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Hadeca International PCup

Hosted by Hadeca Simracing League iRacing on PC Followers Only

General provisions

  1. These Regulations regulate the conduct of the Hadeca International Porsche Cup.
  2. The Regulations may not be changed later than 24 hours before the first round.

Organizational regulations

  1. The Championship is organized by the Hadeca Simracing team.
  2. Current information about the Cup and results are published in the Hadeca Simracing League Discord.
  3. Registration of participants takes place on the Championship page in the SimGrid portal. Championship participants must register on the SimGrid portal and join the Hadeca Simracing League page on the SimGrid portal.
  4. If two drivers choose the same starting number, the one who informed the Organizer of their choice earlier will have an advantage.
  5. Each Cup participant must be added to the Hadeca Simracing League in the iRacing simulator (ID #11777).
  6. Each participant is fully responsible for his/her actions, as well as for his/her own safety.

Technical Regulations.

  1. The Cup is held on the iRacing simulator in one pre-selected car: Porsche 911 GT3 CUP (992).
  2. Car setup is open.
  3. Track limits are determined by the simulator. All restrictions and penalties of the simulator are mandatory to serve.
  4. Participants can use TradingPaints and DriverInfo SDK services.

Race rules

  1. Standing start. The rules of the start are determined by the simulator.
  2. There are 1 fast repair available in the race.
  3. The simulator sets the time and date from the “In-game time” column, as well as Generated Weather and Generated Track Conditions.


  1. The results of the Championship are calculated in the individual standings and team standings.
  2. Only main race (final of each round) is being awarded with the points
  3. Points in the race are calculated as follows:
  • 1. 45
  • 2. 38
  • 3. 35
  • 4. 30
  • 5. 26
  • 6. 22
  • 7. 20
  • 8. 18
  • 9. 16
  • 10. 14
  • 11. 12
  • 12. 10
  • 13. 8
  • 14. 7
  • 15. 6
  • 16. 5
  • 17. 4
  • 18. 3
  • 19. 2
  • 20. 1

  1. Points are awarded after the judges check and approve the results of all drivers, including penalties, if any.
  2. Drivers with DNF/DQ (did not finish/disqualified) results, as well as drivers who have completed less than 75% of the competition distance, will not receive any points.
  3. If at the end of the Cup or in the process, two or more drivers have an equal number of points, the driver with the most first places will take a higher place. If there is an equal number of first places, all subsequent positions (second, third, etc.) are considered.
  4. If the drivers have an equal number of points and a tie in positions, the driver with the best result in qualifying (starting from the 1st stage) will take a higher place.
  5. The places in the absolute championship standings are determined by the sum of the points scored by the drivers at all stages of the championship.

Refereeing and penalties

  1. The Cup is judged in the format of “Protests + live stewarding"
  2. During the race, drivers may receive the following penalties: Drive Through or SG30 (stop in the pits for 30 seconds) for gross violations of the competition rules.
  3. Incidents are reviewed by filing protests by participants. Any participant has the right to file a protest against any incident, including those in which he or she did not participate.
  4. Also, judges have the right to consider an incident that was not protested, but the incident was noticed by them.
  5. Protests are filed in the appropriate section of the Organizer's discount channel in the form specified by the Organizer.
  6. Drivers have 3 hours to file a protest. The time for filing a protest starts from the moment the Organizer is notified of the opening of the protest window.
  7. The judges may impose penalties such as +n seconds to the total time, disqualification, ban from the next qualifying round, as well as penalty points.
  8. The Cup has a penalty point system. For one incident, depending on the severity, judges can award from 1 to 3 penalty points. For example, for causing a starting a pile-up with 3 or more cars involved is worth 3 points. For causing an avoidable contact not on the first lap - 1 point.
  9. Penalty points remain for the entire Cup. If a participant receives 5 points, he or she is banned from qualifying for the next round. Receiving 10 points leads to a ban on participation in the next stage. Receiving 15 points leads to disqualification from the competition.
  10. In addition to penalty points, the simulator calculates “Incidents” (in iRacing: Inc.). Their permissible number is 17 per race. Inc. are not carried over from qualifying. If the maximum number of incidents is exceeded, the participant receives a penalty in the form of a pit lane.

