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Race Club UK Season 13 ***FREE TO ENTER***

Hosted by Race Club UK ACC on Crossplay Followers Only

Race Club UK Season 13 Rules


Everyone is welcome in Race Club UK and primarily the aim of the group is to have fun and enjoy the racing. These rules have been put together to enhance the aim of the group, many of them are common sense and general decency.

It is also worth noting that any times mentioned within this document are based on British GMT and our international drivers would need to make allowance for any time zone differences themselves.


1. Minimum expectations


Drivers are expected to be familiar with the tracks they are racing including the positioning of the entry and exit of the pit lane, including pit boxes.

While it is not expected for everyone to be on the ultimate pace and not everyone will be competing for pole position, generally, any drivers who are not within 10 seconds of the qualifying pole position may be invited to participate the next event ‘under observation’ whereby a reasonable expectation would be that they are able to get within 10 seconds of the pole time there. If the driver is unable to post a time within 10 seconds of the pole time The Stewards may decide that, at the next event this driver should spend time enhancing their performance so as not to be a danger to others rather than racing – to date no requests of this nature have been made.

Drivers are expected to be courteous to others and to race respectfully. These events are meant to be fun so please make sure you keep it that way. This also includes the chat group ‘banter’ on both Facebook and Discord. There is an incident reporting system in place to allow the question of who is to blame for what to be taken out of your hands and to help prevent arguments between members.



If a driver registers for a race, does not compete but fails to sign out they will receive a set number of penalty points for missing the round and should they reach the maximum penalty points they will be removed from the championship.

Please see the penalty section below for further details.


All drivers are expected to a) records/stream their live races via YouTube/Twitch or another platform and b) to map the replay button to an easy to use button. An incident cannot be reported without the appropriate video evidence. The minimum evidence requirements are covered further in this document.


2. Funding


We are very lucky that our sponsor GB Bespoke Tiling is covering our servers costs this season and therefore this is a free to enter event.


3. Car Choice


Drivers will be locked with their car selection for the full 12 round season from the Sunday evening preceding the qualifying round of the championship. You can choose any of the GT3 cars within the game.


4. General Rules


A lot of these rules are what you would call common sense, for example no weaving in the braking zone, a single change of direction on the straight is permitted, and contact should be avoided.

Incidents can be reported for the stewards to review via the incident reporting option on Sim Grid. This must be used to report incidents



For any meetings with a very short qualifying session of 5 minutes Drivers will post a single hot lap and then return to the garage, either by driving or returning to garage having pulled over in a safe area.

The process is 1 x outlap, 1 x fast lap and return to garage - this can be by driving back the garage taking care not to impede other cars or to park up in a safe place and return to garage.

Any drivers found to be posting multiple times in the session will be DSQ from that particular meeting in its entirety, however if they have raced and been responsible for any incidents, they may still receive penalty points as detailed further in this rule set.

We are retaining the Sprint Race Qualifying format debuted in Season 12.

Rounds 4 and 10 - Suzuka and Indianapolis - will feature SPRINT RACE QUALIFYING. The format of these race meetings will be as follows.

1 x 60 minute practice session

1 x 5 minute 'One Lap Magic' single shot qualifying session as detailed above

1 x 15 minute 'Sprint' Race


1 x 5 minute practice session

1 x 45 minute 'Main Event' Race with starting positions taken from the finishing positions of the 'Sprint' race.

There will be no points awarded for the finishing positions nor fastest lap during the 'Sprint' Race however any penalties incurred during the 'Sprint' Race will be applied to the final result of the 'Main Event' Race. Full Endurance Points will be awarded for the final result of the 'Main Event' Race.

There will be a server reset shortly after the end of the 'Sprint' Race to enable to finishing positions to be magically transformed into starting positions for the 'Main Event' Race. Drivers are able to enter the track during the short practice session before the 'Main Event' Race but the main purpose of this session is to allow all drivers to rejoin the server. The Password for the server will remain unchanged and once drivers have been disconnected from the server they will be free to rejoin immediately.


