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XelaPlays Formula 4 Series

Hosted by Williams Gaming Club iRacing on PC Followers Only
P Standings Vehicle Pen R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 PTS
🇯🇵 Shoma Shintani 2,499
Formula 4 27 Formula iR-04
2,499 · intermediate Formula 4 27 Formula iR-04 2·22·5 40·1·30 37·1·5 1·50·30 5·7·3 30·24·35 3·11·1 37·12·52 18·31·3 4·1·35 382
🇬🇧 Henri McKenzie Freedman 3,417
Formula 4 15 Formula iR-04
3,417 · intermediate Formula 4 15 Formula iR-04 3·3·19 35·35·3 10·32·3 15·1·35 2·8·20 40·23·2 13·27·2 9·3·40 1·5·5 50·30·30 351
🇳🇴 Ole Christian 2,756
Formula 4 1 Formula iR-04
2,756 · intermediate Formula 4 1 Formula iR-04 1·7·38 50·24·1 1·11·23 50·12·1 1·18·9 50·4·18 2·16·24 40·6·1 5·25·4 30·1·32 320
🇬🇧 Xela Lewis 2,340
Formula 4 14 Formula iR-04
2,340 · intermediate Formula 4 14 Formula iR-04 6 10·46·3 15·3·35 18·DNS·2 4·DNS·40 7·3·DNS 24·35·DNS 5·5·DNF 30·30·DNF 2·2·DNS 40·40·DNS 290
Connor Davidson 2,264
Formula 4 666 Formula iR-04
2,264 · intermediate Formula 4 666 Formula iR-04 7·5·31 24·30·1 6·9·9 27·18·18 17·30·23 5·3·1 1·24·16 50·1·6 9·4·7 18·32·24 258
🇬🇧 Wil Green 2,501
Formula 4 13 Formula iR-04
2,501 · intermediate Formula 4 13 Formula iR-04 5·37·1 30·1·50 27·2·5 1·40·30 7·14·8 24·8·23 207
Austin Farr 2,281
Formula 4 52 Formula iR-04
2,281 · intermediate Formula 4 52 Formula iR-04 8 4·20·44 32·2·3 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 12·DNS·26 10·DNS·1 28·1·4 1·50·32 4·DNS·2 32·DNS·40 195
🇱🇺 Finn Feltgen 2,327
Formula 4 6 Formula iR-04
2,327 · intermediate Formula 4 6 Formula iR-04 19·15·11 3·7·12 32·2·15 1·40·7 27·19·22 1·3·1 6·17·3 27·5·35 6·24·13 27·1·9 179
🇮🇹 Marco Manfroni 1,763
Formula 4 65 Formula iR-04
1,763 · rookie Formula 4 65 Formula iR-04 47·2·43 1·40·1 8·7·21 21·24·1 4·6·21 32·27·1 12·28·13 10·3·9 33·29·33 3·1·3 177
🇺🇸 Sean Fitzgerald 2,274
Formula 4 28 Formula iR-04
2,274 · intermediate Formula 4 28 Formula iR-04 5 13·12·10 9·10·15 7·36·4 24·3·32 10·31·2 15·-4·40 11·DNS·19 12·DNS·3 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 159
Dominic Pybus 2,211
Formula 4 78 Formula iR-04
2,211 · rookie Formula 4 78 Formula iR-04 31·14·18 1·8·4 25·5·8 1·30·21 11·24·13 12·3·11 20·6·14 2·27·8 17·12·14 5·10·8 151
🇬🇧 Jack bennett 2,425
Formula 4 88 Formula iR-04
2,425 · intermediate Formula 4 88 Formula iR-04 3 12·39·1 10·3·50 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 8·5·5 21·30·30 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 141
Maxime Grenon 2,497
Formula 4 33 Formula iR-04
2,497 · intermediate Formula 4 33 Formula iR-04 23·9·42 1·18·1 12·6·17 10·27·5 32·1·8 1·50·21 134
Jeffrey Decker 1,965
Formula 4 90 Formula iR-04
1,965 · rookie Formula 4 90 Formula iR-04 6 28·1·12 1·50·10 27·3·DNS 1·35·DNS DNS DNS 4·29·DNS 32·3·DNS 34·32·DNS 3·3·DNS 132
🇬🇧 Paris Charles 2,422
Formula 4 17 Formula iR-04
2,422 · intermediate Formula 4 17 Formula iR-04 1 9·DNS·7 18·DNS·24 3·23·1 35·1·50 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 127
🇦🇩 Frank Porté Ruiz 2,523
Formula 4 23 Formula iR-04
2,523 · intermediate Formula 4 23 Formula iR-04 5 35·41·35 1·1·1 2·12·16 40·10·6 18·12·DNS 4·12·DNS 8·4·26 21·32·1 22·28·30 1·1·1 127
