Rulebook can be viewed here: ACM Rulebook for Spa 24 - Google Docs
Ballast (Can be added or removed)
5kg - $5
10kg - $10
20kg - $20
40kg - $40
Time Penalties (can be added or removed)
5 Seconds - $4 (stackable)
DT - $20
SG10 - $30
SG30 - $50
There will be no limit to time penalties, however penalties forcing drivers into the pitlane can only be applied one time per car per hour. If a penalty is removed before the end of the hour, it can be reapplied if someone purchases it again, etc.
Qualifying and first hour:
During Practice Session, Ballast can be set (on your car or competitors’ car). This will then be locked at the end of practice for the entire qualifying session and the first hour of the race.
During the race:
Penalties will be locked in on the 55th minute of the hour (based on UTC time, to give us time to apply. Any donations received after this time will be applied the following hour. There may be a 10-15 minute gap for penalties to be applied due to availability.
Crazy hour
The race will have 'crazy hour' every 6 hours, where penalties are applied immediately.
This means on the 6th, 12th, 18th, and 24th (final) hours will have penalties applied immediately, up until the flag (on the final hour). No penalties can be purchased (or removed) once the in-game clock reaches 10-mins remaining.