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The HolyCow Racing League is a German based league, and most participants are German-speaking. English-speaking drivers are more than welcome to join but should be aware that many discussions in the chat will be in German. (German will be the main language but if enough English-speaking drivers join, we will also provide a separate English chat.). English version below!
In der siebenten Season der HolyCow Racing League bitten wir alle Fahrer, sich eigenständig in die passende Kategorie (Pro, Amateuer) einzustufen.
Solltet ihr außerhalb eurer gewählten Kategorie performen, behalten wir uns das Recht vor, euch in eine andere Klasse einzustufen.
Für die Liveries verwenden wir in Season 7 Awesome Simracing. Ihr müsst eure Livery einfach auf deren Website hochladen und sie anschließend zur HolyCow Racing League #7 Collection hinzufügen. Danach steht sie allen Fahrern zur Verfügung und kann über das Awesome Simracing-Tool heruntergeladen werden.
Collection Link:
In the seventh season of the HolyCow Racing League, we ask all drivers to self-register and place themselves into the appropriate category (Pro, Amateuer) based on their own oppinion.
However, if you perform outside your chosen category, we reserve the right to move you to another class.
For liveries, we will be using Awesome Simracing in Season 7. Simply upload your livery to their website and add it to the HolyCow Racing League #7 collection. After that, it will be available for all drivers and can be downloaded using the Awesome Simracing tool.
Collection Link: