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HSR Motorsport GT4 Season 2

Hosted by HSR Motorsport ACC on PC
P Standings Vehicle Pen R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 PTS
🇬🇧 Aaron Manchip 2,361
GT4 999 Ginetta GT4
2,361 · intermediate GT4 999 Ginetta GT4 1 25 8 5 3·2 15·18 7 6 1·1 26·26 1 26 3 15 2 19 170
🇬🇧 Ethan Craddock 2,262
GT4 87 McLaren 570s GT4
2,262 · intermediate GT4 87 McLaren 570s GT4 1 25 1·1 26·25 1 26 12·DNF 0·DNF 2 18 1 25 145
🇬🇧 Karl Warburton 1,700
GT4 19 Aston Martin GT4
1,700 · rookie GT4 19 Aston Martin GT4 14 0 4 12 12·6 0·9 3 15 8·2 4·18 2 18 76
🇪🇸 Ruben Wirth 2,206
GT4 444 Aston Martin GT4
2,206 · rookie GT4 444 Aston Martin GT4 10 4 12 6 8 5·3 10·15 6 8 4·4 12·12 DNS DNS DNS DNS 72
5 1,890 · rookie GT4 98 BMW M4 GT4 6 8 11 0 10·5 1·10 2 18 5·6 10·8 7 6 5 10 71
6 1,707 · rookie GT4 68 Ginetta GT4 7 6 5 10 4·9 12·2 2·7 18·6 6 8 6 8 70
🇮🇪 Jack Yates 2,013
GT4 78 Porsche Cayman GT4
2,013 · rookie GT4 78 Porsche Cayman GT4 3 15 12 0 5 10 5 10 4 13 4 12 60
🇩🇪 David Krämer 1,524
GT4 21 Mercedes-AMG GT4
1,524 · rookie GT4 21 Mercedes-AMG GT4 5 10 2 18 11·3 0·15 10 1 7 6 5 10 60
🇺🇸 John Mellott 1,742
GT4 85 Porsche Cayman GT4
1,742 · rookie GT4 85 Porsche Cayman GT4 8 4 7 6 7·11 6·0 4 12 7·DNF 6·DNF 9 2 8 4 3 15 49
🇱🇹 Jokūbas Mitkus 2,091
GT4 89 Porsche Cayman GT4
2,091 · rookie GT4 89 Porsche Cayman GT4 DSQ 15 2 18 3 15 2·4 18·12 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS 48
11 1,564 · rookie GT4 146 KTM GT4 10 1 9 2 9·8 2·4 8 4 10·10 1·1 8 4 11 0 1 25 43
🇬🇧 Way Bowler 1,931
GT4 23 Aston Martin GT4
1,931 · rookie GT4 23 Aston Martin GT4 5 13 0 6·10 8·1 9 2 3 15 9 2 DNS DNS 23
🇬🇧 Andy Richardson 2,054
GT4 312 Porsche Cayman GT4
2,054 · rookie GT4 312 Porsche Cayman GT4 5 3·5 15·10 DNS DNS 20
🇬🇧 Richard Lycett 2,037
GT4 159 Porsche Cayman GT4
2,037 · rookie GT4 159 Porsche Cayman GT4 5 6·8 8·4 4 12 DNS DNS 19
🇵🇱 Casper Zawada 1,825
GT4 413 McLaren 570s GT4
1,825 · rookie GT4 413 McLaren 570s GT4 DSQ DNF DNF 0
🇬🇧 James Balfour 1,954
GT4 47 McLaren 570s GT4
1,954 · rookie GT4 47 McLaren 570s GT4 5 10 1 DNS DNS -4
🇬🇧 Ben Renouf 1,984
GT4 333 McLaren 570s GT4
1,984 · rookie GT4 333 McLaren 570s GT4 DSQ 15 8·7 4·6 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -5
🇬🇧 Liam Field 1,842
GT4 53 McLaren 570s GT4
1,842 · rookie GT4 53 McLaren 570s GT4 10 11·12 0·0 9·9 2·2 DNS DNS DNS DNS -6
🇺🇦 Maks Turbinov 1,406
GT4 44 Mercedes-AMG GT4
1,406 · rookie GT4 44 Mercedes-AMG GT4 DSQ 15 9 2 10 1 DNS·DNS DNS·DNS DNS DNS -12
🇬🇧 James Simmonds 1,765
GT4 199 McLaren 570s GT4
1,765 · rookie GT4 199 McLaren 570s GT4 DSQ 15 11 1 13 0 DNF·DNF DNF·DNF DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -14
21 2,139 · rookie GT4 16 BMW M4 GT4 DSQ 15 12 0 DNS DNS DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -15
🇬🇧 Freddie Davies 2,010
GT4 10 Porsche Cayman GT4
2,010 · rookie GT4 10 Porsche Cayman GT4 DSQ 15 DNS DNS DNF DNF DNS·DNS DNS·DNS -15
Points based on dropping the 2 worse results
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