For Season 13 our shortest non sprint race event will be 60 Minutes in length and these will all attract One Lap Magic qualifying session


5. Championship Rounds

For Season 13 we are retaining the driver class system we first implemented in Season 11. Drivers are free to register for which ever class they feel they fit into, however for Season 13 there will be a special qualifying evening on Tuesday 11th March 2025. This will feature 3 x 20 minute qualifying sessions where drivers will post their fastest times.


There are no limits on the number of laps a driver can complete during the time. These times will be uploaded to SimGrid and driver classes may be altered at this point by the Race Club Stewards to ensure close racing within each class. In the event of a driver not posting a valid lap or being unavailable for the qualifying evening Race Club Stewards will make a decision based on available data, including but not limited to previous seasons performances, SimGrid rating data and results within other series where the results are easily accessible. The driver number plate will be matched with the classes as per the registration meaning you will see easily who is in which class during a race.

The classes available are:

Pro - Platinum - Black Number on a white background

Pro-Am - Silver - White number on a dark grey background

AM - Bronze - Black number on a red background

The season will be made up of 12 rounds, with the above mentioned qualifying evening taking place the week before the first race..

The season will be made up of the following split of races:

2 x Sprint Race events - featuring 1 lap magic and a Qualifying Sprint Race

2 x 60-Minute races - all featuring One Lap Magic Qualifying.

2 x 75-Minute races

2 x 80-Minute races

2 x 90-Minute races 

1 round featuring 1 x 100-Minute race - this is the season mid point at Spa

1 round featuring 1 x 120-Minute season finale - featuring double points

Championship rounds along with the race format for those particular rounds can be found under the event menu on Sim Grid together with dates for each round.

Drivers are expected to withdraw from races they are unable to compete in, failure to do so will result in DNS penalty of 15 penalty points being awarded to the offending driver.

The points scoring breakdown can be found under the scoring menu in Sim Grid.

There will be 3 bonus points for the fastest lap in each race.

To be eligible for points the driver must complete 70% (rounded up) of the race distance +1 lap. For clarity should the winner cover 50 laps then points will be awarded to drivers who have covered 70% (35 laps) + 1lap - therefore 36 laps.

Drivers below this will be marked as DNF and will score 0 points, but may still be eligible for penalty points if they are adjudged to be responsible for incidents.

Stewards may review this and increase the window for points scoring depending on the circumstances (e.g. serious adverse weather conditions).

A points scoring table is available on the scoring tab. Driver should be aware that Round 12 - the Season Finale - will attract DOUBLE points.


6. Driver Briefing


At 19:20 GMT every Tuesday there is a driver briefing which is hosted via Discord and we would like all drivers to attend. This is the drivers’ chance to ask any questions they may have about the event and to have input into the race meeting. The group server will be reset at 19:15 GMT with a new password. This password will be shared with members in the briefing and will be posted in Facebook and Discord only when the briefing has concluded.

The exception to these timings are for the Special Qualifying Evening. For this event a larger driver briefing will take place at 19:45GMT with on track action starting at 20:10GMT. This briefing will provide a welcome and introduction to the season with a few 'House Rules' and any special mentions for the events ahead. 



7. Teams/Manufacturer Championship


There is also the team championship running.

Two drivers per team. There is no requirement for both drivers to be in the same car, however liveries should be as closely matched as possible in terms of colours and design to make identifying teammates easier – Should two teams have very similar colours one team may be requested the make an alteration to their livery to make it more distinguishable.

TEAM MANAGERS ARE REQUESTED TO KEEP TEAM NAMES 'CLEAN' AND IN GOOD TASTE. If the Admin Team consider a team name to inappropriate the team will be required to change their name.

Points scoring for the teams will be the same as the drivers’ championship points above.

There is no restriction on the class registration of the drivers, e.g. it is possible to have 2 x Pro drivers, 1 x Pro and 1 AM etc.

Team orders are permitted provided it does not result in dangerous/unfair driving tactics.

Season 13 will also feature a Manufacturer Championship - while no prizes are awarded for this championship the top 2 finishes from each Marque will be eligible to score points in this category.


8. Incident reporting to the Stewards


The Stewards Panel is made up of a number of individuals who will remain anonymous to protect against any possible conflict of interest. If the incident in question involves one or more of these individuals, then they will refrain from offering an opinion on the incident in a stewards capacity.

