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Next Proving Grounds by Delta :: Nurburgring PC 20min 0 Grid Open

HFG Snetterton BMW M2 Sprint

Hosted by Half Fast Gaming ACC on PC Followers Only


Welcome to Half Fast Gaming (HFG)! This Discord server and our races are meant to be a comfortable playground for all involved. We want everyone here to feel welcome and safe from harassment or abuse. Our goal is to have fun with clean racing and a friendly and pleasant atmosphere. We can all learn from and help one another. This is not a place for do-anything-to-win attitudes. We expect good behaviour on and off the track.  These rules are adapted from the SimGrid's own rules but are not the entirely the same. Changes and additions are highlighted in BOLD Italics.


1.1 Drivers must have a stable internet connection. Drivers that are above 250ms or rubber banding badly may be asked to leave the server.

1.2 Drivers nicknames in this Discord must at least contain the same name as their SimGrid profile. Further details, see: here.

     1.2.1 Drivers are asked not to use any special characters in their name as this can cause issues in game, especially on driver swap servers.

1.3 Exceptions to any rule will be mentioned on the drivers briefing, and will only be an exception for that given race. 

1.4 The admins reserve the rights to change the rules at any time although notice will always be given in the #race-information channel on The Half Fast Gaming (HFG) discord server.


2.1 A driver swap race is where each car is shared among two or more drivers. Each driver is required to do at least one stint during the race. 

   2.1.1 Drivers must adhere to the stint limit timer and maximum driver time or the team will receive a penalty.

2.2 Minimum and maximum team sizes can vary, these requirements will be specified in the event/championship information. 

2.3 The deadline for driver line-up changes is 48 hours before the start of the event’s official qualifying session, as per the race’s schedule. 

2.4 Any changes required after this 48 hours deadline must be approved by a member of the Event Admin team and these changes may be rejected.


3.1 Drivers are required to follow all rules as specified in this document.

3.2 Drivers are expected to review the #race-information channel for any rules revisions or special instructions for their series/race.

3.3 Cheating in any form will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban from HFG.

   3.3.1. Failure to report a bug/glitch/game issue that gives you an unfair advantage can result in disqualification or ban from HFG (if continually used to exploit).

3.4 Drivers are expected to participate in an ethical and sportsmanlike manner.

   3.4.1 Taunting, trash talking, and berating other drivers for any reason will not be tolerated and may lead to disqualification from the series or ban from HFG.

   3.4.2 Revenge ramming, punt-to-pass, and other unfair behaviour will lead to disqualification or banning from HFG. 

3.5 Pre-race preparation: We expect all drivers to prepare in advance for a racing event. If a driver attends an event and is clearly unprepared, the stewards may disqualify them from the race. ***Information to be able to recreate race conditions in single player mode are listed in the #race-information channel on the HFG discord.***

3.6 Drivers are expected to attend the races they have registered for. Failure to attend a race without prior notification to an admin or by withdrawing from the race will result in disqualification, ***and if repeated, may result in banning from future HFG events. There is a withdraw feature on the SimGrid web site for each race in a series, and for the championship as a whole. You are required to use it if you cannot attend.***

3.7 Race signups will not be accepted at the last moment. Any signup to an event that is less than 24 hours before the event starts is at the event admin’s discretion.

3.8 Car changes will locked on the SimGrid web site 24 hours prior to event start times. Changing the car after that time is at the administrator’s discretion.


4.1 A qualifying session will be used to determine the starting grid for the race by taking the fastest time for each car. 

4.2 Priority is always to be given to cars currently on flying laps. This means that cars on outlaps, inlaps or invalidated laps are expected to give way and not impede the performance of the passing car.

4.3 It is the driver’s responsibility to find a suitable window to set their flying lap; approaching a slower car on its own flying lap does not give either driver priority. Whilst the slower car may choose to give way in a manner that is safe (e.g. lifting on a straight) they are not required to do so. The faster driver does not have the right to attack the slower driver, as an overtaking manoeuvre will impede their performance.

4.4 Use of “Return to Garage”is only allowed if you are in the pit lane or entirely off track. You are not permitted to stop on track to return to garage.


5.1 Teams must not allow more than 1 instance of their car to join the official qualifying session. If there are two or more cars from the same team entry on the server at any time, that car will not be allowed to qualify. 

5.2 Any of the registered drivers of an entry may qualify their car. 


6.1 Races will start with a full and assisted formation lap. If you have not pressed “Drive” during the final 30s countdown then your car will be teleported to the pit lane and you will be made to start from there. 

    6.1.1 The RTG (Return to Garage) function can be used once in the pit lane.

6.2 The admin team must be contacted through the appropriate discord channel if you retire from a race.

   6.2.1 In a race that is part of a championship, failure to notify an admin about a retirement before the end of the race will result in a qualifying ban for the next race at minimum.

   6.2.2 Consistently failing to adhere to this rule will result in disqualification from the championship.


7.1 Blue flags are advisory only; slow/lapped drivers do not have to pull aside, they can stay on their line. Use Caution and exercise sportsmanship. 