Entry fees and Prize prize pool

  1. The prize pool is formed by funding from Hadeca Racing Team members.
  2. The prize pool is distributed among the drivers who took places in the top 3 according to the Cup results and according to the results of one stage in the following order:
  • 1st place - 500 EUR
  • 2nd place - 300 EUR
  • 3rd place - 100 EUR

According to the results of one stage:

  • 1st place - 100 EUR
  • 2nd place - 50 EUR
  • 3rd place - 30 EUR
  • 4th place - 10 EUR
  • 5th place - 10 EUR

The winner in the absolute standings is awarded the title of “Hadeca International PCup Champion”. The second place is awarded to the “Hadeca International PCup Vice-Champion” and the third place to the “Hadeca International PCup Bronze Winner”.


  • Overtaking and defense
  1.  Responsibility for overtaking lies with the overtaking driver.
  2. The overtaking driver has the right to overtake the space left by the opponent in the side-by-side position.
  3. The side-by-side position begins when the rear axle of the defending driver is COMPLETELY ahead of the front axle of the attacking car.
  4. The defending driver has the right to take any trajectory until he is side by side with the overtaking driver.
  5. The defending driver is allowed one change of trajectory.
  6.  It is forbidden to change the trajectory while braking into a corner. 
  • Returning to the track
  1.  A pilot who has left the track must return to the track safely, letting by the pilots next to him.
  • Cuts
  1. The track boundaries are determined by the simulator.
  2. Gaining an advantage by cutting the track is prohibited.
  3. Overtaking by cutting the track is prohibited. The driver may regain the position within one lap and avoid a penalty.
  • Control of the car
  1. If a driver loses control of the car, he/she must apply the brakes until the car comes to a complete stop. The driver may continue driving if there are no cars around and must return to the race track in a safe manner.
  •  RTG (return to garage)
  1. If the condition of the car does not allow to continue driving, the driver must use the “return to garage” function.


Yellow flag

    1. Overtaking in the yellow flag zone is prohibited.
    2. Drivers are obliged to follow the yellow flag rule, which warns of danger ahead, and be prepared to slow down in the yellow flag zone.
    3. A pilot who sees a hazard ahead must slow down (release the gas, apply the brakes) until the hazard is passed.
    4. A driver who has overtaken a rival in the yellow flag zone may regain position within one lap to avoid penalties.
    5. Cars that show signs of serious damage or are moving very slowly are allowed to overtake in the yellow flag zone

    Blue flag

    1. The driver receiving the blue flag must let the driver behind him pass within 1 lap and if the time difference between them is +0.5 seconds.
    2. The driver receiving the blue flag cannot defend his position against the driver who passes him for a lap and must let the driver by in a safe manner.
    3. It is recommended that you let by drivers who are passing you for a lap in a safe manner on straight sections of the track.
    4. Drivers are not allowed to let by lap passers in corners and exits by applying the brakes at times when they are not intended to do so.
    5. Drivers letting a lap car must do so in a manner that is safe and predictable to the lap driver. 
    6. A lap driver may overtake a driver who is one lap ahead of him if the former has a significant advantage. 
    7. During qualifying, drivers with an invalid lap and receiving a blue flag are required to pass a car on a fast valid lap.


    Hadeca Simracing League

    135 Followers · 1 Event

    Porsche Cup - Porsche Cup 2,078
    97 100

    Event Communications

    Keep up to date with all event related announcements and communications via Hadeca Simracing League's Discord Server.

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    Classes & Cars

    • Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992) DLC

    No-Show Rules

    Max Allowed Penalties
    10 Points
    No Show Penalty
    5 Points
    Withdrawals Allowed