This is the same process as has been used for the previous three seasons.

To submit an incident for review please use the incident reporting facility on Sim Grid.

Please note you have 24 hours from the start of the race to upload any incidents which you feel require review.

The incident being reported must be supported by video footage containing the following:

1) at least one external view of the incident

2) both drivers onboard showing steering wheel

If your footage does not contain these two requirements the incident report will not be upheld or considered further. There will be no request for further evidence if it is not supplied on submission.

ACC allows you to map a button to save replays and it may be advisable to record the race using the share button on your PS5 or X-Box. This can be uploaded to YouTube/Twitch or the capture gallery on PS5 or X-Box, or other video sharing web site. You can send the link to this recording with a time for the stewards to look at.

Stewards will only review the time specified


Some penalties may be dealt with in game – track limits, pitlane speeding etc these penalties will apply, however, some other incidents may require review. These will generally be Racing Incidents and Dangerous Driving.

Racing Incidents – if you feel another driver has caused an issue – forced you off the track, hitting your car or generally driving extremely aggressively then you should report it to the stewards for consideration.

Dangerous Driving – if a driver rejoins in an unsafe or dangerous manner or drives in a way that is a danger to other cars, you should report it to the stewards.

You should only report incidents you are involved in and not on behalf of someone else.

You may report incidents from Practice and Qualifying should you wish but again must be supported with video evidence and a brief commentary of why it is being reported together with details of when the event took place – race number and lap.




Mechanical/technical failures will not be reviewed by the stewards. If your wheelbase turns off, your pedals fail, or you lose internet connection because your wife is microwaving her dinner then while this is unfortunate and while it may result in divorce, the stewards do not have the discretion to intervene nor act as a marriage counsellor. Mechanical failures happen in the real world.


9. Possible penalties


Stewards have the discretion to award a penalty as deemed appropriate. There may also be points added to a drivers license – these do not make prizes, but may lead to further sanctions applied in the future should a certain number of points be accrued.

Example penalties could be as follows however are not limited to:

Time penalties added to overall race time.

Qualifying Ban – meaning the driver will have to start from the back of the grid for a race.

First lap drive through penalty.

Pit Lane start for next race meeting (if the race meeting has multiple then the first race of that meeting will be started from the pit lane)

One Race Ban

Multiple Race Ban

Immediate and permanent exclusion from the championship.


10. Penalty Points


The penalty points system is a way of keeping track of a drivers record of breaking the rules of clean racing. The more severe the endorsement, the more severe the points awarded, and also ensures repeat offenders are noted and punished. The Stewards reserved the right to award penalty points alongside or instead of the Standard Penalties noted above.

Typically these would be:

5 points – driving in a dangerous or unsporting manner (including but not limited to unsafe rejoins).

5 points – causing a minor avoidable collision.

10 points – causing a moderate avoidable collision.

10 points – failure to provide streamed footage when requested by the stewards

15 points – causing a major avoidable collision.

15 points – failure to race without withdrawing from the round on Sim Grid

There is no requirement to wait for a car in the event of an incident. The Stewards will review any footage supplied and determine any applicable penalties.

CAR CHANGE PENALTY - while it is possible to change car during the season drivers should be aware this will come with a point deduction of 600 points from the season total.





10. Sanctions for point accumulation


There is a maximum penalty points before a driver is disqualified from the Championship is 65 points. Should any driver receive this many penalty points they will automatically be disqualified from the championship.

All DSQ’s will be manually reviewed by the Stewards and a driver may still be allowed to compete ‘under review’ whereby the stewards will review the behaviour of the driver at the next race meeting. This is purely at the Stewards discretion.


 11. Be respectful of the Stewards


No-one likes a Karen Horner! The Stewards give up their time to investigate and review incidents which are reported to them. They make judgement calls based on the evidence provided to them.

They remain as impartial as possible and nearly all the decisions made in the past by The Stewards collective have been unanimous.

Stewards may also contact drivers to offer feedback on incidents which have been reported but ultimately deemed to be a racing incident. This is designed to enhance a driver’s experience and to help develop them as a driver and should not be taken a criticism. 