   7.1.1 A blue-flagged driver is not allowed to defend his track position against the lapping car and he/she should stay on his/her line.

   7.1.2 Intentionally holding up or defending against a lapping car may determine the application of a penalty or even the disqualification of the driver by Race Control.

   7.1.3 Drivers about to be lapped have to behave in a predictable way without sudden changes of direction or track position.

   7.1.4 Lapping cars can report a lapped car to Race Control for blue flag violations if the lapped car has held the lapping car up for more than 2 full laps. Lapped drivers should allow a lapping car to pass as soon as safely possible. Failure to do so may be considered blocking and will be subject to penalties. 

7.1.5 Lapped drivers are allowed to unlap themselves as long as they can pull away after passing the driver that has a lap advantage.

7.1.6  Lapping cars must leave room when passing flagged cars, the same way that they would for non-flagged cars. Blue-flagged cars are not required to stop, or go off track to allow a faster car to pass them.

7.2. Yellow flags are warnings of a potential hazard. 

   7.2.1 Drivers must be cautious under yellow flags. Be prepared for slow, damaged or stationary cars on track.

   7.2.2 If the drivers ignore yellow flags, Race Control has the discretion to decide if a penalty is required.

   7.2.3 Passing when under yellow flag is not allowed unless the passed car is driving extremely slowly. You must pass the flagman with the green flag to be considered no longer under yellow flag. It is not sufficient to see the flagman some distance ahead.


8.1 The driver in front has the right to choose any line at any section of the track. The driver in front loses this right when an overtaking driver brings their front wheel to line up with the other driver’s head. At this point drivers are in a “side-by-side” position, and they both have to give each other at least 1 car’s width room. 

8.2 Defending is allowed and accepted as a reaction by the driver in front. It is not allowed to defend if there is any overlap between cars 

   8.2.1 Following a racing line into a corner is not considered defence (unless cars are deemed side-by-side).

8.3 Both the passing driver and the driver in front are responsible for fair racing during the pass. 

   8.3.1 It is the passing driver’s responsibility to choose a safe timing for the pass.

  8.3.2 Flashing your lights to notify the lapped car you are about to attempt a pass is permitted. Excessive/unnecessary flashing will be considered unsportsmanlike and result in a penalty.

   8.3.3 Flashing lights to thank someone for letting you pass is permitted. 

   8.3.4 Flashing lights after the race is over during a victory lap is permitted. 

8.4 Pass attempts at a turn is what causes most accidents. The preferred racing line through most corners is usually very narrow and sometimes it will be impossible for two cars to share tight corners side-by-side at full speed. For each corner, the right to the preferred racing line is decided at the turn-in point. A driver attempting to pass at corner entry has to be in a side-by-side position at the turn-in point to have a right to enter the corner side-by-side. If not, this driver must back off and give way to the driver up front. 

8.5 Dive-bombing is to be avoided and is subject to a penalty. 

   8.5.1 If the attempting driver was out of control and caused contact or time loss to another driver, the penalties applied may be harsher than normal.

8.6 Brake checking, unnecessary slowing through a corner, punting, bump-passing, cutting-off or chopping, whether there is contact or not, are not permitted and will be subject to penalty.

8.7 Blocking is not allowed and subject to penalty.

   8.7.1 Blocking is defined as altering your driving line in reaction to another driver in an attempt to prevent a pass.

   8.7.2 Weaving (continuously altering your driving line) to prevent a following car from drafting is considered blocking.

8.8 You are only permitted one change of driving line as a defensive maneuver.

8.9 If a driver spins while on track, they should immediately fully press the brakes until completely stopped, (even if still on the track), and hold the brakes on until they can wait for a clear opening on track to resume. 

   8.9.1 If a driver does not hold the brakes, the car may spin or roll in an unpredictable way and cause further incidents. A driver causing an incident while on track due to not holding their brakes will be held responsible for that incident.

8.10 Drivers who are off-track and cars which have spun on the track itself must resume the race in a safe manner. This may mean driving forwards and/or reversing to a safe area to first get turned in the direction of travel, then merging safely into the flow of traffic away from the racing line.

8.11 If for any reason a car becomes permanently disabled, either in pitlane, on track, or in a run-off area, the driver should use the “return to garage” function to avoid causing a yellow flag in that area for the remainder of the race.

8.12 Drivers demonstrating unpredictable behaviour may be subject to penalty. Some common examples of unpredictability include, but not limited to:

   8.12.1 A driver suddenly changes their driving line to get out of the way when lapping cars appear in their mirror or when the blue flag appears.

   8.12.2 A driver brakes unreasonably early into a corner when another car is behind them or when the blue flag appears.

   8.12.3 Not accelerating at a normal race pace out of a corner. When in an acceleration zone, lifting off the throttle is equal to applying the brakes but without the benefit of brake lights as a warning. The following car has nowhere to go.

