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Next Proving Grounds by Delta :: Barcelona PC 20min 0 Grid Open

GT World Challenge Esports Asia Sprint Series - Pro Class Qualifier

Hosted by SRO Esports ACC on PC Followers Only
P Driver Vehicle Laps Best Lap Laps Lap Average
1 Avila Bahar
GT3 24 Mercedes-AMG GT3 ...
GT3 24 Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 22 / 89 22 / 89 01:58.140 01:58.238
Avila Bahar
01:58.140 01:58.147 01:58.195 01:58.222 01:58.257 01:58.270 01:58.270 01:58.280 01:58.297 01:58.305
2 KuiSheng Huang
GT3 118 Mercedes-AMG GT3 ...
GT3 118 Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 33 / 103 33 / 103 01:58.202 01:58.390
KuiSheng Huang
01:58.202 01:58.265 01:58.367 01:58.372 01:58.407 01:58.407 01:58.425 01:58.465 01:58.475 01:58.520
3 Moreno Pratama
GT3 18 AMR V8 Vantage
GT3 18 AMR V8 Vantage 27 / 65 27 / 65 01:58.267 01:58.481
Moreno Pratama
01:58.267 01:58.400 01:58.452 01:58.482 01:58.495 01:58.505 01:58.540 01:58.547 01:58.547 01:58.582
4 Damon Woods
GT3 56 Porsche 991II GT3 R
GT3 56 Porsche 991II GT3 R 20 / 44 20 / 44 01:58.507 01:58.642
Damon Woods
01:58.507 01:58.507 01:58.615 01:58.615 01:58.680 01:58.680 01:58.692 01:58.692 01:58.717 01:58.717
5 Kin Long Li
GT3 969 BMW M4 GT3
GT3 969 BMW M4 GT3 48 / 101 48 / 101 01:58.590 01:58.751
Kin Long Li
01:58.590 01:58.640 01:58.745 01:58.752 01:58.760 01:58.782 01:58.785 01:58.800 01:58.822 01:58.837
6 Fadhli Rachmat
GT3 62 Bentley Continent...
GT3 62 Bentley Continental GT3 2018 12 / 19 12 / 19 01:58.477 01:58.781
Fadhli Rachmat
01:58.477 01:58.577 01:58.622 01:58.810 01:58.830 01:58.845 01:58.852 01:58.867 01:58.880 01:59.050
7 Luis Moreno
GT3 21 AMR V8 Vantage
GT3 21 AMR V8 Vantage 66 / 111 66 / 111 01:58.815 01:58.927
Luis Moreno
01:58.815 01:58.815 01:58.907 01:58.907 01:58.907 01:58.962 01:58.962 01:59.000 01:59.000 01:59.002
8 Ryan Hoolihan
GT3 999 BMW M4 GT3
GT3 999 BMW M4 GT3 15 / 49 15 / 49 01:58.715 01:58.967
Ryan Hoolihan
01:58.715 01:58.765 01:58.850 01:58.880 01:58.902 01:59.042 01:59.042 01:59.080 01:59.195 01:59.202
9 Yat Lam Law
GT3 390 BMW M4 GT3
GT3 390 BMW M4 GT3 70 / 184 70 / 184 01:58.970 01:59.045
Yat Lam Law
01:58.970 01:58.980 01:58.997 01:59.012 01:59.047 01:59.050 01:59.052 01:59.082 01:59.087 01:59.175
10 Ferris Stanley
GT3 73 Porsche 991II GT3 R
GT3 73 Porsche 991II GT3 R 10 / 20 10 / 20 01:58.547 01:59.124
Ferris Stanley
01:58.547 01:58.750 01:58.795 01:58.805 01:58.937 01:58.937 01:59.235 01:59.330 01:59.435 02:00.470
11 Presley Martono
GT3 32 McLaren 720S GT3
GT3 32 McLaren 720S GT3 10 / 19 10 / 19 01:59.015 01:59.354
Presley Martono
01:59.015 01:59.057 01:59.097 01:59.155 01:59.180 01:59.277 01:59.312 01:59.357 01:59.792 02:00.307
12 Nigel Chuah
GT3 72 Bentley Continent...
GT3 72 Bentley Continental GT3 2018 22 / 34 22 / 34 01:59.207 01:59.444
Nigel Chuah
01:59.207 01:59.380 01:59.427 01:59.442 01:59.445 01:59.487 01:59.487 01:59.507 01:59.532 01:59.532
13 Thanathip Thanalapanan
GT3 28 McLaren 720S GT3
GT3 28 McLaren 720S GT3 33 / 73 33 / 73 01:59.360 01:59.560
Thanathip Thanalapanan
01:59.360 01:59.430 01:59.532 01:59.540 01:59.587 01:59.610 01:59.620 01:59.630 01:59.635 01:59.660
14 Sky Lai
GT3 127 Lamborghini Hurac...
GT3 127 Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 63 / 135 63 / 135 01:59.345 01:59.565
Sky Lai
01:59.345 01:59.392 01:59.440 01:59.600 01:59.600 01:59.602 01:59.627 01:59.670 01:59.687 01:59.690
15 Isaac Norman
GT3 12 Lamborghini Hurac...
GT3 12 Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 78 / 194 78 / 194 01:59.607 01:59.848
Isaac Norman
01:59.607 01:59.645 01:59.875 01:59.875 01:59.902 01:59.905 01:59.907 01:59.910 01:59.915 01:59.945
16 Jake Baldwin
GT3 449 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
GT3 449 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 13 / 21 13 / 21 02:00.117 02:00.451
Jake Baldwin
02:00.117 02:00.250 02:00.300 02:00.425 02:00.485 02:00.487 02:00.572 02:00.575 02:00.630 02:00.670
17 Ryan Duong
GT3 281 Audi R8 LMS Evo
GT3 281 Audi R8 LMS Evo 0 / 29 0 / 29 00.000 --
Requirements not met
18 Sergey Mironenko
GT3 7 Audi R8 LMS Evo
GT3 7 Audi R8 LMS Evo 0 / 69 0 / 69 00.000 --
Requirements not met
19 Andrew Laurenson
GT3 488 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
GT3 488 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 0 / 68 0 / 68 00.000 --
Requirements not met
Average lap time based on the best 10 laps.
-- Participant hasn't met requirements
Session Details
  • PC
  • Assetto Corsa Competizione
  • Suzuka
  • GT3
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