If you are having difficulty improving your lap times in iRacing, then we recommend using the Coach Dave setups. These settings were meticulously designed by professional drivers to optimize performance on any track.
Welcome to the 3 hours of Le Mans
Bringing endurance to the Automobilista 2, with the iconic track and the best cars from LMDH and GT3, it will be 3 hours of non-stop racing with 2 mandatory pitstops, we will not have a driver change, as the game is option is disabled. In fact, we will be simulating the 24hrs of Le Mans, so during the race we will have the transition from day to night!
The races will be as follows:
Pratice Session: 20 Minutes
Qualifying: 20 Minutes
Race duration: 3 Hours
Mandatory Pitstop: 2
Climate: Dynamic weather with 40% light rain.
Pace Car: Enable
We wish everyone a good race and fun