🇩🇰 Pierre Schou 2,588
Formula 4 69 Formula iR-04
2,588 · intermediate Formula 4 69 Formula iR-04 1 16·16·25 6·6·1 24·35·DNS 1·3·DNS 22·9·12 1·18·10 16·7·6 6·24·27 14·21·11 8·1·12 123
🇮🇹 Dario Frattini 2,921
Formula 4 87 Formula iR-04
2,921 · intermediate Formula 4 87 Formula iR-04 8 11·11·9 12·14·18 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 6·32·6 27·-4·27 23·19·9 1·3·18 113
Emil Bernstorff 2,320
Formula 4 75 Formula iR-04
2,320 · intermediate Formula 4 75 Formula iR-04 3·1·6 35·50·27 112
🇸🇪 Marcus Hagman 2,268
Formula 4 112 Formula iR-04
2,268 · intermediate Formula 4 112 Formula iR-04 2 11·DNS·DNS 12·DNS·DNS 14·14·15 8·8·7 15·20·7 7·2·24 8·9·19 21·18·3 108
🇮🇪 John Sherwin 2,725
Formula 4 99 Formula iR-04
2,725 · intermediate Formula 4 99 Formula iR-04 30·25·4 1·1·32 9·19·11 18·3·12 25·3·17 1·35·5 108
🇬🇧 Harry Neil 2,103
Formula 4 12 Formula iR-04
2,103 · rookie Formula 4 12 Formula iR-04 5 17·6·24 5·27·1 21·33·14 1·1·8 DNS DNS 25·8·15 1·21·7 13·7·18 9·24·4 104
🇬🇧 Mac McFarquhar 2,190
Formula 4 187 Formula iR-04
2,190 · rookie Formula 4 187 Formula iR-04 8·33·16 21·1·6 17·24·7 5·1·24 20·2·30 2·40·3 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 103
Rob Pearson 2,123
Formula 4 100 Formula iR-04
2,123 · rookie Formula 4 100 Formula iR-04 38·36·15 1·1·7 15·15·12 7·7·10 30·9·10 1·18·15 20·6·16 2·27·6 102
Steve Gow 1,712
Formula 4 41 Formula iR-04
1,712 · rookie Formula 4 41 Formula iR-04 37·10·20 1·15·2 34·4·26 1·32·1 15·11·28 7·12·1 14·23·23 8·1·1 26·10·29 1·15·1 99
🇬🇧 Will James 1,730
Formula 4 4 Formula iR-04
1,730 · rookie Formula 4 4 Formula iR-04 30·38·4 1·3·32 14·28·10 8·1·15 29·15·11 3·7·12 29·12·25 1·10·1 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 94
Gavin Irvine 2,049
Formula 4 64 Formula iR-04
2,049 · rookie Formula 4 64 Formula iR-04 DSQ 10 20·13·23 2·9·1 35·13·13 1·9·9 26·DNS·DNS 1·DNS·DNS 31·3·20 1·35·2 19·15·10 3·7·15 85
🇳🇱 Björn Kok 1,858
Formula 4 2 Formula iR-04
1,858 · rookie Formula 4 2 Formula iR-04 5 36·37·2 1·3·40 3·18·29 37·4·3 DNS DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 83
🇬🇧 James Yexley 1,815
Formula 4 8 Formula iR-04
1,815 · rookie Formula 4 8 Formula iR-04 3 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 19·34·20 3·1·2 21·29·7 3·3·24 21·15·8 1·7·21 10·20·20 15·2·2 81
Ad Uchiha 1,856
Formula 4 420 Formula iR-04
1,856 · rookie Formula 4 420 Formula iR-04 1 41·21·32 1·1·1 30·31·DNS 3·1·DNS 33·10·25 3·15·1 18·10·12 4·15·10 16·13·DNS 6·9·DNS 69
Duncan Watts 2,549
Formula 4 83 Formula iR-04
2,549 · intermediate Formula 4 83 Formula iR-04 22·17·21 1·5·1 16·29·6 6·1·27 28·21·17 1·1·7 24·18·15 1·4·7 62
Espen Knutsen 2,223
Formula 4 7 Formula iR-04
2,223 · rookie Formula 4 7 Formula iR-04 8 6·28·27 27·1·1 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 9·22·DNS 18·1·DNS 10·26·DNS 15·1·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 56
🇺🇸 jacob cohen 1,866
Formula 4 10 Formula iR-04
1,866 · rookie Formula 4 10 Formula iR-04 DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS 31·30·1 3·1·50 54
🇨🇿 Sára Mühlfeitová 2,004
