.
- Scoring: in each class separately, but also general overall championship scorring.
- We recommended to use original racing liveries available in the game -
changing the livery during season is forbidden - inform or send photo of
what livery You will use in our discord
- Durations and daytimes for each part of the race in Simgrid - RACES - SCHEDULE
- Broadcasting with online commentary on Twitch TV:
- Serwer: League - Virtua Racing Community Poland - Consilioart - find us on SimGrid
- Password: gt4
- BoP by LFM
- Serwer for trainings will be available one week before each race
- Each race 60min with mandatory pit stop with tyre change and refueling - pit stop window 10min
of respect for the other drivers, if you are unable to participate in
the race, please click on WITHDRAW from the given round in the RACES
Remember You will not win the race on T1, but You can lose it there - ride clean and respectfully for your opponents.