We understand you may not always agree with the decisions, the stewards ask for detailed video evidence as detailed above which enables them to make a judgement call. In the event that they do not feel they have enough evidence they will request more from either driver. You may not be asked for your view as it would already have been provided.

Stewards will consider an appeal provided it is made respectfully and new evidence is provided. 

12. MOst Importantly - Have fun

Race Club UK has been set up to enable like-minded people to have fun with clean fair and firm racing.

While this rule list exists, it is hoped that the majority of it is never used and the standards for the whole group have been of a high standard. This rule set is designed to complement this rather than stifle it.


Race Club UK

354 Followers · 15 Events · Bronze Partner

GT3 - PRO 2,621
13 15
GT3 - PRO/AM 2,267
13 15
GT3 - AM 1,884
13 15
Please note that this event requires you to have an attendance ratio of 20%.

Event Communications

Keep up to date with all event related announcements and communications via Race Club UK's Discord Server.

Connect Discord for Event Communication

Connect Discord

Classes & Cars

  • AMR V8 Vantage
  • AMR Vantage V12 GT3
  • Audi R8 LMS
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo
  • Bentley Continental GT3 2015
  • Bentley Continental GT3 2018
  • BMW M6 GT3
  • Ferrari 488 GT3
  • Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo DLC
  • Honda NSX GT3 Evo
  • Honda NSX GT3
  • Jaguar GT3
  • Lamborghini Gallardo R-EX
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo
  • Lexus RC F GT3
  • McLaren 650s GT3
  • McLaren 720S GT3
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 DLC
  • Nissan GTR Nismo GT3 2015
  • Nissan GTR Nismo GT3 2018
  • Porsche 991II GT3 R
  • Porsche 991 GT3
  • BMW M4 GT3
  • Ferrari 296 GT3
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo2 DLC
  • Porsche 992 GT3 DLC
  • McLaren 720S GT3 Evo
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo II DLC
  • Ford Mustang GT3
  • AMR V8 Vantage
  • AMR Vantage V12 GT3
  • Audi R8 LMS
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo
  • Bentley Continental GT3 2015
  • Bentley Continental GT3 2018
  • BMW M6 GT3
  • Ferrari 488 GT3
  • Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo DLC
  • Honda NSX GT3 Evo
  • Honda NSX GT3
  • Jaguar GT3
  • Lamborghini Gallardo R-EX
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo
  • Lexus RC F GT3
  • McLaren 650s GT3
  • McLaren 720S GT3
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 DLC
  • Nissan GTR Nismo GT3 2015
  • Nissan GTR Nismo GT3 2018
  • Porsche 991II GT3 R
  • Porsche 991 GT3
  • BMW M4 GT3
  • Ferrari 296 GT3
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo2 DLC
  • Porsche 992 GT3 DLC
  • McLaren 720S GT3 Evo
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo II DLC
  • Ford Mustang GT3
  • AMR V8 Vantage
  • AMR Vantage V12 GT3
  • Audi R8 LMS
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo
  • Bentley Continental GT3 2015
  • Bentley Continental GT3 2018
  • BMW M6 GT3
  • Ferrari 488 GT3
  • Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo DLC
  • Honda NSX GT3 Evo
  • Honda NSX GT3
  • Jaguar GT3
  • Lamborghini Gallardo R-EX
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo
  • Lexus RC F GT3
  • McLaren 650s GT3
  • McLaren 720S GT3
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3
  • Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 DLC
  • Nissan GTR Nismo GT3 2015
  • Nissan GTR Nismo GT3 2018
  • Porsche 991II GT3 R
  • Porsche 991 GT3
  • BMW M4 GT3
  • Ferrari 296 GT3
  • Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo2 DLC
  • Porsche 992 GT3 DLC
  • McLaren 720S GT3 Evo
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo II DLC
  • Ford Mustang GT3

No-Show Rules

Max Allowed Penalties
75 Points
No Show Penalty
15 Points
Withdrawals Allowed
Event sponsor
GB Bespoke Tiling

Bespoke Tiling in Royston and the surrounding area