Formula 4 79 Formula iR-04
2,004 · rookie Formula 4 79 Formula iR-04 DSQ 5 32·24·6 1·1·27 9·20·32 18·2·3 DNS DNS 47
🇵🇹 Nuno Araújo 1,701
Formula 4 9 Formula iR-04
1,701 · rookie Formula 4 9 Formula iR-04 42·27·26 1·1·1 23·26·24 1·1·1 16·17·14 6·5·8 17·13·18 5·9·4 21·27·23 1·1·1 46
Iggie Smith 2,126
Formula 4 214 Formula iR-04
2,126 · rookie Formula 4 214 Formula iR-04 7·18·9 24·4·18 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 46
Theodor Jensen 2,378
Formula 4 30 Formula iR-04
2,378 · intermediate Formula 4 30 Formula iR-04 40·8·8 1·21·21 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 43
🇬🇧 James Smaggasgale 2,165
Formula 4 660 Formula iR-04
2,165 · rookie Formula 4 660 Formula iR-04 39·26·22 1·3·1 13·16·24 9·6·1 12·22·12 10·1·10 42
🇺🇸 Cleo Wood 1,710
Formula 4 5 Formula iR-04
1,710 · rookie Formula 4 5 Formula iR-04 46·44·34 1·3·1 29·22·25 1·1·1 24·13·27 1·9·1 19·25·22 3·1·1 29·11·21 1·12·1 38
Matthew Davis 2,113
Formula 4 56 Formula iR-04
2,113 · rookie Formula 4 56 Formula iR-04 5 15·18·36 7·4·1 13·16·11 9·6·12 DNS DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 34
Zaki Hussain 1,965
Formula 4 213 Formula iR-04
1,965 · rookie Formula 4 213 Formula iR-04 8 14·4·37 8·32·1 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 33
Sean Clark 1,576
Formula 4 68 Formula iR-04
1,576 · rookie Formula 4 68 Formula iR-04 49·40·39 3·3·1 26·17·22 1·5·1 24·14·17 1·8·5 28·23·25 1·1·1 31
🇬🇧 William Geraghty 1,606
Formula 4 16 Formula iR-04
1,606 · rookie Formula 4 16 Formula iR-04 7 48·DNS·DNS 1·DNS·DNS 22·19·27 1·3·1 DNS DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS 15·8·31 7·21·3 30
🇩🇪 ChrisP Chicken 1,970
Formula 4 19 Formula iR-04
1,970 · rookie Formula 4 19 Formula iR-04 8 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 4·25·31 32·1·1 DNS DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 26
Peter Williams 1,781
Formula 4 46 Formula iR-04
1,781 · rookie Formula 4 46 Formula iR-04 44·45·33 1·3·1 20·21·28 2·1·1 19·20·19 3·2·3 23·21·21 1·1·1 30·26·27 1·1·1 23
🇵🇹 Pedro Paquete 2,019
Formula 4 77 Formula iR-04
2,019 · rookie Formula 4 77 Formula iR-04 9 5·25·DNS 30·1·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 22
🇬🇧 James Taylor 1,823
Formula 4 55 Formula iR-04
1,823 · rookie Formula 4 55 Formula iR-04 1 45·29·29 3·1·1 33·10·DNS 1·15·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 20
andy olsen 1,257
Formula 4 66 Formula iR-04
1,257 · rookie Formula 4 66 Formula iR-04 33·42·28 1·3·1 36·30·19 1·1·3 31·28·29 3·3·3 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 19
🇬🇧 David Whitehouse 2,002
Formula 4 107 Formula iR-04
2,002 · rookie Formula 4 107 Formula iR-04 11·17·24 12·5·1 18
🇬🇧 Aaron Bentley 2,110
Formula 4 222 Formula iR-04
2,110 · rookie Formula 4 222 Formula iR-04 3 18·19·14 4·3·8 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 12
Ray Butler 1,679
Formula 4 353 Formula iR-04
1,679 · rookie Formula 4 353 Formula iR-04 23·27·18 1·1·4 DNF·DNS·DNF DNF·DNS·DNF DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 6
🇧🇷 Gustavo Silva 1,892
Formula 4 98 Formula iR-04
1,892 · rookie Formula 4 98 Formula iR-04 8 29·31·13 1·1·9 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 3
🇬🇧 Gareth Allen 1,805
Formula 4 133 Formula iR-04
1,805 · rookie Formula 4 133 Formula iR-04 32·DNS·28 1·DNS·1 2
🇬🇧 Toby Prosser 2,485
Formula 4 18 Formula iR-04
2,485 · intermediate Formula 4 18 Formula iR-04 DNS·DNS·22 DNS·DNS·1 1
🇬🇧 Brad Warren 1,680
Formula 4 3 Formula iR-04
1,680 · rookie Formula 4 3 Formula iR-04 DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 0
🇬🇧 Cian Geraghty 2,000
Formula 4 73 Formula iR-04
2,000 · rookie Formula 4 73 Formula iR-04 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS 0
🇷🇴 Yannis Constantin 1,690
Formula 4 74 Formula iR-04
1,690 · rookie Formula 4 74 Formula iR-04 8 43·32·45 3·1·3 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS -1
Archie Craven 1,970
Formula 4 113 Formula iR-04
1,970 · rookie Formula 4 113 Formula iR-04 DSQ 5 28·27·30 1·1·1 DNS DNS -2
🇬🇧 Brandon Klein 1,871
Formula 4 393 Formula iR-04
1,871 · rookie Formula 4 393 Formula iR-04 DSQ 11 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS 27·16·26 1·6·1 -3
🇺🇸 Marlon Jones 1,636
Formula 4 25 Formula iR-04
1,636 · rookie Formula 4 25 Formula iR-04 8 27·35·40 1·1·1 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS -5
🇬🇧 Phil Harris 1,893
Formula 4 21 Formula iR-04
1,893 · rookie Formula 4 21 Formula iR-04 5 DNS DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS -5
🇵🇹 Diogo Teodoro 1,910
Formula 4 11 Formula iR-04
1,910 · rookie Formula 4 11 Formula iR-04 9 24·43·DNS 1·1·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNF·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS -7
🇫🇷 Baptiste Jimenez 1,998
Formula 4 60 Formula iR-04
1,998 · rookie Formula 4 60 Formula iR-04 DSQ 10 26·DNS·DNS 1·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS 22 1 -8
olivier piatek 2,000
Formula 4 555 Formula iR-04
2,000 · rookie Formula 4 555 Formula iR-04 DSQ 11 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS -11
Tommie Struijs 2,000
Formula 4 54 Formula iR-04
2,000 · rookie Formula 4 54 Formula iR-04 DSQ 11 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS -11
Noah Thomassen 1,813
Formula 4 43 Formula iR-04
1,813 · rookie Formula 4 43 Formula iR-04 DSQ 11 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS -11
Samuel Ogunfunmi 2,000
Formula 4 22 Formula iR-04
2,000 · rookie Formula 4 22 Formula iR-04 DSQ 11 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS -11
Isaac Phelps 2,000
Formula 4 29 Formula iR-04
2,000 · rookie Formula 4 29 Formula iR-04 DSQ 11 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS -11
🇬🇧 Dale eastman 1,919
Formula 4 500 Formula iR-04
1,919 · rookie Formula 4 500 Formula iR-04 DSQ 11 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS -11
🇺🇸 Gwen Elise 2,000
Formula 4 96 Formula iR-04
2,000 · rookie Formula 4 96 Formula iR-04 DSQ 11 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS -11
🇬🇧 artur kochan 2,000
Formula 4 76 Formula iR-04
2,000 · rookie Formula 4 76 Formula iR-04 DSQ 11 DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS·DNS·DNS DNS DNS -11
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