8.13 Track limits are determined by the game itself, utilizing the in-game warning and penalty system for infractions. However:

   8.13.1 Pit entry/exit lanes are considered part of the racing surface for the cars on track, unless Race Control state otherwise. Drivers using the pits have to stay within the pit entry/exit lines with all four wheels and are not allowed to cross over. Riding on the line is acceptable. Any penalty applied is made at the discretion of Race Control.

   8.13.2 Going off track with all four wheels due to a mistake is part of racing, however repeatedly leaving the track at the same corner(s) may be deemed as gaining an advantage and drivers can expect a penalty from Race Control.

   8.13.3 Gaining a position or advantage against a competitor by leaving the track in any way is against rules, regardless of any in-game penalty that may be handed out as a result. Unless the offending driver returns the position or slows down to compensate the time gained, the offending driver can expect a penalty from Race Control.

8.14  "Courtesy Rule"

If a driver is involved in an incident they feel they may be responsible for initiating, it is ***strongly*** encouraged that the offending driver apply the “Courtesy Rule”. This simply means that the offending driver safely stops or drives slower than normal until the position is returned to the other car. 

Where Race Control clearly observes the “Courtesy Rule” being applied after an incident, the offending driver may receive a reduction in any given penalty. 


9.1 Penalties can be received in-race from Race Control, in-race from the game’s automated system or post-race from Race Control.

9.2 Penalty criteria is as follows: 

   9.2.1 Racing incident, no penalty.

   9.2.2 Warning

   9.2.3 TP (Time Penalty - 5 to 30 seconds in length)

   9.2.4 DT (Drive Through Penalty)

   9.2.5 S&G (Stop & Go Penalty - 10/20/30 seconds in length)

9.3 Race Control will review incidents and issue penalties (where required) on the following offences:

   9.3.1 Aggressive Driving

   9.3.2 Avoidable Contact

   9.3.3 Blocking

   9.3.4 Failure to Hold Brakes

   9.3.5 Ignoring Blue Flag

   9.3.6 Ignoring Yellow Flag

   9.3.7 Unsafe Re-join

   9.3.8 Unsportsmanlike Behaviour

9.4 If a driver makes an avoidable contact and causes another driver to spin, lose one or more positions or sustain heavy damage, the offending driver can expect a DT as a minimum.

9.5 Repeat offenders will receive SG penalties with gradual severity.

   9.5.1 Excessive penalties will result in race disqualification at minimum.

   9.5.2 Repeated offences do not all have to be in the same race, at Race Control's discretion.

9.6 Stewards will exercise reasonable judgement at all times and particularly when reviewing light contacts, taps, bumps.

9.7 Chatting when chat is not permitted may result in a TP.

9.8 Track limit violations are determined by the game itself. Race Control will only investigate overturning a track limit violation penalty if video evidence can be provided that this was due to evasive action to avoid a collision or a possible game bug. The penalties applied are as follows:

9.8.1 First, second and third cuts – Warning

   9.8.2 Fourth cut – Drive-Through (DT)

   9.8.3 If the game deems any cut to be too excessive, a DT or SG penalty may be applied automatically depending on the severity.

   9.8.4 Repeated track limit offences in damp/wet conditions are not always applied consistently by the game, in these situations offending drivers can expect a DT as a minimum.

9.9. Pit lane speeding is determined by the game itself. The penalty applied is SG30.

   9.9.1 Race Control will only investigate overturning a pit lane speeding penalty if video evidence can be provided that this was due to exceptional circumstances or a possible game bug.


10.1 Incident reports can be submitted by going to the SimGrid web site, going to the championship, selecting the race, then selecting the admin tab, and clicking on the incident report button.  

   10.1.1 Incident reports must be submitted no later than 24 hours after the race is completed. 

   10.1.2 Reports sent outside of the timeframe specified will not be accepted or looked at.

10.2 Participants must supply all the information requested on the form and this information must be accurate.

   10.2.1 Submitted forms that have incomplete or inaccurate information will be discarded by Race Control.

   10.2.2 Submitted forms that are lacking a factual description and evidence to support their claim will be discarded by Race Control.

10.3 Participants using the forms for anything other than their purpose will receive a penalty and/or disqualification from the event/series.


11.1 Each driver must have the in-game text chat option enabled so that the Race Control can use it to communicate to drivers in the race server.

11.2 Drivers are not allowed to use in-game text chat during Qualifying or Race sessions for any reason.

   11.2.1 Race Control will notify drivers when they are to stop using in-game chat (Chat is not permitted).

   11.2.2 Race Control will notify drivers when they are allowed to use in-game chat once again (Chat is permitted).

   11.2.3 Chat when it is not allowed may result in penalties. 

11.3 Drivers are allowed to use in-game chat during practice sessions.

A Final Word: The organizers of HFG want a place where everyone feels welcome, and where everyone can have a race where they can expect others to treat them fairly. Even if something is not covered by the rules above, the organizers reserve the right to penalize, disqualify or ban anyone whose behaviour on or off track negatively affects this community.


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