5mm High Quality Carbon Fibre Plate with aluminium body and parts, light-weight and with 8 programmable RBG buttons. Compatible with SIMAGIC wheelbases only
*Custom BOP available in discord
Session Details
Practice & Qualifying- 60 mins
Race- 60 mins
Race Settings
Intermission Period: 5:00
Dynamic Track Rubber: On
Starting Track Rubber level: 100
Number of players: 24
Car-to-Car collisions: Always On
Ghost Backmarkers: Off
Simulation level: Damage fuel, & tires
Tire wear: x3.0
FRR: off
FRR disqualification: Off
Disable ghost effect: On
End-of-race timer: 10 mins
*Settings below visible 1 week prior via race check in on discord
Weather settings:
Starting time of day:
Time progression:
Time scale: